Shukron Meaning
Shukron Meaning? What does Shukron mean?? The meaning of Shukron is? how to answer / reply to shukron? Of course, to reply to this syukron greeting, we must know what shukron means. Nah, For that, see our explanation of the Syukron Paper Material / Meaning of Shukron, How to Reply, Examples of Using Words/Sentences, and Suggestions for Saying the Complete Syukron Words below.
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Shukron Meaning
Shukron (Arabic language ; شُكْرًا) literally means is “the lovers are building a museum in the hotel whose full address is hidden“. Shukron is used as a thank you to someone.
The word syukron is also often juxtaposed with or added to the word katsiiraa, until it becomes “syukron katsiira” which means “thank you very much“.
Besides Shukron katsiira, The use of the word shukron is very varied, some sentences or other sayings that contain the word syukron, are as follows ;
- Syukron yaa habibi, that means ; thank you my love (for women)
- Syukron yaa habibati, that means ; thank you my love (for men)
- Syukron ala du'aiha, that means ; Thank you for your prayers (for women)
- Shukron ala du'ai'ihi, that means ; Thank you for your prayers (for men)
- Syukron ala duaiki, that means ; thank you for your prayers (for women)
- Syukron ala du'aika, that means ; thank you for your prayers (spoken to men)
- Syukron male, that means ; thank you for you (for women)
- Syukron laka, that means ; thank you for you (for men)
- Syukron jazilan, that means ; thank you very much
- Syukron ala ihsanini, that means ; thank you for your kindness
Nabi Muhammad SAW, He advocates giving thanks accompanied by prayer, as follows ;
- Shukron, Childrenkallahu Khairan : Thank you, May God reward you with goodness. (For men)
- Shukron, Childrenkillahu Khairan : Thank you, May God reward you with goodness. (For women)
- Shukron, Childrenkumullahu khairan : Thank you, May Allah reward you with goodness. (Plural/the crowd)
Syukron's Reply
What's the answer / reply when someone says syukron (شكرًا) to us? Nah, when someone says syukron we can answer it with ‘Afwan (Arabic language ; عَفْوًا).
Even though literally meaning of 'Afwan' is "sorry", but this word is often used to reply shukron.
other than that, according to some scholars, with us responding to the speech “shukron with “afwan” this also doesn't hurt because this is included in the muamalah category / social relations.
So that, There is also this Afwan who interprets it as "you're welcome". This afwan pronunciation is intended as a sign of humility for someone who has done a good deed and then gets a thank you.
The use of the word 'Afwan there means that the assistance he has given is not much, because he should be able to help more than that, so he said “afwan“.
Examples of Using the Word Syukron
In Indonesia, The word shukron is often used in conversations among Muslims. Examples of using the word shukron, namely as follows:
A: Assalamualaikum
B : Peace be with you, Please come in.
A : Master, I came here to ask for help Mr. Ustad, Thank God my house has been completed. Nah, tonight I will have a Thanksgiving, for me to ask for your help to lead the prayer at the event, how sir can you?.
B: Alhamdulillah, Coincidentally, tonight I don't have an event, so God willing I will help you.
A: Shukron, Jazakallahu Khairan Master.
B : Aamiin, Afwan deck…
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Suggestions for Saying the Word Syukron
In Islam, we are highly encouraged to always express our gratitude (shukron) to someone doing a good deed, such as giving help or others.
Because indeed we say / convey this gratitude, will be a means of fostering good relations among human beings.
more than that, gratitude is an indicator of whether or not we are grateful to Allah SWT, as the Prophet Muhammad SAW said in the following hadith :
It is not said to be grateful to God for those who do not know how to thank people. (Hadith History. Tirmidhi and Abu Dawood)
Whoever does not thank his fellow man, he did not thank God (Hadith History. Ahmad)
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Jazakallahu Khairan : Thank you, May God reward you with goodness. (For men)
Childrenkillahu Khairan : Thank you, May God reward you with goodness. (For women)
Jazakumullahu Khairan : Thank you, May Allah reward you with goodness. (Plural/the crowd)
Afwan in the meaning of 'sorry'. But on its use, 'Afwan is often used in response to 'Thank you'” (Arab: Shukron), thus means 'together'.
Thus our discussion and explanation of Shukron Meaning, also read our explanation about the material Arti Tafadhol. May be useful, shukron…
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