Duties and Authorities of Regional Heads

Duties and powers of regional heads and deputy regional heads – As stated in Law No 23 Year 2014 that the Regional Government has a Regional Head who in carrying out his duties is assisted by a Deputy Regional Head. Duties and Authorities of Regional Heads and Deputy As stated in the law…

Duties and Authority of the MPR

What are the duties and powers of the MPR? The duties and authorities of the MPR have been stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945. Regarding the explanation, see the Task Material, Authority, Function, Right, Obligation, and the Legal Basis of the MPR below. What is MPR? People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) is the highest institution in Indonesia that determines…

Pancasila Items

Items of Pancasila Precepts 1,2,3,4,5 and Examples of Recent Practices in TAP MPR No. XVIII / MPR / 1998 regarding the revocation of MPR Decree No. II / MPR / 1978, which is then set 45 Pancasila practice points. More details about the explanation 45 Pancasila points see the article below. Items of Pancasila Items of Pancasila Items of Pancasila…

Pancasila Text

Pancasila Text – Definition, Sound, Isi, Mean, Symbol, Figures and Practice of Pancasila in Daily Life. We will discuss the full explanation in the article below. What is Pancasila?? Pancasila is an ideology or idea and is the basis of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila is also the basis of various matters regarding decisions…

Values ​​of Pancasila

What are the values ​​contained in PANCASILA? The values ​​contained in Pancasila include the values ​​of God, Humanity, Association, Citizenship, and Justice. Explanation of the 5 values, take a look at the Values ​​contained in Pancasila 1,2,3,4, and 5 below this. Pancasila Values ​​Pancasila Values ​​Pancasila Values, which is like…

Meaning Sila Ke 5

What does Please Ke mean 5 Pancasila? The meaning of the 5th precept in Pancasila means that all Indonesian people get fair treatment both in the cultural field, religion, tribe, dll. For more details, see the Material Meaning Please Go to 5, Meaning, Isi, Symbol, Item, and Examples of Practice Please to 5 below this.…

Meaning Sila Ke 4

The meaning that becomes the practice or application of the 4th precept in this pancasila is not separated from the function of the people as the owner of the country. This is also the reason Indonesia uses a presidential system of government. For more details, see the Material Meaning please go to 4 Pancasila, Meaning, Isi, Item, Symbol, Symbol, and Example below…

Meaning Sila Ke 3

The 3rd precept in Pancasila, which reads "Indonesian Unity". This indicates or indicates that the union is a combination consisting of several parts of long pieces. For more details, see our discussion of the Material Meaning of Sila Ke 3, Meaning, Isi, Symbol, Items and Examples below. The 3rd Sila of Pancasila Sila…

Meaning Sila Ke 2

Meaning Sila Ke 2 – The second precept in Pancasila reads "Just and Civilized Humanity".” which contains all forms of humane elements that are just and civilized is an awareness of orderliness as the fundamentals of life. For more details, see the Material Meaning Please Go to 2, Meaning, Isi, Symbol, Item,…

Meaning Sila Ke 1

The first precept of Pancasila which is the basis of the Indonesian state is Belief in the One and Only God. The sentence in the 1st precept is derived from a term in Sanskrit or prakerta (Pali). For more details, see the Material Meaning Please Go 1, Meaning, Symbol, Symbol, Example below. The Meaning of the Supreme Being The first precept…