Volleyball Basic Techniques
Volleyball Basic Techniques – At this time yuksinau.co.id will explain the material about Volleyball which the discussion includes the meaning of, how to play, the rules, basic technique, examples of field images and news about sports in full.
Volleyball is a game developed by William G. Morgan in 1895 under the name Minitonette and now known as Volleyball. Volleyball itself can be played on indoor and outdoor courts with a size of 18 × 9 meters with net for men 2,43 meters and girls 2,24 meter.
This game is quite difficult to play by ordinary people, because usually we have to endure the pain to hit, and we also have to learn game techniques that can't be done in a short time. Before you learn other techniques, as a professional you have to learn the basic techniques of volleyball.
How to Know the Basic Techniques of Volleyball Games

The basic techniques of playing volleyball are divided into four areas: Block, Service, Smash or Spike and Pass. All these techniques must be mastered by all volleyball players. What will be highlighted later depends on the position of the player, like a tip where you have to be able to give feedback or give to the player who took the picture. Explanation of each of the following movements.
Basic Service Movement Techniques
The basic technique of this service is swiping from the background line of the field to float over the net and land in the opponent's area. Maintenance techniques are performed at the start of the game when additional points and fouls occur.
There is 4 service technique type: Service Down, Service Floats atau Floating Overhand, Overhand Round-House Service dan Jumping Service.
Bottom-Service Technology
- The under-service technique is usually done by beginners because this technique is the simplest and most commonly used. The following service technologies are performed by:
- Hold the ball parallel to your waist with your left hand.
- Body slightly bent
- Swing your right hand to hit the ball with your fist.
This technique looks simple. However, if you practice, it turns out that the difficulty in serving down is to direct the ball the way you want.
Floating-Service Technology
Floating Overhand Service is a service technique in which the bouncing ball does not spin, so it seems to be floating in the air. Floating service can be done by:
- Standing in the field.
- Position both feet parallel to the shoulders.
- Throw the ball up (taller than head).
- Hit the ball in the middle of your back.
Overhand for home service
Overhand Round-House-Service has a different name from Hook Service. This service is quite difficult. To perform this service, You have to be precise enough to hit the ball to get over the net, and the ball must spin so it doesn't become a floating serve. The way to do this is:
- Hold the ball in front of your body with your left hand.
- Throw the ball up and let your right hand fly wide and bend your left leg slightly.
- Hit the ball with a circular punch from the right hand when the position is right and use the left foot as a heavy support.
At first glance, how to do this service like floating service, but the difference is in polishing the ball. Because the floating service of the movement of the ball is still not allowed to play, overhand service uses spinning balls to get services that can fly back and forth or spin.
Semi Service
This jump service is the most difficult serving technique because, in addition to the accuracy of hitting the ball, we also have to have jump accuracy to serve.
This technique is not only the most difficult, but also the coolest technique for service as professionals often do. The advantage of this technique is that it is more difficult for the opponent to repel because the speed of the ball is more difficult than with other techniques. The way to this technique is:
- Stand some distance from the back of the field.
- Hold the ball with both hands.
- Throw the ball around 3 meters above the ground.
- When you feel you have the right moment, lower your body and bend your knees to get ready to jump as high as possible.
- Hit the ball like a punch by bending your wrist for a topspin.
This move cannot be mastered in a short time, except for frequent practice, You also need to have a long flight time to master this professional technique.
Passing technique Movement Basics
The basic technique of moving or receiving can also be referred to as a technique that aims to receive, holding and controlling the opposing player's ball.
Basic Overtaking Techniques
The overhead passing technique is a technique commonly used to send passes to players who want to attack or manage them from the grill. the answer comes from us, upper passing technique is very useful in the game of volleyball.
Continue or submit 2 divided into techniques about the face and passing high above normal. Normal passing and correct passing of face height are the same, only difference is the position of the ball to make a pass. About normal passing is where the ball is above the front of the player, while the front of the player's face is right in front of the ball. Here's the right way to proceed:
- Open your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent.
- Both hands are in front of the forehead, thumb and forefinger triangle shape. The gaze must be directed in the direction where the ball came.
- When the ball comes, grab the ball with your fingers and bend the wrist inward. Try when receiving his hand to relax.
- Squeeze the ball by moving your wrist outward, followed by straight elbows.
- Move your feet a little tiptoe.
Basic Down Passing Technique
the bottom-pass technique is also an important technique for amateur players to become professionals. because this technique is usually used for service balls and strikes to get from the opponent. Under passing is divided into two kinds, namely the basic technique of fitting with one hand and the basic technique of fitting with two hands, each of the following statements:
Basic Passing Techniques Under One Hand
The basic technique for leading the hand under it, is a condition where low player coverage is too far and too, to go. This usually happens if the player who received the ball first was imperfect when it was returned.
This technique is done using a slightly curved body. However, if it is determined that it cannot reach the player's range, the player must fly to save the ball.
Basic Crossing Techniques Under Two Hands
basic passing technique applied when the ball falls right in front of the player. This technique is usually used when you are about to receive a charge and be destroyed by an opponent who is still within range, ball position, however, is too low. The basic technique of passing under two hands consists of two types of methods, namely the Dig and Thumb Over Palm method.
With Dig technique, the position of the hands is in a position where both hands are clenched. The digging technique is a technique that is often used to receive the opponent's service because we can use this technique to direct the ball the way we want, but this technique is more difficult than the thumb technique.
