World map
World map – History records that it was shipping activities that initially connected nations from various continents in all parts of the world. Regarding the Full HD World Map of Large Countries, see the full explanation below.
Table of Contents
World map
History records that it was shipping activities that initially connected nations on various continents in all parts of the world, which differed greatly when talking about history Indonesian map.
Which of these activities is it?, Slowly slowly we can know the actual shape of the earth and the exact location of an area or place, For more details, see the following map image :
1. World map

2. Complete World Map

3. Map of the Continents of the World

4. Black and White World Map

5. Colored World Map

Map of the Ancient World
Not only in this modern era, in the days of ancient civilization, it turns out that humans have known maps.
Where humans who live in those days already have an imagination of how the land looks like, the ocean, and mountains and whatever is on this earth that is shed by them in ancient map images.
A British researcher and writer has spent two years collecting maps of the ancient world & antique.
In his book The Golden Atlas : The Greatest Explorations, Quests and Discoveries on Maps (Browsing, Search, and Biggest Discovery on Map) he describes a world map that is currently very rarely known by people.
For more details on the shape of the map, we will present it in the following picture :
Map of the Year 1375

Map of the Year 1550

Map of the Year 1580

Map of the Year 1783

Peta Fra Mauro

Read Also : Indonesian map
List of Countries Map in the world
Learn more about which countries are included in the map list, then what countries have been listed on the map? Here are some of those countries :
Country List 1 :
Afghanistan | French Guiana | Oman |
Africa | Haiti | Pakistan |
south Africa | Honduras | Panama |
Albania | Hong Kong | Ivory Coast |
Algeria | Hungary | Papua New Guinea |
South America | India | Paraguay |
United States of America | Indonesia | Peru |
Central America | But you can also enjoy movies in various languages like Hindi | Poland |
North America | Irak | Portugal |
Angola | Iran | French |
Antarctica | Ireland | Puerto Rico |
Arab Saudi | Iceland | Qatar |
Argentina | Israel | Central African Republic |
Arctic | Italia | Czech Republic |
Armenia | Jamaica | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Asia | Japan | Republic of Dominica |
Australia | German | Republic of the Congo |
Austria | New Caledonia | Rumania |
Azerbaijan | Cambodia | Russia |
Country List 2 :
Bahrain | Cameroon | Rwanda |
Bangladesh | You have | Sahara Barat |
Dutch | Almost | Sao Tome and Principe |
Belarus | Kazakhstan | New Zealand |
Belgium | Kenya | Senegal |
Belize | Comoros Islands | Serbia |
Benin | Leeward Islands | Sierra Leone |
Bermuda | Solomon Islands | Singapore |
Bhutan | Windward Islands | Cyprus |
Bolivia | Colombia | Slovakia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | South Korea | Slovenia |
Botswana | North Korea | Somalia |
Brazil | Costa Rica | Spanish |
Brunei | Croatia | Sri Lanka |
Bulgaria | Because | Sudan |
Burkina Faso | Kuwait | South Sudan |
Burma (Myanmar) | Kyrgyzstan | Syria |
Burundi | Laos | Suriname |
Country List 3 :
Chad | Latvia | Swaziland |
Chili | Lebanon | Sweden |
China | Lesotho | Swiss |
Country List 4 :
Denmark | Liberia | Taiwan |
Djibouti | Libya | Tajikistan |
Ecuador | Lithuania | Tanzania |
The Savior | Madagascar | Thailand |
Eritrea | Macedonia | Timor read |
Europe | Malawi | Togo |
Estonia | Malaysia | Tunisia |
Ethiopia | Mali | Turki |
Fiji | Morocco | Turkmenistan |
Filipina | Mauritania | Uganda |
Finland | Mexico | Ukraine |
Country List 5 :
Gabon | Egypt | United Arab Emirates |
Gambia | Moldova | Uruguay |
Georgia | Mongolia | Uzbekistan |
Ghana | Montenegro | Venezuela |
Gibraltar | Mozambique | Vietnam |
Greenland | Myanmar (Burma) | Yemen |
Grenada | Namibia | Jordan |
Guatemala | Nepal | Greece |
Guinea | Niger | Zambia |
Equatorial Guinea | Nigeria | Zimbabwe |
Guinea-Bissau | Nicaragua | |
Guyana | Norway |
History of World Mapping
Based on the developments in the manufacture of world maps can be categorized into 4 phase or 4 period of time.
Which this happened along with the development of science and understanding of the shape of the earth, along with the existence of shipping activities carried out by humans. As for 4 We will explain this period below :
1. Early Period
- The world map was first created by the Babylonians in 2300 BC. Where at the time, maps are made using tablets from clay.
- When the Greek civilization, science is growing rapidly, including cartography.
