Values of Pancasila
What are the values contained in PANCASILA? The values contained in Pancasila include the values of God, Humanity, Association, Citizenship, and Justice. Explanation of the 5 values, take a look at the Values contained in Pancasila 1,2,3,4, and 5 below this.
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Pancasila Values

Pancasila, which, as the basis of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,, and we as the people then we must know, memorize, apply and also practice the values that exist in Pancasila itself in everyday life.
The values contained in Pancasila include the values of God, Humanity, Association, Citizenship, and Justice.
Pancasila, which as the basis of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and we as the people then we must know, memorize, apply and also practice the values contained in Pancasila itself in everyday life.
The values contained in Pancasila include the values of God, Humanity, Association, Citizenship, and Justice.
These values are the basic values for national life, state and society. The following are the values contained in Pancasila: :
Rate Please 1st
Sound please 1 in Pancasila is "The One and Only God."” please go 1 contains the value of God, which means that the Indonesian people give freedom to the people in choosing, carry out and practice worship in accordance with their respective religions. The elaboration of the values contained in the first precepts is as follows: :
- A belief and belief that God is real and has perfect nature.
- Fear God Almighty by doing all His commands and avoiding His prohibitions.
- Mutual tolerance and respect for inter-religious people.
- There is "freedom"” in performing worship in accordance with the teachings of their respective religions.
learn : Meaning of the 1st Will
Rate Please 2nd
The second precept in Pancasila is "Just and Civil Humanity."” contains human values, means that all Indonesians are recognized and must be treated properly according to their dignity as living beings.
The value of the second precept of Pancasila is based on the statement that all humans have degrees, dignity, the same rights and obligations.
As for the meaning or value contained in the second precept, namely as follows :
- Humans have the same or equal rights and obligations as well as dignity.
- The emergence of the recognition that humans are the most perfect social creatures.
- Upholding human values will get fair treatment from and to other humans.
- Every human being must have a sense of solidarity & high tolerance so that humans cannot act arbitrarily to others.
When is the meaning contained in Pancasila?, especially the second precept if it is practiced or applied it can lead to or increase the crime rate and even murder, due to the absence of pri humanity in him.
learn : Meaning of the 2nd Will
Rate Please 3rd
The third precept in Pancasila is "Persatuan Indonesia".’ The meaning contained in this third precept is a manifestation of a strong and intact determination that comes from various aspects of life that have one goal and are also combined into one, namely INDONESIA..
As the sound of the 3rd precept, namely “the unity of Indonesia” which of course has meaning and value- the value of unity in it.
The meanings contained in the Pancasila in the other three Pancasila precepts are as follows: :
- Putting interests first, national unity and integrity above personal and group interests.
- There is a sense of love for the country, nation and state with indications of being willing to sacrifice for the interests of the nation and the State of Indonesia.
- Recognizing all ethnic groups including the cultural diversity of these ethnic groups. This of course can encourage the Indonesian nation towards unity and unity.
If you want to achieve or realize the values of this unity, you will definitely meet obstacles and obstacles, but all of this must be passed by the Indonesian people by uniting into a strong unity.
learn : Meaning of the 3rd Will
4th Please Rate
Sound please 4 is “Democracy led by wisdom in representative deliberation” meaning please 4 The Pancasila emphasizes to us that the decision-making process must be based on the principle of deliberation so that it can create mutual agreement.
Besides that, Pancasila values please go to 4 also emphasized that the government carried out was from the people, by the people & for the people.
As for the meaning contained in the first precept 4 is as follows:
- The people of Indonesia are citizens who have the same rights and obligations as well as the same position.
- The principle of kinship must always be established in conducting deliberation and consensus.
- Prioritizing common interests, nation and state above personal and group interests.
- There is deliberation in making a decision that involves many people.
learn : Meaning of the 4th Will
Score Please 5th
Sound please 5 Pancasila is “Social justice for all the people of Indonesia” value please to 5 Pancasila emphasizes that in the life of the nation, & The state must create an equal balance between rights and obligations.
And as a community of our countrymen and countrymen, we must respect each other's rights, have a fair and helpful attitude.
As for the meaning contained in the pancasila on the th precept 5 is as follows :
- All humans have the same degree in the eyes of the law.
- Love all forms of development and development for the progress of the nation and country.
- Does not discriminate between humans based on status, degree and class.
- Fair and wise in doing all actions.
learn : Meaning of the 5th Will
And. Soekarno in the BPUPKI Session (Investigating Agency for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence)
At the date of 1 June 1945, delivered at the Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai trial / "BPUPKI"”
Pancasila itself comes from the Sanskrit language, that is pañca (Lima) and sila (principle / basic). So Pancasila are the Five Basics of the Indonesian State which are the formulation & guidelines for the life of the nation and state for all Indonesian people.
That is our explanation about Values contained in Pancasila. Also read other articles one of them Indonesian map. Don't forget to always visit our website so that you can get a lot of knowledge. Thank you.
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