Environmental Benefits

What is the environment and what are the benefits of the environment? The environment is the unity of all living things (biotic) and not alive (abiotic), includes various elements of the environment and its benefits, including species-wide interactions & natural resources. For a full explanation, see the Material Benefits of the Environment for Life below. Benefits…

Centrosome function

centrosome / Centrosome is a cell organelle that has an active function during cell division and only occurs in animal cells. This cell is an area consisting of two centrioles at the time of cell division. For a complete explanation, see the material on the function of centrosomes in complete cell division with the explanation below. Centrosome function…

West Java UMK 2019

Determination of district and city minimum wages (UMK) West Java 2019 takes place on wednesday 21 November 2018. West Java UMK 2019 This has been determined by Governor Ridwan Kamil through the Decree of the Governor of West Java No. 561/kep 1220-yanbangsos /2018 regarding District and City Minimum Wages (UMK) in the Province of West Java Year 2019. For a full explanation, see our explanation…

Article 29 Verse 1 and 2 UUD 1945

On Article 29, which in it explains about the state's relationship with the supreme divinity as well as the freedom of followers of religion and belief. For a full explanation, see Article Material 29 Verse 1, 2 Sound, Mean, Isi, Article Explanation 29 Verse 1 and 2 below this. Article 29 Verse 1 and 2…

Rice Field Ecosystem

The rice field ecosystem is becoming 2 species, namely biotic elements of one of the artificial ecosystems in the area & mainland territory. Rice field ecosystem consists of biotic and abiotic components. For the full explanation, see the Rice Field Ecosystem Material, Definition, Features, Component, Food chain, Example, and Image below. Understanding Rice Field Ecosystem Rice Field Ecosystem Ecosystem…

Biotic and Abiotic Components

Ecosystems are composed of two main components, i.e. biotic and abiotic components. Where the two components interact with each other to achieve balance. For a complete explanation, see the Material of biotic and Abiotic Components, Definition, Type, and Example below. Definition of Biotics The biotic environment is an environment that consists of living components…

Periodization is

What is periodization? Periodization is a chapter in history. Usually this historical periodization will be based on an event or events that have an actual nature or at certain times. For a full explanation, see Periodization Material, Definition, Function, Destination, Benefits, Draft, Periodization of Indonesian History, and Examples. Definition of Periodization Periodization is a change in…


What is chronology? Chronology is a term that means the science of time, etymologically, The word chronology comes from the Greek, which chronology consists of words, namely Chronos and Logi. For a full explanation, see the Material Definition of Chronology, Function, and Examples of Historical Chronology below. What is Chronology? Chronology is…

Arti Afwan

What does afwan mean?? How to respond to afwan speech? If you are confused, We will give a complete explanation about this. Then take a look at the explanation of Afwan's Meaning Material, Use of the word Afwan, How to Respond to Apologies, and others below. What does Afwan mean?? بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ Ya, Afwan's words are actually…

Illuminating Conjunction

What is Illuminating Conjunction? Illuminating conjunctions are conjunctions or conjunctions that function to explain / describe an event in a sentence. For more details, please refer to the Illuminating Conjunction Material, Definition, Meaning, Type, Function, Example in the sentence below. Definition of Illuminating Conjunctions Quoted from formula.co.id the meaning of Conjunctions according to the Big Language Dictionary…