Difference Between Diachronic and Synchronic
What is the difference between Diachronic and Synchronic? What does diachronic mean?? What does synchronous mean?? What are the Characteristics and Examples of Diachronic and Synchronic? If this is your question, then take a look at our explanation of the Complete Diachronic and Synchronic Difference Paper Material, Definition, Features Features, Example, and the explanation below.
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Difference Between Diachronic and Synchronic

Synchronous Definition, Etymologically comes from the Greek, namely “synchronos ” The word consists of two words, namely Syn and Chronos each of which has a meaning, which one “Syn” means “With” whereas “chronos” means Time/Time.
The above is the linguistic meaning, while for the meaning of Synchronic is social science, it means that Expands in space but has limitations (narrow) during.
The synchronic method emphasizes more on structure, which means expanding in space. Synchronous can analyze something at a certain time, then do not try to draw conclusions regarding matters relating to the development of an event that affects current conditions, but only analyze a condition at that time.
So think that synchronously, that is like we analyze an event in essence or only analyze the main thing, not analyzing the event from the beginning.
Example ;
- Explaining the atmosphere at the time of the tragedy of the G30S uprising / PKI.
So, By thinking using the concept of synchronicity we can study historical events in detail. There are also those who say that synchronic science, is a science that examines symptoms – symptoms that extend in space but in a limited time.
Definition of Diachronic, linguistically comes from the Latin, namely “Diachronicus” which consists of two words, namely “Yes” and “Chronicus” which one “Yes” means Through / Beyond, whereas “Chronicus” means Time.
That was the linguistic meaning, while for the meaning of diachronic is history, it means Extending in time but narrowing in space .
Diachronic thinking is also known as chronological thinking (order). It's different from synchronic thinking, diachronic thinking that is, We analyze an event starting from the beginning of the event until the end of the event itself.
Example ;
- Explain the events of the battle 5 Day in Semarang starts from the beginning how do you start? / why did it happen until the end.
- Telling the story of someone's life starting from when he was born until now.
So think diachronically or chronologically, we will be able to learn the process of a historical event.
The conclusion, The difference between diachronic and synchronic is as follows::
- Extending in time but narrowing in space
- Understand events by performing past searches
- More concerned with the process of occurrence of an event
- Expands in space but has limitations (narrow) during.
- Emphasis on the structure found in an event
- Expanding the space in an event
Difference Between Diachronic and Synchronic Thinking
In Galtung's opinion, History is a diachronic science which comes from the word diachronich; ( is that means through/beyond and chronicus means time ). Diachronic means lengthening in time but limited in space. While, Synchronous means expanding in space but limited in time.
Thinking diachronically in studying history
History is diachronic, meaning that it is mestretch in time, History is concerned with process, History will of course talk about a certain event with a certain place (according to the events) from time A to time B.
History tries to see things from the point of view of time. The diachronic approach is analyzing changes in something from time to time, which will enable one to judge how that change occurs over time.
Historians of course use this approach in analyzing the impact of changing variables on something, thus allowing historians to postulate “WHY”” certain circumstances are born from previous circumstances / "WHY” a certain state of continuous or evolving.
Example :
- The Development of the Sarekat Islam in Solo, Year 1911 s.d 1920
- Physical Revolution in Indonesia, Year 1945 s.d 1949
- The Diponegoro War, Year 1925 s.d 1930
- Zionism Movement, Year 1897 s.d 1948 and others.
Synchronic thinking in studying history
Social science is synchronic (emphasize structure) meaning that social science extends in space. The synchronic approach analyzes a certain thing at a certain time, fixed point in time.
It does not attempt to draw conclusions regarding the development of events in the current state, rather just analyzing a condition like that.
Using a synchronic approach in describing the state of the Indonesian economy at a certain time, analyze the structure and function of the economy only at certain times and at that time. Archival research allows one to research a long time.
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Difference Between Diachronic and Synchronous Based on Their Characteristics
Diachronic Features – The following are some of the characteristics of Diachronic, which are as follows: :
- elongate, and time dimension
- Keep moving, and quality relationships
- Narrative, there is a process and also a transformation
- Dynamic in nature
- Emphasis on process duration
- Used in history
Synchronous Characteristics in Studying History – The following are some of the characteristics of studying history using a synchronic system:, namely as follows :
- Analyzing a historical event that occurred at a certain time.
- Emphasizes the study of an event against patterns, symptoms, and character.
- Horizontal.
- Has no concept of comparison.
- Reach / narrower scope of study.
- Have a systematic study.
- Has a more serious and in-depth study nature.
Synchronous Definition, Etymologically comes from the Greek, namely “synchronos ” The word consists of two words, namely Syn and Khronos, each of which has a meaning, which one “Syn” means “With” whereas “chronos” means Time/Time.
Definition of Diachronic, linguistically comes from the Latin, namely “Diachronicus” which consists of two words, namely “Yes” and “Chronicus” which one “Yes” means Through / Beyond, whereas “Chronicus” means Time.
Diachronic Features – The following are some of the characteristics of Diachronic, which are as follows: :
1. elongate, and time dimension
2. Keep moving, and quality relationships
3. Narrative, there is a process and also a transformation
4. Dynamic in nature
5. Emphasis on process duration
6. Used in history
Synchronous Characteristics in Studying History – The following are some of the characteristics of studying history using a synchronic system:, namely as follows :
1. Analyzing a historical event that occurred at a certain time.
2. Emphasizes the study of an event against patterns, symptoms, and character.
3. Horizontal.
4. Has no concept of comparison.
5. Reach / narrower scope of study.
6. Have a systematic study.
7. Has a more serious and in-depth study nature.
Thus our discussion of the Paper Material Difference Between Diachronic and Synchronic Complete with explanation. Also read other articles 10 Theory of the Formation of the Universe. May be useful.
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