Size of Takraw Soccer Field
Size of Takraw Soccer Field – At this time, will explain the material about the Size of the Takraw Football Field. which the discussion includes the notion of, how to play, the rules, basic technique, sample field drawings and news about Sports World in full.
In the world of sports, there are interesting games for us, or we learn that soccer takraw is mini-takraw and international standard. This game is very interesting because the technique used is quite high so not everyone can do takraw matches.
Table of Contents
What is Sepak Takraw
This Takraw Soccer game uses balls made of rattan that are woven into balls. For the story of Sepak Takraw from Malay, this game started during the Malay Sultanate when the game was called soccer.
The size of the Takraw soccer field is certainly different from other soccer games such as volleyball or soccer. The number of players per team is also different. In soccer, the number of players per team on the field is three. All players may not touch the ball with their hands unless they are starting to kick or volley is being played. The next size is the Takraw soccer field.
Field Size For Sepak Takraw

- Takraw Field Dimensions:
- Length: 13,4 meter
- Wide: 6,1 meter
- Operating Diameter: 0,3 meter
- A spectator-free area from the outer lines: 2 meter
- Thick line width: 4 cm
- Inside, the minimum height of the roof is 8 meter
- Pole size & Takraw Pillar :
- Takraw Ne men's football size Tinngi Ne
- Net height 1,55 meters to the side and at least 1,52 meters in the middle of the field.
- Size Takraw Ne Soccer Women's Takraw:
- Net height 1,45 meters to the side and at least 1,42 meters in the middle of the field.
- All blocks 30 cm outside the line.
- Sepak Takraw Net Materials: Strong nylon thread, each hole has a width 6 to 8 cm.
- The net size of Sepak Takraw: wide 70 cm and length 6,10 m.
- Takraw Soccer Size and Material:
- Takraw ball material: rattan 9 or 11 round, then weave
- Circle diameter size: 41-43 cm.
- Number of holes 12
- Takraw football weight is 160-180 gram
History From Sepak Takraw

The game of Takraw originates from the time of the Malay Sultanate, which is known in Malay as the game of soccer. This is evidenced by the first record of this game being found in Malaysian history.
During the reign of Sultan Mansur, Shan Ibni Almarthun Sultan Muzzaffar Shah had a son named Raja Ahmad from 1459 to 1477, who had been exiled from his country because he had killed a child of the royal treasury due to a sporting dispute.
The way to play this game is not to use nets and the size of the field does not have a standard like the current Takraw football field. In the 1940s, This game starts using the network and follows a set of rules.
Each country of this game has its own name, in the Philippines the game is called “sipa”, of Burma "chinlone", in Laos “maradong” and in Thailand "trakraw".
Understanding Sepak Takraw
The term sepak takraw actually comes from two languages, namely Malay and Thai. "Football” in Malay means "kick", while "takraw"” in Thai means "woven".
The name change from soccer to sepak takraw was carried out on 27 March 1965 at the Kuala Lumpur state stadium when it was a Southeast Asian sporting event (SEA Games).
Techniques in Takraw Soccer Game
After knowing the size of the Sepak Takraw field and the history of Sepak Takraw, You will certainly be interested in playing Sepak Takraw. What you need to know before playing this game is the basic technique of Sepak Takraw.
Generally, sepak takraw has 9 basic technique, including please, horse football (turtle football), flat football, kick, football, head, dada, clears throat and helps. For more information based on Sepak's Takraw teknik technique, see the following explanation:
- They football, football is a takraw ball with the inside of the foot, usually used to get the ball, swing the ball, feed it and save the opponent's attack.
- horse football (football kura), soccer or soccer is a kick where the instep is used. Usually, This technique is used to control and play a ball that drops fast or hard. This is also used to control or dominate the ball to keep it.
- Soccer ball, Kickball is a technique you use to kick the ball with your toes. This technique is usually used to hit the ball low, wide, and wild because the reflection prevents blocking.
- When retracing, the ball is kicked with the sole of the foot. This technique is usually used to destroy the opponent's side, hold or block opponent, and save the ball near the net.
- Slimpuh Football or Badek Football, Badek Soccer kicks the ball with the outside or the side of the foot. Usually used to save the ball from the opponent's attack and to save the ball.
- Main head (heading), this technique is a technique of playing the ball with the head. Usually used to block the opponent's attack, followed by using the inner leg to feed.
- Suddenly controls the ball with his chest so that it can be played with the other foot.
- Appreciate, Gripping is a technique to control the ball with the thigh. This technique is usually used to hold, receive and save the ball from the opponent's attack.
- Shoulder to shoulder is a technique that can be used to direct the ball over the shoulder. This technique is used to protect the ball from sudden attacks when in a position where it is impossible to use any part of the body other than the shoulders.
Rules in the Takraw Soccer Game
In Takaraw football, all rules and regulations are regulated by ISTAF (International Sepaktakraw Federation), one of which regulates the size of the Takraw football field.
At this point, We will briefly discuss the rules of the Sepak Takraw game as follows::
- If a team chooses first at the time of the draw, The match starts in the first set. The winner of the first set starts in the next set.
- The jumper must bounce the ball as soon as the referee gives the number. If the ball bounces for the first time without a signal from the referee, jumping ball must be repeated.
- This service is valid if the ball touches the net or not and falls into the opponent's field.
- Tekong service operations can use various techniques as long as one leg remains in the service circle.
- Additional points are awarded if the team can kill the ball in the opponent's area.
- The number of matches to win is 15, if there is the same number, then the difference is needed 2 numbers to complete, which is equivalent to 17 numbers. Maximum match is 3 sentence.
- Maintenance is carried out three times in a row by each team. If there is money (14-14), maintenance is carried out by the team that receives additional points.
- When changing places, each team receives a break 2 minute.
- When both teams win in two sets. Victory is then determined by a draw with 15 poin. If you get 14 same, You need to get two to 17 points to win.
- Before the game, The referee will move to determine who serves first.
- Changes will be made to the set series when one of the teams reaches 8.
This is how this discussion is about Size of Takraw Soccer Field. And Don't Forget to Keep Visiting because many articles are interesting and useful. Thank you for being loyal with us and still sinau all my friends.
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