The meaning of Astaghfirullah Wa Atubu Ilaih

The meaning of Astaghfirullah Wa Atubu Ilaih | Assalamualaikum, back again with This time we will discuss in full about the reading of dhikr as well as prayer, namely Astaghfirullah Wa Atubu Ilaih. Where on this occasion we will review the meaning of, argument / information from the Qur'an and al-Hadith, meaning and benefit / preference from…

Transportation Tool In Arabic

The names of the means of transportation in Arabic | Come back again with that will continue to give you all the new knowledge. Previously we have reviewed in full about Arabic Vocabulary and Its Meaning. Still with material related to Arabic vocabulary, this time we will review about the means of transportation…

Arti Mabruk Alfa Mabruk

Mabruk Alfa Mabruk Meaning in Indonesian – What is the meaning of mabruk alpha mabruk? How to use Mabruk alpha Mabruk sentences correctly? Nah, For that, just take a look at our direct discussion of Mabruk Alfa Mabruk Religious Materials, meaning below. Mabruk Alfa Mabruk Mabruk Alfa Mabruk To be able to understand something…

Meaning of Dreams of River Water

The Meaning of Dreams About River Water – A river is a long surface water flow that flows continuously from upstream to downstream. Dreaming about river water has a pretty good meaning. Let's look at the following explanation. The Meaning of Dreams of River Water The Meaning of Dreams of River Water According to Primbon and Psychologists…

Meaning of Dreams About Wells

Meaning of Dreams About Wells – The well is a large enough hole covered with a circular wall in which there is water. Dreaming about a well has a pretty good meaning. Let's look at the following explanation. The Meaning of Dreams About Wells The Meaning of Dreams About Wells According to Psychologists and Primbon The Meaning of Dreams About Wells…

Meaning of Dreams of Mourning

Meaning of Dreams of Mourning – Dreaming of mourning is a very scary and sad dream. But dreaming about this has a pretty good meaning for life. Let's look at the following explanation. The Meaning of Dreams of Mourners The Meaning of Dreams of Mourners According to Javanese Primbon…

Fii Hifzillah Meaning

Fii Hifzillah Meaning – Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, fii hifzillah is one of the sentences in Arabic that is currently popular and is often spoken by Indonesians. We often find these words on social media. But do you know what that saying means?. For people who already know it, maybe that's what they heard…

Allahumma Yassir Wala Tu’assir

Allahumma Yassir Wala Tu’assir – Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Lots of sentences in Arabic containing prayers are popular in Indonesia. One of them is the sentence allahumma yassir wala tu'assir. This sentence is one of the short prayers that we often see on social media or when we hear it…

Arti Allahummaghfirlahu Warhamhu

Arti Allahummaghfirlahu Warhamhu | This sentence is one of the prayers addressed to the deceased, which with this prayer we hope that the deceased will receive forgiveness and mercy from Allah SWT. This prayer is also one of the series of prayers in the funeral prayer, ie on…

Tulisan Arab Kullu Nafsin Dzaiqotul Maut

Tulisan Arab Kullu Nafsin Dzaiqotul Maut– Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, The sentence kullu nafsin dzaiqotul maut is a quote from the verse in the Qur'an, Surat Ali Imron verse 185, Al-Ankabut verse 57 and surah Al-Anbiya verse 35. Kalimat kulu nafsin dzaiqotul maut, is a sentence that reminds us of death. In this sentence Allah swt…