Population Distribution in Indonesia
Population Distribution in Indonesia – The distribution of the population is closely related to the level of population or population density in Indonesia which occurs unevenly. For more details, just see our direct discussion of the Complete Population Distribution Paper in Indonesia below.
Table of Contents
Definition of Population Distribution
Definition of spread / distribution in general, which is a form of population distribution in an area or region or country.
Population distribution can be divided into two, that is :
- Population distribution by geography
Geographical distribution of the population, namely the characteristics of the population based on natural boundaries such as rivers, beach, lakes and so on. - Population distribution based on government administration
Population distribution based on administration is a form of population characteristics based on administrative boundaries determined by a country, for example, such as the number of residents in village Z or in district X.
Population Distribution in Indonesia

The distribution of the population is closely related to the level of population or population density in Indonesia which occurs unevenly. More or less 60% people live on the island of Java, which island has an area ± 6, percent of Indonesia's land area.
Generally, population density (population density) can be defined as the ratio of the total population to the area / the inhabited area based on a certain area unit.
This population density can be divided into: 3 like, the following :
- Population Density by Agricultural Land can be divided into agrarian and physiological population density.
- Agrarian population density is the ratio of the total population to the area of agricultural land that can be planted, or the ratio of the number of people working in agriculture to the area of agricultural land.
- Physiological population density is the ratio between the total population (both those who make a living as farmers and those who are not) with an area of agricultural land.
The population density in each region of Indonesia is different, This of course raises various population problems. This problem is related to the provision of social infrastructure, security stability, employment Opportunity, and equitable development.
Information on the population density of each region must be known to determine whether or not there are symptoms of overpopulation to determine which is the center of population agglomeration, and also to know the spread and centers of economic and cultural activities.
This information is ultimately used as the basis for development planning in each region or region.
The bad impact of the uneven population is that the area of agricultural land in Java is becoming increasingly narrow. Most of the land for farmers is used for settlements and industry.
Otherwise, a lot of land outside Java has not been used optimally this is due to lack of human Resources.
Such conditions will certainly be very detrimental in carrying out regional development and for increasing national defense and security.
The factors that cause the high rate of migration to the island of Java, because the island of Java is a location that has many advantages or because the island of Java :
- Become the center of government.
- Most of the soil is volcanic soil.
- As a center of industrial economic activity, lots of jobs available.
- Availability of levels and various types of education.
- There are good means of communication.
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Factors Causing Population Distributionk
Population distribution is a form of population distribution in a region or country. Population density is a number that shows the average number of people per Km2 in a region of the country.
The factors that can affect the distribution and population density in each region or country are as follows::
- Physiographic Factor
Residents will of course always choose a suitable or good place to live, fertile soil, strategic, good relief, enough water, and the area is safe. - Biological Factor
The rate of population growth or population in each region is certainly different. Which kind of thing is due to the difference in death rates, marriage number, and birth rate. - Technological and Cultural Factors
Developed community area, good way of thinking, and the state of his physical development is advanced, will grow faster than underdeveloped areas.
Population density is closely related to the carrying capacity of an area. The indicator commonly used is the Population Density Ratio (density ratio) namely the ratio that states the ratio of the number of people to the area or how many people per km2 in a certain year.
The importance of knowing the population density of an area is :
- Knowing the distribution of the population of an area
- Knowing that there has been a population explosion in an area or which has not been monitored.
- Knowing the cause of the difference in population density with other surrounding areas.
- Knowing the cultural centers, which culture arises in a dense population which if the population is denser the culture will be higher .
Uneven distribution affects the environment. In densely populated areas, there is excessive use of natural resources, disturb the balance of nature. One example is the forest, which continues to shrink due to being cut down into agricultural land and settlements. The negative impact of forest loss is:
- Floods occur due to lack of water absorption caused by reduced forest land
- Drought occurs
- The land around the forest becomes barren due to erosion
The environmental carrying capacity of various regions in Indonesia is uneven. The environmental impact of the island of Java is higher than other islands, so that every unit area on the island of Java can support a longer life than, for example, in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua and Sumatra.
The ability of an area to support life has limitations. If the region's ability to support the environment is too, This will result in population pressures.
Factors Causing Uneven Population Distribution
- The ratio of the area in an area that is not balanced with the population of an area that has a small area but has a large population, the average concentration of the population is denser. Meanwhile, for areas that have a large area and have a small population, the concentration of the population is less frequent.
- Facilities and infrastructure
Areas with adequate facilities and infrastructure have an average population concentration burdened in areas that lack facilities and infrastructure. - Ethnicity and religion
There is a tendency of the community to live in certain areas for a high sense of tribe and religion. For example, certain ethnic or religious groups prefer to choose the same place of residence as people of their own ethnicity or religion. Government program (transmigration) Areas with large areas and small populations are usually selected as destinations for government transmigrants to other places.
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Impact of Uneven Population Distribution
The distribution of population between villages and cities is also imbalanced. Population movement or migration from rural to urban areas in Indonesia has increased significantly from time to time.
Urbanization (population shift from rural to urban areas) What happened caused the concentration of population in the city which had a limited area.
Concentration of population in several big cities such as Jakarta, While, Surabaya and other big cities will have a bad impact on the environment, which is as follows ;
- Bring up / illegal settlements
- Rivers will be polluted due to being used as garbage disposal by the community or by industrial factories.
- Causes air pollution caused by vehicle and industrial fumes.
- The emergence of social problems or crime such as robbery, prostitution and more.
Thus our discussion of the Paper Material Population Distribution in Indonesia Complete. Read it too Map of Developed and Developing Countries. May be useful.
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