Grass Password
On this occasion, invites all of you to learn about Grass Passwords and How to Read, How to make, The Complete Formula with an Easy Way to Memorize it. No need to go into detail, just take a look at the full review below.
Table of Contents
Grass Password
Password Grass is a letter representation system, numbers and punctuation made on the basis of Morse Code principles. The only difference between the two lies in the way they are written, where dots and dashes in morse code are replaced with small and large grasses.
Example : abjad = “A” morse = .-
Sandi Morse :

The key is :
1. Strip (-) replaced with long grass ;

2. Point (.) replaced with short grass ;

3. Separation between letters by using a sleeping dash "_” and still connected.
4. Separate words using the sign [SPACES]
Example : ME

How to Read and Create a Grass Password
This one password is created using a combination of short lines and high lines. These lines are then arranged in such a way that at first glance they look like lined grass. For details, you can see the example below.

The short and high lines in the image above represent the dots and dashes of Morse code. Where the short line is the dot while the high line represents the strip.
These dots and dashes are then read using Morse code. To separate between letters, a separator is used like a horizontal line.

Next after the first line is finished, please try to work (solve) the 2nd and 3rd lines of the example above. Where the second line from the example above consists of 7 while the third line consists of ten letters.
In scouting, of course, we will meet several other passwords whose appearance is similar to the grass code. And the unique way of solving it is the same as working on grass passwords. The following are similar passwords to grass cipher ;
- Water Password
- Chainsaw Password
- Storey Building Password
- Cloud Password
- Wave Password
The five passwords are not only similar in shape to the grass code and even the way they are done is the same as the grass code, which is both using Morse code..
Nah, after we learn about grass password, how to make to how to read it (including other passwords that have the same / resemblance to grass cipher), then now there is no longer any reason for the scout members to say that this grass cipher is difficult.
Example: when the letter "A"” that's what morse becomes "strip point"” then in the grass code, it becomes one short grass and one tall grass and so on.
But if you still don't understand, in the following we will present the grass password formula and how to memorize it. For that, see the following explanation:.
Grass Password Formula
The formula and how to make this Grass Password do you think is difficult or easy?? Of course there are those who answer easy and there are also those who find it difficult. Even though we all know that this password is one of the basic passwords in scouting.
Passwords like this should have been taught since elementary school (SD) or at the alert level which is the lowest level in scouting. Even though, This password will still be used even if those of you who are in the world of scouting have stepped on the Enforcer level or are young members of the scouting movement..
This password also has a distinctive style (compared to the password mentioned above earlier) its special form is this type of password can be easily recognized even if you only see it at a glance.
This is certainly different from other types of passwords, which are more difficult to find or determine what type of password to use, then after knowing the type you also have to translate it back into normal writing again. It's quite complicated isn't it??
No need for length, just look at the picture below which is the grass password formula :

From the formula above, of course, you will still have difficulty remembering the shape of each letter, with a special style, if we look at the formula above there are only two types of grass, namely short grass and tall grass / just high, but with a different arrangement aka different. So how about memorizing the Formula above? Check out the following explanation again ;
Easy Ways to Memorize
Basically this Grass Password is based on two types of locks/method or easier way:
If you already know Morse, Of course it will be easier to memorize the grass password formula like the picture above, if in morse you memorized of course, it uses dot (.) and also strip (-) in the grass password there will be a slight difference, that is, by replacing the dot with short grass and then replacing the dash with tall or long grass.
Nah, From here, of course, you already understand, right?? But here we will not discuss in more detail about Morse because maybe all of you readers already understand it, because it's just changing the sign.
Memorizing Words
reality, the author as one who has participated in scouting activities finds it easier to memorize a few names or words compared to memorizing curves that are not clear and different.
Therefore, this one way is easier in my opinion (because memorizing dashes in morse is more difficult). That is by memorizing words (We have included the words referred to here in the grass code formula picture above).
Then, what words should or need to be memorized? Available 26 words you have to memorize as part of a scout, where each word i.e. represents each letter of the alphabet A – WITH. Below are the words in question:
I: ISLAM | R: RUSH | – |
Nah, when you have memorized the 26 words above, now it's just a matter of applying the conversion into the formula, the key is quite easy, you only need to pay attention to the vowels, namely the letter A, I, U, E, O in every word.
The vowels other than O are replaced with Short Grass while the vowel O is replaced with Long/tall Grass.
Example for example : The word UNESCO that represents the letter U is 3 consecutive vowels, namely the letter U, E, THE, so from here we have known there will be 3 the grass that you have to draw becomes the letter U Grass Password, but must be adapted to the order of the vowel letters of the word earlier.
- Lambs And (become short grass).
- Huruf E (become short grass)
- Huruf O (become long grass).
That's the discussion this time, Hopefully with this article it will make or add to our insight about Grass Passwords and their full explanation.
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