Dig-technique holding right hand position, accumulation 4 left, and vice versa from the thumb of the left hand resting on the thumb of the right hand, or. The Dig is a very common technique used by volleyball players, The Dig technique is also very often taught to students by their gym teachers, this is because the digging technique is easier in practice and The Dig is more accurate than levels when passing the run as a thumb over palm technique.
While the thumb on the palm, the left hand makes a fist and the right hand holds the left hand. You have to remember that this technique is a key technique in the game. If your bait is very skillful on small occasions, opponent can score goals, and vice versa, if your receipt does not exist, then the enemy who attacks the ball will probably not be received well, very high and will increase the opponent's score.
Basic Blocking Technology
The blocking technique is the only technique where players are picky. Because blocking techniques are only used to stop and prevent attacks from the opponent such as punches. the answer comes from us, this technique can only be performed by tall players. However, it does not rule out the possibility of increasing our body size one day and is sufficient to be able to perform the block technique. Therefore you must master this technique.
When you hit your opponent, quite difficult to use this technique. You need to understand when the enemy will attack or attack and when the enemy will do tricks. To perform blocking techniques in general:
Get Ready Near the Network
Knees bent and ready to jump. The position of the hands in front of the chest ready to spread the ball. Jump as high as you can at the right time with your hands tight and pointing up. Remember that your hand must be tightened so that the ball cannot match the gap in your hand. Land with slightly flat feet to minimize the risk of injury
If you look at blocking techniques from a crowd's perspective, You can divide it into two types, one block and one block friend. Single blocking done by one player, while blocking friends is done by more than one person, usually 2-3 person.
From a movement perspective, block technique can be divided into 2 active block technique and passive block technique. The active block technique is a situation where the player blocking his hand movement is strong so that the hand position is very close to the net. Passive blocking technique is when the blocking player doesn't move his hand while blocking.
If the blocking technique is usually done alone during training, this is enough without a real punch.
Basic Technique Smash or Spike
The smash or spike technique is a jumping motion and hitting a volleyball with the greatest tendency and power towards the opponent's area. The smash technique is the most interesting technique to learn from the basic volleyball technique, because this technique is the coolest technique and tortures the opposing team, because the right basic technique can increase the score.
The smash technique is not easy to learn and master, because we need to have instincts about when and where to hit the ball to get the right shot. Not only that, when you enter the match, we also have to be able to overtake the opponent's block.
- Prefix: Take the distance approx. 3 meters from the point where the bait ball will rise. Take it one step further, followed by the other leg next to it. Followed by the movement of the hand stretched forward, swing back.
- Springboard: Jump as high as possible. When jumping, make sure your arms swing forward and get ready to hit.
- Hitting: Hit the ball with a little polish in the opponent's area so the ball can spin and dive.
- Landing: Landing with some trash to reduce the risk of injury or sprains.
Smash according to the direction of the ball is divided into 2, namely cross smash and straight smash. in this video, cross-smash is a smash that goes diagonally to the left or right to aim at the opponent's empty area. While the straight smash technique is a direct smash because it feels hit and the empty space in front of it is right for the target.
Smash depending on the setup or the bait is divided into 4 type, ie Open Smash, Semi-Smash, Quick Smash, Push Smash.
- Open Smash done when the ballbeater makes an initial move after the feeder releases the ball. The ball is hit when it is at the peak of the jump and the maximum reach of the arm.
- Spring Smash The batsman walks slowly towards the drop of the ball with a slow step. If the ball is about 1 meters above the net, players must immediately jump and hit the ball
- Quick Smash As soon as the ball reaches the feeder, The hitter must immediately make a smash move. When you reach about one arm with the ball, paddle performs a jump with your hands to make a stroke. The feeder passes the ball directly in front of the paddle and attacks as quickly as possible.
- Push Smash Racket, before the smash is done, run out of field, which is located near the net . bar. The racket starts to move in parallel on the net if the height of the ball is sensed correctly, if the racket should jump and hit the ball immediately.
The smash technique according to the curve of the ball is divided into three areas, That is smash drive, top laps and compliments
- Drive Smash is a shot that directs the ball out to the goal with a long curve. This punch is done with the palm of your hand as a spoon, whip counterclockwise, the goal of hitting the ball is your back forward.
- Top Spin Smash is a ball stroke made to achieve a sharp immersion in the opponent's area. The most important thing in this move is the flexibility of the wrist and the strength of the stroke.
- Lob Smash is a smash which is about turning the ball, not ball speed. Lob Smash is done by polishing the ball until it spins so it doesn't fall off the field line. The ball of praise is usually used when play in the team area is dead and the ball must be handed over to the opponent.
The smash technique according to the prefix is divided into 4 type, namely smash without a prefix, with a prefix, with 1 feet and with 2 the feet.
- Smashing without a prefix is the time when the hitter has been close to the net from the start and is preparing to jump. Therefore, this technique is often used as a method of deception when done together, make the opponent confused who was destroyed.
- Smash with the general prefix smash. This technique is used very often because we can get strong power by prefix.
- Crush with 1 foot is the player's position when jumping in line with one foot forward and one foot behind or not until the jump knocker is pushed forward.
- Two-legged hitting is the position of the racket when trying to jump in line with two legs, as is usually the case.
Becoming a professional amateur player requires training and hard work so that we have skills that are recognized by the community. But everything that starts with basic techniques only learns deeper.
Don't get bored with this basic technical training in volleyball, because with a good foundation we can also develop good advanced techniques. Professional players also continue to complete basic training, even though they are very competent.
This is how this discussion is about Volleyball Basic Techniques. And Don't Forget to Keep Visiting yuksinau.co.id because many articles are interesting and useful. Thank you for being faithful with us and keep learning, my friends.
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