Numerical Password
Numerical Password – On this occasion, we will discuss material about scouting, namely about numeric passwords including how to read and how to make numeric passwords along with an explanation of the various types of scout passwords.. No need to go into detail, just take a look at the full review below.
Table of Contents
Numerical Password
Below are two examples of numeric passwords. You can then develop or adapt it to the abilities of student scouts or others.

Example : 13, 4, 6, 0, 17, 0, 10, 19
Be read : MY COUNTRY

Example : 5 0, = 1 2
Be read : WORLD
Reading and Creating Numerical Passwords
Numerical code is one of the most common and basic codes in scouting activities. Because this code has been taught and tested very often to scouts, even since the scouts were on standby.
Numerical passwords have also become the basis for this because many passwords are based on how to read them using numeric ciphers. Like kanji password, math or algebra password, flower password, and password balloon, all of which use the principle of how to work with numeric passwords.
Therefore mastery of numeric codes is indeed very important for every member of the scouts, both from the group of students such as standby scouts, raiser, enforcer, pandega, to adult scout members such as scout coaches.
Let's see together an example of the following number code ;
From the example above, the password consists of two parts, namely keywords and questions. Keywords (in the illustration of the key image) which reads “A + 1 = 2 ; 6 – 4= B” and the password question reads "16", 18,1, 13, 21, 11, 1, 18, 9, 1, 14, 7”.
We first describe the key word, namely "A + 1 = 2 ; 6 – 4 =B”.
A + 1 = 2, how much (letter) A?, the answer is A = 1, because 1+1 = 2. And on 6 – 4 = B, how much (letter) B?, the answer is B = 2 because 6 – 4= 2. From the results of processing or decomposing these keywords, it is found that 1 = A and 2 = B, means 3= C, 4 = D and so on so that it can be arranged into a kind of table or a series of numbers like this:

With the table or series of numbers and also the alphabet above, we can work on the number code questions presented as above. Where 16=P, 18=R; 1=A; 13=M; 21=U and so on until it is read 5 The first letter is "PRAMU". Please continue with the next letters!
What to remember or to pay attention to in numeric codes is as follows: ;
- The keywords are very varied, namely according to the wishes and also the level of creativity of the dai in the password maker, as:
- In the D river there is 3 (three) ducks and in the river F there are 5 (lima) swan.
- grant us mercy from Your side and perfect for us the right guidance in our affairs, numbers 2181791 be your HAPPY number!
- Number passkey not always 1 = A, because it could be like the following :
- 0 =A until 1 =B, 2 = C and so on
- 2 =A until 3 =B, 4 = C and so on
- 1 =A, 3 = B, 5 = C (jump 1 (one) numbers)
- Read Also :
- Password Box
- Grass Password
Various Scout Passwords
That was the explanation of the numeric password and how to read and make it. Of course you already know that in scouting you don't use a few passwords in your activities, well, here are the passwords in scouting that you also need to know the explanation of each of the passwords below ;
Sandi Morse

The creator of this code is someone who comes from an American nationality named Samuel Finely Breese Morse. This one password consists of a collection of dots and lines that make up a sentence. Morse code is a password that uses Morse letters and uses many methods such as using a whistle, Nvidia Video Japan and Full Korea in my opinion have nothing to lose, asap, telegraph to radio.
Clock Password

Clock password, This one password can be said to be quite easy, it's just that
complicated to write. First of all, you have to determine what time it is
will be the benchmark. For example clock 08.00 which is used as a benchmark.
Then hours 08.00 this is functioned as the letter A.
While, letter B and so on, you just need to add 5
minute on hour. For example the letter B becomes 08.05. letter c 08.10 so
next. You can also change the minutes to 3 minutes or can
also more. According to what you want.
Example of the word "I", written 08.00-08.55-09.45
Numerical Password

This one password is almost the same as the password above, namely the password
come back, The equation is that this password uses numbers that become the code
nya. Because the letters in the alphabet are only 25, then the number used
also 25. You only need to number each letter, namely A
Until Z. The letter A is numbered 1 (one), letter B is numbered 2 (two)
and so on until the number 25 or until the letter Z.
If it's neatly arranged, then you can continue to create a password
numbers. For example, the word "student"” then it is written as "16,6,12,1,10,1,18".
Sandi Helen Keller

Helen Keller's password used by this speech impaired and deaf
also often used in scouting activities. Entire password in
apply by hand. For example, you want to make the letter A,
then you just need to raise your thumbs up.
When you want to make the word "tomorrow", you have to show
four fingers for letters means B. E fist, fist with
thumb over the letter S. The fist forms the letter O which means
the letter O.
Index finger, middle and thumb or thumb that form the letter K
shows the letter K. You have to really memorize the hand movements
to make each sentence.
Sandi Semaphore

