Periodization is
What is periodization? Periodization is a chapter in history. Usually this historical periodization will be based on an event or events that have an actual nature or at certain times. For a full explanation, see Periodization Material, Definition, Function, Destination, Benefits, Draft, Periodization of Indonesian History, and Examples.
Table of Contents
Definition of Periodization
Periodization is a chapter in history. Usually this historical periodization will be based on an event or events that have an actual nature or at certain times.
other than that, Periodization is the measurement of time used for various kinds of events or events.
The complex of events / events that occur in human life in each of these periods require a classification based on the form and type of event / the event.
The events that have been classified are arranged sequentially chronological or in the order of time according to the incident.
Periodization Function
The periodization is used with the aim of facilitating understanding and also discussing the history of human life.
The periodization made by the researcher resulted in different views.
So the historical periodization has a subjective nature that is influenced by the subject of the problem and the personal researcher.
Purpose and Benefits of Periodization
The following are the goals and benefits of periodization, which are as follows::
- To unify events / events that are sequential between historical events.
- To make it easier for someone to learn historical events.
- To make it easier for someone to remember a history
- To avoid boredom in studying history
- To get a view of historical events.
Periodization of Indonesian History
Periodization in Indonesian history is divided into two, namely the pre-literate era and the historical era, here's the explanation :
Pre-literate period
The pre-literate age is an age in which humans do not know writing.
This history is also studied based on the remains of ancient objects in the form of features, ekofak, artifact, and site.
Feature, is an artifact that can't be moved unless it breaks its original place. Ecofact is an object from the elements of the abiotic and biotic environment.
While artifacts are all kinds of objects that clearly show the results of partially or even fully cultivated which are the conversion of natural resources carried out by human hands..
While the site is a plot of land in which there are many ancient relics.
Historical Period
The historical period is the period in which humans have become familiar with writing. This historical era is divided into three, which are as follows: :
- Ancient times
the era that talks about the oldest kingdom up to the 14th century. In this age, Indonesian culture is developing which is heavily influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism. - New Indonesian Age
This era begins in the 15th century which talks about the development of Islamic culture until the 18th century. - Modern Indonesian Age
The reign of the Dutch East Indies 1800, the independence movement of the independent state of Indonesia until now or in the contemporary period.
How many elements can/will influence the composition of the historical period?, One of them is the element of geography, due to changes in river flow, border change, The ancient building is being rebuilt, even changes in flora and fauna can obscure all traces – traces of history.
Periodization Concept
The theory of the periodization of Indonesian history has been discussed before
in the National History Seminar I year 1957 with the following results:
Prof Periodization Concept. Dr. Soekanto
According to Dr. Soekanto, The periodization should be based on state administration, meaning that it must be political.
The division of the periodization based on reality as far as possible must be exact and also practical.
According to him, The periodization of Indonesian history is proposed chronologically or sequentially in time and events, which is as follows:
- The foundation of history (- 0)
- Time of Kutai Tarumanagara (0 s.d 600)
- Srivijaya Period, Singosari, Medang (600 s.d 1300)
- Majapahit era (1300 s.d 1500)
- Islamic Kingdom period (1500 s.d 1600)
- Mataram time, Aceh, Makassar (1600 s.d 1700)
- Time of foreign rule (1700s s.d 1945)
- Company Age (1800 s.d 1808)
- Time Daendels (1808 s.d 1811)
- Zaman British Government (1811 s.d 1816)
- Time Nederlands, India (1816 s.d 1942)
- Zaman Nippon (1942 s.d 1945)
- Indonesian Republic Period (1945 Until now)
Prof Periodization Concept. Dr. Sartono Kartodirdjo
According to Prof. Dr. Sartono Kartodirjo as the basis for periodization is the degree of integration achieved in Indonesia in the past or the past.
Based on his point of view, These economic factors will affect social development, political, and culture in Indonesia.
These economic factors affect Indonesia's contacts with other outsiders which have a major influence on foreign cultures, good, Islamic culture originating from West Asia, Hindu culture originating from India and also western culture both from Europe and other countries.
Then it is possible to be able to distinguish 2 big period, namely the influence of Hinduism and also the influence of Islam.
The term from that period used the name of the kingdom because the nature of society at that time was still homogeneous and still centered on the king.
The following is the periodization/time cycle proposed by Prof. Dr. Sartono are as follows :
- Prehistory
- Ancient times
- The time of the oldest kingdom
- Srivijaya Period (abad VII-XIII / XIV).
- Majapahit era (abad XIV s.d XV).
- New Age
- Mataram time, Aceh, Makassar, Ternate, Tidore (abad XVI).
- Time of resistance to Western Imperialism (abad XIX).
- Time of national movement (abad XX).
- Indonesian Republic Period (since 1945).
Periodization Example
The following is an example of periodization, among them:
1. Periodization according to Ir. Soekarno in his book entitled "Indonesia Sues"” it is divided into three namely :
- A successful past
- Gloomy times now
- Glorious times are coming
2. Periodization of Indonesian History according to Prof. Mr. M Yamin who is known as "Panca Warsa"” namely, among others:
- Prehistoric Indonesia (0 BC)
- Proto history of Indonesia (0 s.d 600 BC)
- National Periodization of the Colonial Period (600 s.d 1525 BC)
- Periodization between Nations (Time International (1525 s.d 1900 BC)
- Age of Proclamation (1900 s.d 1945 BC)
Periodization is a chapter in history. Usually this historical periodization will be based on an event or events that have an actual nature or at certain times.
Periodization according to Ir. Soekarno in his book entitled "Indonesia Sues"” it is divided into three namely :
1. A successful past
2. Gloomy times now
3. Glorious times are coming
According to Prof. Dr. Sartono Kartodirjo as the basis for periodization is the degree of integration achieved in Indonesia in the past or the past.
Based on his point of view, These economic factors will affect social development, political, and culture in Indonesia.
Periodization proposed by Prof. Dr. Sartono are as follows :
Ancient times
1. The time of the oldest kingdom
2. Srivijaya Period (abad VII-XIII / XIV).
3. Majapahit era (abad XIV s.d XV).
New Age
1. Mataram time, Aceh, Makassar, Ternate, Tidore (abad XVI).
2. Time of resistance to Western Imperialism (abad XIX).
3. Time of national movement (abad XX).
4. Indonesian Republic Period (since 1945).
That's our explanation of the Material Periodization is. Also read our other articles on Illuminating Conjunction. Thank you for visiting our website. May be useful.
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