Unit of Volume
Volume unit, is a unit to express a measure of content such as capacity or amount of water, oil, volume band, and others like.
This unit can be expressed in several ways such as the cubic unit, liter, and centimeter cubic (cc). This unit with other units as mentioned earlier has a relationship of the equation of measure discussed in the volume unit conversion. For example, the value of 1 cc of water is equal to 1 milliliters of water.
More details, You can see our explanation starting from understanding, conversion ladder, and sample questions with complete solutions below.
Table of Contents
Unit of Volume
The unit of volume is a unit for expressing the size of the contents of an object, either in solid form, fall, or even gas.
As mentioned above, there is an example of using volume units where the volume unit expresses contents such as water capacity, oil, volume band, or something like that.
For the volume of a beam that has space and consists of length, wide, and also height can be expressed in cubic units. Because this unit is a measure to express the space content of the block.
While, to express the amount or amount of water in one container can be expressed in liters or other similar units. Covers kiloliters (kl), hectolitre (hl), decaliter (dal), liter (l), deciliters (dl), centiliters (cl), and milliliters (ml).
In addition to the units in liters and cubics above, there is a unit centimeter cubic (cc). However, actually this cc is also part of the unit for cubic.
Between cubic units or cubic centimeters (cc) and liter which these units have a relationship that can be expressed through an equation.
So that between units with other units can be converted or in other words can be expressed in other units but still in the same capacity.
It's just that it will have a different unit value. For example conversion from liters to dm . units3 (decimeter cubic), or other similar units
If you want to do a volume unit conversion, then you must first know about the volume unit conversion ladder. Because with this volume unit conversion ladder it will be easy for you to convert volume units.
Volume Unit Conversion Ladder
There is 2 the volume unit conversion ladder that you should know is; unit conversion ladder in cubic units and unit conversion ladder in liters.
The two unit conversion ladders can be expressed by means of an equation that expresses the relationship of the volume unit conversion ladder. The explanation regarding the conversion ladder for cubic and liter units is as follows: :
Dala Conversion Ladderm Cubic

- In cubic, it includes the following units :
- cubic kilometers (km3),
- cubic hectometer (hm3),
- decameter cubic (dam3),
- cubic meters (m3),
- decimeter cubic (dm3),
- cubic centimeters (cm3),
- and cubic millimeter (mm3).
How to convert (for cubic size) :
- Every step down, then number in times 1000
- Every time you go up one ladder, then the number is divided 1000
Sample Questions :
2 km3 = 2 x 1.000.000 dam3 = 2.000.000 dam3
5 km3 = ….hm3
5 km3 = 5 x 1000= 5000 hm3
So, 5 km3 = 5000 hm3
6000 mm3 = ….cm3
6000 mm3 = 6 : 1000= 6 cm3
So, 6000 mm3 = 6 cm3
Conversion Ladder in Liters

For the unit volume in liters also includes kiloliters, hectolitre, decaliter, liter, deciliters, centiliters, and milliliters .
- Every step down, then the number is multiplied 10
- Every time you go up one ladder, then the number is divided 10
Sample Questions :
- 2 liter (l) = …. centiliters (cl)
2 liter = 2 x 100= 200 centiliters
- 5 kiloliter (kl) = …. liter (l)
5 kiloliter = 5 x 1000 = 5000 liter
- 2000 deciliters (dl) = …. liter (l)
2000 deciliters (dl) = 2000 : 10 = 200 liter (l)
- 7000 liter (l) = ….milliliters (ml)
7000 liter = 7000 :1000 = 7 milliliters
Volume unit conversion relationship in cubic and liter :
The volume unit on the volume conversion ladder is in cubic and liter where the relationship between the two unit conversion ladders can be expressed through the equation below.
1 decimeter cubic (dm3) = 1 liter (l)
1 cubic meters (m3) = 1 kiloliter (kl)
1 cubic centimeters (cm3) = 1 cc = milliliter (ml)
With the above equation it will make it easier or help us in converting volume units in cubic to volume units in liters.
Example of Volume Unit Problem
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Sample Questions 1 :
8 cubic meters (m3) = …. deciliters (dl)
The solution :
First step, convert cubic meters (m3) to cubic decimeter (dm3) which is equivalent to the unit L.
8 m3 = 8 x 1000 = 8000 dm3
because 1 decimeter cubic (dm3) = 1 L, 8000 decimeter cubic (dm3) = 8000 liter
Second step, You can convert liters to deciliters (dl). from Liters to deciliters then go down the conversion ladder, namely 1 stairs then at times 10 so that ;
8000 liter x 10 deciliter = 80.000 deciliters
So, 8 m3 = 80. 000 dl
Sample Questions 2 :
500 kiloliter (kl) = … decameter cubic (dam3)
The solution :
500 kiloliter = 500 x 10 x 10 x 10 liter = 500.000 Liter
500.000 liter = 500. 000 dm3
500.000 decimeter cubic (dm3) = 500.000 : 1000 : 1000 = 0,5 dam3
So, 500 kl = 0, 5 dam3
Sample Questions 3 :
60 decimeter cubic (dm3) = .. milliliters (ml)
The solution :
60 desimter cubic (dm3) = 60 liter (l)
60 Liter = 60 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 60.000 milliliters
So, 60 dm3 = 60.000 ml
Sample Questions 4 :
45,5 cubic hectometer (hm3) = … liter (l)
The solution :
45,5 hm3 = 45,5 x 1000×1000 x 1000 = 45.500.000.000 decimeter cubic (dm3)
45.500.000.000 dm3 = 45.500. 000. 000 liter (l)
So, 45,5 hm3 = 45.500.000.000 liter
Thus our discussion of the Math Material above. You can also study our other articles below. Thank you for visiting, hopefully useful.
Related article :
- Unit of Time
- Unit weight
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