Traditional House of West Sumatra
Traditional House of West Sumatra – On this occasion will invite all of you to get to know the West Sumatra Traditional House where we will discuss starting from the name, Meaning of Uniqueness, and the Origin of the Form of the Traditional House of West Sumatra. For that, just take a look at the full discussion below.
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Traditional House of West Sumatra

Tower House or the traditional house of Godang is the name of the Minangkabau traditional house where the traditional house is a traditional house and can be found in the province of West Sumatra., Indonesia.
This traditional gadang or godang house is also called by the local community as the Bagonjong House or some call it the Baanjuang House..
This Gadang House has a unique characteristic, which is located on the shape of the curved roof of the house when you see it resembles a buffalo horn and the fiber body of the house is shaped like a ship..
Named or called the Bagonjong House because it has a pointed roof shape which is curved in shape called Gonjong.
The Meaning of the Tower House
Minang tribe, which this tribe is still very attached to natural philosophy. Because of this, the people there make / designing this house looks very in harmony with nature in the area in the form of a row of hills where at the top is a curved shape that rises in the middle and the slope line is curved downwards.
In terms of functionality,, the lines on the Gadang house show conformity or harmony with tropical nature. The sharp roof of the house functions so that rainwater from above slides well.
The form of this Gadang traditional house was built with aesthetic requirements and judged according to harmony, unity, and balance in one unity.
The traditional house was also built parallel to the cardinal directions from north to south, with the aim that this traditional house is free from the heat of the sun and strong winds..
From a philosophical point of view, The traditional leader states that the Gadang House or in Indonesian is a big house, big is not meant by the size of the house, but it has a big function for the Minang people.
Simply put, as shelter or family residence, residence, center for traditional ceremonies. other than that, Rumah Gadang is also a building used by the Minangkabau people to discuss problems / their problems together or as a place for discussion by the Minang community.
The Uniqueness of the Gadang Traditional House

Like any other traditional house, Gadang house also has a variety of uniqueness and its own meaning that can be seen from the shape of the building, the layout and also of the architecture of the building.
The interesting facts about Rumah Gadang that you may not know by many people are as follows: :
1. Room Condition
The room of this gadang house is rectangular in shape, which is divided into lanjar and some loose space which is divided based on the pile boundary. The pillars are also arranged from the front to the back and left to right.
The number of lanjars in this traditional house is also flexible depending on the size of the house, usually an odd number i.e 3 to 11 smooth. At the front there is usually a small building that is a place to store rice.
On the side there is a pavilion which is the place for the wedding ceremony, traditional chief coronation, and religious ceremonies and other activities. Meanwhile, the kitchen is built separately.
2. Has Four Main Pillars
This West Sumatran traditional house has a main pillar of which four pillars are made of juha tree. But not just use this juha tree, because before it was used as a house pole, This juha tree was first immersed in the pond for a very long time, so that later it can become a strong and sturdy pillar. This pole is also usually 40cm . in diameter – 60cm.
3. Carving Decoration
The front of the wall of this traditional house is made of vertically arranged boards, filled with very unique carvings. While the back is covered with bamboo.
The use and at the same time the carving motifs that are made depend on the arrangement and location of the board. Carving motifs that are often used are leaf motifs, fruits, flowers or other plants
4. Similar to Stilt House
The form of this gadang house is built like a house on stilts. The height of this stilt house usually reaches 2 meters above ground level. In front of the house there are stairs that were made with the aim of avoiding wild animals.
5. Anti-Earthquake
Uniquely, This West Sumatran traditional house is earthquake-resistant. Rumah Gadang is indeed designed according to its earthquake-prone natural environment. This house was built with the support of several long pillars that rise up and are resistant to shocks.
The Origin of the Form of the Gadang Traditional House
The most striking part, namely on the roof of the Gadang house. The shape of the roof of this house which resembles a buffalo horn is often associated with local folklore, namely "Tambo Alam Minangkabau".. Which tells about the victory of the Minang tribe at that time against the Javanese in a buffalo fight.
Symbols such as buffalo horns are also often used, both for symbols and on jewelry. One of them is in the traditional clothes of West Sumatra.
other than that, The origin of the Rumah Gadang is also associated with the journey of the Minang ancestors. The story, the shape of the gadang house is made like the shape of the ship in the old days used by their ancestors.
According to the developing story, This ancestral ship made a voyage to the upstream of Batang Kampar. Arriving there in an area the crew descended to the mainland and the ship was lifted to the mainland.
Then the ship is supported using strong wood in order to stand firm. Then the ship was also given a roof by hanging the sails on the ropes that were attached to the masts of the ship. Because the hanging sail is very heavy and causes the strings to form an arc similar to a gonjong.
This ship is used as a temporary shelter. Then the ship's crew made a house similar to the ship. After they spread out and have offspring, The shape of the ship, which is similar to gonjong, is then used as a reference or characteristic of their house.
With this special feature, it is easier for them to recognize their descendants. They easily know that houses that have gonjong like theirs are their relatives. This is a brief history of the shape of the traditional house of West Sumatra.
That's what we're talking about Traditional House of West Sumatra. Also read our other articles on Map of the Distribution of the Ancestors of the Indonesian Nation. Hope it's useful.
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