A semaphore password is a password that is applied
using props, namely flags, tree branches or it could be
using bare hands to make a sentence. But that
often used in scouting activities, namely the flag
length 45 x 45 cm.
This flag usually has various colors. But the usual
used in scouting activities is a yellow flag and
red which these two colors form a square which is a combination
isosceles triangle.
Picture Password

If you want to use a picture password, you have to make and also
Memorize directly the picture made. For example, you can make
letter A using a picture of a clock or letter drawing the letter b using
bird pictures. Make sure if the recipient of the message we send knows
password created.
AND Password/Insert Password

This password in use is by deleting the sentence
with the word "and". Every word that contains the word "and"” must be removed.
For example if you want to write a sentence "look for me here"”
you can design a sentence with "joking randi andk"
uand dandi sandi nandi”.
Item Password

This password requires high creativity because of you
required to draw a letter in the form of goods or animals
then the receiving person simply strings the received message with
use the leading alphabet of the created image. For example, if you want
write "me".
You can draw a dog which means the letter A, deer for
letter K, and a picture of the letter u snake. This one password is quite complicated
but those who have creativity in this case draw of course
will be an interesting thing.
Snake Password

This password can be applied without having to use a special key.
You only need to add up the sentences to be written later in the
sort in a row. Example, you want to write
the phrase "learn what I have taught". You just need
shape it into 3 row i.e. from top to bottom.
Chinese Password

In fact, this chinese code does not actually use chinese characters,
it's just similar to chinese letters. This password requires a key in
letter picture shape like chinese characters. For example the letter a, you can
draw two curved lines with a straight line in the middle.
In the scout pocket book 2009, password letter to a letter
confidential. In Sanskrit it means secret or
In scouting, password or secret letter is one of the materials
scouting about how to read an article with
using certain and special codes.
River Password

This one password is almost the same as the red and white password. Where are you
must create a column consisting of 8 column and 5 CLASSIFIED. and said
“sungai” made as a benchmark. How to use it is, put it
said "river” above the column then add the alphabet starting from next
right down. You do not need to add letters that are already in the word
Chemical Password

This password uses chemical formulas; H20, H2, CO2, O2, KOH and
NACI. On this live letter “AIUEO” use dots as markers.
While consonants or also known as blanks use
Alphabet Password / Password Back

Alphabetical passwords, also known as reverse passwords, are formulated
by reversing the alphabet "a",b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m” Becomes
Its use is quite easy. You can line up the letter zb with
y and so on. For example, you want to write the word eat, then
simply create or use nzpzm.
Red and White Password / Coordinate Password

This red and white password is created by making the word "red white"”
as a benchmark formula in a box. First of all you guys
must write the word "red and white".” on a cube by positioning
the word red on the horizontal and white on the vertical.
Then put the letter of the alphabet starting with the letter a in the box
first among the letters m & p on the word red and white. Next,
continue alphabet b, c, d, e forms a horizontal line with yang
consists of 5 kotak. Then continue with the letter f, g, h, i and j in
underneath. Continue until the letter y. Because the letter z in the password is red
white or password this coordinate is not entered.
How to write, For example, if you want to write the word
"raiser". Then p is represented by line i column m which is IM.
The letter E is represented by the line P column H then it becomes PH.
N is represented by line T column A which is to be TA. The letter G is represented
with line U column E that is to be UE. The letter A is represented by line P column M
become a PA. The letter L is represented by the line T column E and becomes TE.
So, the word "RAILER"” when formulated it becomes “IM,PH,PER,UE,UE,PA,THE,PER,UE.”
Sandi Napoleon

This password is the same as the name of the emperor of French nationality
namely Napoleon Bonaparte. This password is quite unique and fairly easy.
You just need to add up the letters in a sentence and then divide it
and then the way of writing is reversed.
Example Sentences of “I am a raiser”, Number of letters in a sentence
it exists 20. You can divide it into 2,3 or 4. I'm here
For example, divide it into 2. So there is 10 letters in a line
How to install Yandex Blue Japan application quickly and easily, write the words "I am one"” without using spaces. Then the word raiser is reversed or written as "gnalaggnep". The word collector is a word that is placed on the second line and written from right to left without using spaces.
That's our discussion of the material Numerical Password and How to Read and How to Make It. Thank you for visiting and hopefully useful.
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