Schmidt-Ferguson . Climate Type
Schmidt and Ferguson classified the climate based on the average number of dry months and also the average number of wet months. For more details, see our explanation of Schmidt and Ferguson's Climate Type Papers, Classified Climate, and Complete Rainfall Data Calculation below.
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Schmidt Ferguson Iklim Climate

Schmidt Ferguson classified the climate according to the average number of dry months as well as the average number of wet months. A month is called dry month, when in one month there is only less than rainfall 60 mm.
When in a month, the rainfall is more than 100 mm, then it is called wet moon. Climate according to Schmidt & Ferguson is also often called the Q model because it is based on the index value of the Q . value.
Just like the classicfiaccording to Vladimir Koppen . climate, where the climate classification system according to Schmidt Ferguson uses a letter system based on the value of Q.
The letter system based on the Q value here is the percentage ratio of the average number of dry and wet months.
In determining the type of climate according to Schmidt-Ferguson, use formula, as for the climate formula according to Schmidt Ferguson, namely the following :

Q : comparison of dry months and wet months (%)
Schmidt Ferguson Iklim Climate Classification
Their climate classification system has been widely used in forestry and plantations and is well known in the world Indonesia.
Dr . climate classification. F.H. Schmidt dan Ir. I.H.A Ferguson is a climate classification method that uses rainfall data as its supporting data.
The information obtained will be used in making agricultural policies, especially in the plantation and forestry sectors.
The Schmidt and Ferguson climate classification system was developed in 1950. Then do you know who Schmidt and Ferguson really are ? if not, below we will explain a little about the profile of both of them ;
Dr. F.H. Schmidt is a professor as well as the official Director of the Meteorological Institute & Geophysics in Jakarta. While And. I.H.A Ferguson was a professor of forest management at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Indonesia at that time.
They created this climate classification on the grounds of familiar classification systems such as Thornwaite, Thornwaite, then Cups, for Schmidt and Ferguson , According to them, the type of climate is not in accordance with the circumstances or conditions in Indonesia, especially regarding how to assess rainfall.
Schmidt-Ferguson admits that his system is an improvement over the Mohr system which made earlier climate classifications, especially for the tropics (Wisnusubroto, 1999).
Schmidt-Ferguson (1951), they accepted Mohr's method of determining the wet months & dry month and every year the average value is then taken.
Rain stations whose data is less than 10 year is removed (Bayong, 2004). According to them, the classification of climate types uses rainfall data that occurs in an area by providing criteria for monthly rainfall in the dry months, Wet Month and Humid Month.
The criteria for wet months and dry months (according to Mohr's criteria) is as follows :
- Wet Moon (BB) – Rainy months > 100 mm
- Moist Moon (BL) – Months with rainfall between 60 – 100 mm
- Dry Moon (BK) – Rainy months < 60 mm
The Schmidt Ferguson climate classification is determined from the Q value which is grouped into eight climate types, namely as follows :

Schmidt Ferguson Classification Table
Climate Type | Q Nilai value (%) | Climate Conditions | Vegetation |
A | < 14,3 | very area (extreme) wet | Tropical/tropical rain forest |
B | 14,3 – 33,3 | Wet area | Tropical/tropical rain forest |
C | 33,3 – 60,0 | Slightly wet area | Jungle, and the leaves fall in the dry season |
D | 60,0 – 100,0 | Medium area | Seasonal forest |
E | 100,0 – 167,0 | The area is quite dry | savanna forest |
F | 167,0 – 300,0 | Dry area | savanna forest |
G | 300,0 – 700,0 | Very dry area | grassland |
H | > 700,0 | Extremely dry areas | grassland |
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Rainfall Data and Calculations
Known : average dry month for 10 year= 44. While the average wet month = 59. With the formula Q, then it is obtained that the value of Q = 74,6%, / 0,746.
From the acquisition of these numbers, The climate in City Z belongs to climate group D or moderate, i.e. Q lies between 0,600 to 1,000.

Q = (average number of dry months) or (average number of wet months) x 100%
Q =44/59 x 100% = 74,6 % = 0,746
January | 150 |
February | 30 |
March | 125 |
April | 55 |
Mei | 45 |
June | 110 |
July | 15 |
August | 40 |
September | 32 |
October | 165 |
November | 20 |
December | 50 |
The solution :
Based on the classification of the number of dry months and wet months, then the result is obtained, i.e. Number of dry months ( < 60mm ) : 8 (in February, April, Mei, July, August, September, November, and December)
Number of wet months = ( >100mm) : 4 ( happened in January, March, June, October) Using the formula according to Schmidt Ferguson :
Q = Number of dry months and number of wet months X 100%
Q = 8 / 4 X 100% = 200%
From the results of these calculations we can conclude that City Z has a climate type F, or dry area, savanna forest.
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Classify the climate based on the average number of dry months and also the average number of wet months. A month is called a dry month, when in one month there is only less than rainfall 60 mm.
When in a month, the rainfall is more than 100 mm, then it is called the wet month. According to them, this climate is also often called the Q model because it is based on the index value of the Q . value.
Dr. F.H. Schmidt is a professor as well as the official Director of the Meteorological Institute & Geophysics in Jakarta. While And. I.H.A Ferguson was a professor of forest management at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Indonesia at that time.
Based on the average number of dry months and also the average number of wet months. A month is called dry month, when in one month there is only less than rainfall 60 mm.
When in a month, the rainfall is more than 100 mm, then it is called wet moon. Climate according to Schmidt & Ferguson is also often called the Q model because it is based on the index value of the Q . value.
That's our discussion of the material Schmidt Ferguson Iklim Climate. Read it too Map of the Distribution of Flora and Fauna.thank you for visiting, I hope this article is useful.
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