Advanced Countries in the Americas
Developed Countries in America – American continent, or often dubbed the new world, is the largest continent in the western region. The American continent itself is divided into three parts including North America, Central America and South America.
In America there is one of the most influential countries for America and even in the world, namely the United States. The United States of America is a state or united states.
What do you mean by state? A state is a country where there is another state in it. There is 50 states in the United States.
United States of America, This country is no longer in doubt in terms of technological development and development. Actually there are many factors that drive the development and development of technology in America and other developed countries, one of them is high-level human resources, so that they are able to innovate and be creative in developing their country.
Skilled workforce or expert workforce is also one of the factors that make this country very advanced in the field of technology. Moreover, the United States is very important and one of the controllers in the world economy. So it is not surprising that the United States is said to be a superpower.
The following is a list of developed countries in the Americas and developing countries in the Americas along with a complete profile of each country.
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Developed Countries in America

The Americas are the second largest continent in the world, The American continent itself consists of island nations and unitary states / union.
Only truly developed countries in the Americas 2. The following is a list of developed countries in the Americas along with profiles or explanations of the two developed countries.
1. United States of America
The United States of America is a country that uses a federal constitutional republic system of government. This country is included as the third largest country in the world which is located in the northern part of the American continent by total area 9.833.517 km2.
The population in the United States is 325.625.791 km2 and the average population is white, black, and American Indians. The official language used is English.
Currently the United States is one of the developed countries in America with a gross domestic product that reaches US$. 19,39 trillion and US per capita income $. 59.500.
In terms of the economy, The United States has the most advanced economy in the world. Therefore this country is recognized by other countries as a superpower. The most important sector in this country comes from the industrial sector which is capable of producing the best export products. Some of the products that can be produced include gadgets, electronic, airplanes and other means of transportation.
Besides coming from the industrial sector, The United States is also capable of producing food products originating from the agricultural sector such as wheat, vegetables, meat and milk.
2. You have
Canada is a country that uses a monarchy system in its government (government). In the continental division of the Americas, Canada is in North America. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world by total area 9.984.670 km2.
Total population reached 35.362.905 people and its annual population growth only 0,74%. The official languages spoken are English and French.
Canada is currently classified as a developed country in the Americas by gross domestic product $ 1,532 trillion and US per capita income $. 46.200.
In terms of the economy, Canada is the richest country in the world. Canada's fast economic growth is supported by the industrial sector and the mining sector. From the industrial sector, Canada is able to produce products that can compete even in the world market such as electronics and foodstuffs.
But the most superior or main sector comes from the mining sector which can produce export quality oil.
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Developing Countries in the Americas
Besides having developed countries, in the Americas there are also developing countries, which means that in this country many have the potential to become developed countries, following the two developed countries that have been described above. The following are developing countries in the Americas and their country profiles ;

List of Developing Countries in North America
1. Republic of Dominica
Dominica is a democratic presidential republic or a state ruled by a president. The types of government itself are divided into 3 part, namely the executive branch, judicial & legislative.
This country has a large area 48.442 km2 with population 10,65 million people from various ethnic groups. Most of the population is ethnic European compared to the indigenous ethnic groups there, namely America. The commonly spoken language is Spanish.
From an economic point of view, The Dominican Republic actually has a relatively large number nine economy in Latin America. The highest basic income is obtained from the mining and industrial sectors. But the Dominican Republic is still classified as a developing country in the Americas.
2. Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a country with a presidential republic system of government. The size of this country 51.100 km2, the country of Costa Rica is the smallest in the Americas.
The registered population of this country reaches 4.930.258 person, most of whom come from the mestizo ethnicity or what is commonly known as the white ethnicity.
The economy in the country of Costa Rica is actually quite stable with internal income $ 85,2 billion and per capita income $ 17.200. The sector that forms the backbone of this country is the agricultural sector.
From the agricultural sector, can produce different products, like corn, gula, pineapple, coffee, and bananas. Although the economy is quite stable, still makes this country a developing country in the Americas.
3. Jamaica
Jamaica is a country that uses a constitutional monarchy system or is led by a king or queen. Jamaica is an island nation that has a large area 11.000 km2 with population 3 million souls.
Most of the population is black and the rest are from Europe, China, and India. The official language spoken in this country is English.
For the economy, Jamaica produces from the mining and industrial sectors. Jamaica is able to produce aluminum from its mining results.
Although it can produce from the mining and industrial sectors, less stable economic conditions. This means that this country is a developing country in the Americas.
4. Mexico
Mexico is a country with a federal presidential republic system of government. The area of this country reaches 1.964.375 km2.
The total population owned by the state of Mexico reaches 123.166.749, making Mexico a country listed as having the largest population in the world, namely the 11th order.
Most of the population comes from Ethni Mestizo and uses English as the official language. Mexico is still a developing country in the Americas, This is due to uncontrolled population growth.
5. Panama
Panama is a republic located in North America by area 75.420 km2. The total population alone comes to approx 3.753.142 person.
In the field of the country's economy, get results from the service sector and industry. This country is still classified as a developing country in America.
List of Developing Countries in South America
1. Brazil
Brazil is a country with a federal presidential republic form of government. This country is the largest on the South American continent by area 8.515.770 km2. other than that, Brazil is also named as the fifth largest country in the world
The population in this country reaches 205.823.665 soul, With that much population, Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world.
From an economic point of view, Brazil has the eighth largest economy in the world, although Brazil has the 8th largest economy in the world, this country remains a developing country in America. This is caused by several factors such as uncontrolled population.
The most superior and main sector in this country comes from the agricultural sector. The main product of the agricultural sector is coffee, corn, soya bean, sugarcane, rice, wheat, and cocoa.
2. Chili
Chile is a country that adheres to a presidential republic system of government, which is a country led by a president. This country has a large area 756.102 km2 with a population of up to 17.789.267 soul.
Most of the ethnic groups occupying the country are white and the official language is Spanish.
In terms of the economy, this one country is also quite stable. Mining and plantations have been the main source of income for the country of Chile.
The most superior plantation product in this country is wood. As for its mining products are iron and steel.
3. Colombia
Colombia is a country with a presidential republic system of government. This country has a large area 1.138.910 km2 with total population 47.698.524 person.
Most of the population is Chile, hail from the Mestizo ethnic group, are an ethnic group that has mixed European and Indian blood.
Colombia's economy is primarily based on the mining sector, because Colombia is the fourth oil producing country in South America. And the eighth largest coal producer in the world.
Not only from the mining sector, Colombia also excels in the agricultural sector. From the agricultural sector, Colombia is able to become the 3rd largest coffee exporter in the world.
4. Argentina
Argentina is a country that uses a presidential republic system of government, a country led by a president. This country is included in the 8th largest country in the world by area 2.780.400 km2.
Population reached 44.293.293, most of whom come from Europe and mestizos. The official language spoken is Spanish.
The natural resources found in Argentina are indeed very abundant, so in terms of the economy Argentina is very profitable from the agricultural sector.
Some of the agricultural products sown from Argentina are tea, soybeans, nuts, wheat, corn, lemon, Grape, and sunflower seeds. Apart from the agricultural sector, there also plays an important role for this Argentine country, namely the industrial sector.
That is our explanation of Developed Countries in the Americas and Developing Countries in the Americas. You can also visit our other articles below.
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