Then came the concept or theory of a round earth that was triggered by Aristotle which later gained recognition from philosophers. & geologists at that time. - Year 165 – 85 BC, in this period the science of cartography reached its peak in Greece and Rome, which this happened thanks to a cartographer named Ptolemaeus.
2. Middle Period
- Increases in the middle ages when religion reigned, even the depiction of a world map must follow a perspective that must be based on religion. In Jerusalem the famous world map is the T-O shape, round picture (THE) and in it is divided into 3 part (T), the top side shows Asia and 2 down side is Europe & Africa.
- In the 12th century the Vikings began to explore the north Atlantic and then they believed the shape of the earth to suit the situation or the real.
- Many hand -drawn maps were created by Arab peoples and also by Mediterranean peoples.
3. Periode Kejayaan
- In the century 15, began to find a map printer made of wood. Then in the 16th century, a printing device that was originally made of wood and then made of copper was developed and became the basis for making maps until the development of knowledge about photographic techniques.
- In the 16th century, an expert named Gerardus Marcator began to develop or improve the cylindrical projection that served to depict maps, which is now known as the globe.
4. Period modern
- Until it comes to the modern period, that is, since the century 17, technology that can be used for cartography continues to be developed.
- The process or stages of making modern maps are carried out by combining satellite sensing, aerial photography, and the results of checks carried out directly in the field, then all three are combined.
Longitude and Latitude
In our map, of course, there is no longitude and latitude. These lines are imaginary lines that divide the earth perpendicularly between north, south, east and west.
This concept was coined by an expert named Erathostenes in the 3rd century BC and later applied by Hipparchus in the 2nd century BC.
Then in the 11th century, Al-Biruni put forward his theory and concept that the earth rotates on its axis and this is what underlies modern science regarding the relationship of calculating time with longitude..
If it's still not clear, The following is a complete explanation of longitude: & latitude , namely as follows :
1. Longitude
Longitude is an imaginary line that divides the earth from north to south, or also known as meridians. This line is used to determine the time and calendar.
As for longitude 0 degrees are in Greenwich, England which became the initial benchmark for calculating international time Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Longitude is divided into 2 i.e. east and west longitudes according to their position with respect to Greenwich. Each east and west longitude stretches between 0 up to you 180 level.
2. Latitude
Latitude is the line that runs from east and west. This line serves to divide the earth (secara khayal) be north & south.
Latitude 0 degrees is also known as the equator or line, if in Indonesia, agriculture is known as the equator.
North latitude is the latitude on the equator and south latitude on the south side.
Some of the special latitudes include: 0 level, 23½ level, 66½ level, & 90 level.
0 degrees is the equator, 23½ degrees is known as the return line which is the limiting line for the apparent rotation of the sun, 66½ degrees is called the circumference of the pole and 90 degree is the polar point.
This latitude is also a useful benchmark for marking differences in climate on earth. 0 – 23½° is a tropical climate, 23½ – 66½° is a sub-tropical climate, as well as 66½ – 90 polar climate degrees.
Tropical climates are areas that have 2 seasons are rainy season and summer. While the sub-tropical climate has 4 season, that is summer, fall, cold, and spring.
Whereas in polar climates there is only winter with one day and one night, this always occurs for a full year where the alternation of day and night occurs every year. 6 month.
The development of the science of cartography and the making of a world map has become something very useful, because thanks to the services of thinkers for thousands of years, we can now enjoy it.
other than that, Humans who live in modern times are very time bound. Then, there is a calendar system & the division of time that had been coined in the cartography of that era.
Based on the developments in the manufacture of world maps can be categorized into 4 phase i.e. Early period, Middle Period, Periode Kjayaan, and the Modern Period.
That's our explanation for the World Map Material, complete with large country maps. Don't forget to always visit our website so that you can get a lot of knowledge. Read Also : Map of Lampung. Thank you.
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