Mosquito Metamorphosis – Understanding, Type and Cycle (Complete)
Mosquito Metamorphosis – Definition, Type and Cycle (Complete) || Hello friends,, this time we will discuss about the metamorphosis of mosquitoes, which is an example of the mosquito cycle that occurs in insect class animals.
For more details, see our discussion of the mosquito metamorphosis tool, starting from Understanding Mosquito Metamorphosis, Types of Mosquito Cycle, Stages, Order, and the Mosquito Cycle below.
Table of Contents
What is Mosquito Metamorphosis?
Mosquito metamorphosis is an example of mosquito metamorphosis that occurs in animals of the insect class. It is considered perfect because the mosquito goes through four stages of transformation from the egg, larva, cocoons into adult mosquitoes during the process of metamorphosis that takes place.
Any Type – Types of Mosquito Metamorphosis?

Changes in the shape of mosquitoes have two changes in shape, namely complete shape changes and incomplete shape changes, with the following explanation:
Metamorphosis in mosquitoes includes complete metamorphosis through four stages, begins with the process of fertilization of female mosquito eggs by male mosquito sperm to form a zygote.
Eggs are produced as a result of fertilization, which is then placed on the surface of the water by the female mosquito. The water surface chosen by the parent is usually calm water with high humidity. Egg stage in progress 2 until 3 day and hatch into larvae.
Perfect Metamorphosis
The stages in mosquitoes include complete metamorphosis through four stages:, begins with the process of fertilization of female mosquito eggs by male mosquito sperm to form a zygote.
Eggs are produced as a result of fertilization, which is then placed on the surface of the water by the female mosquito. The water surface chosen by the parent is usually calm water with high humidity. Egg stage in progress 2 until 3 day and hatch into larvae.
Incomplete Metamorphosis
Incomplete metamorphosis is a metamorphosis in which the development of an animal or insect changes forward through the egg stage -> cocoons -> adult level.
In short, Incomplete metamorphosis is the process of growth of animals or insects that do not change shape. Newborn animals have the same shape as adults, it's just that there are parts of the body that have not experienced growth.
Some examples of other animals or insects that have undergone incomplete metamorphosis are grasshoppers and beetles.
What are the Stages or Cycle of Mosquito Metamorphosis?

The mosquito cycle will have 4 stages, The first stage begins with the egg stage, become larvae, become a pupa and eventually become an adult mosquito, Well, here's an explanation about it::
1. Egg Stadium
The mosquito stage begins with the fertilization of the female mosquito's egg by the male mosquito's sperm, which produces a zygote. Fertilization produces eggs, which is then placed on the surface of the water by the mother. The water surface that is commonly used as a habitat for mosquito eggs is calm water with high humidity.
At the egg level, Aquatic habitat is the main factor that can encourage the growth and development of mosquito eggs.
When the water habitat is dry, dead mosquito eggs. Usually the egg phase lasts 2-3 days before the larvae hatch.
2. Stadium Larva
After hatching from the egg, mosquito larvae – or so-called larvae – out of the shell and continue to grow on the surface of the water. It passes 4 growth stage during 7-10 days before finally entering the next stage of mosquito metamorphosis – cocoon.
During 4 growth stage, Mosquitoes change shape and add soft fur to their bodies.
The growth of larvae or mosquito larvae is caused by several factors such as: B. Water temperature, availability of food components and the presence or absence of predators in the aquatic ecosystem in their habitat.
It should be noted that mosquito larvae feed on various types of aquatic life such as fish, clams and others.
3. Stadium Pupa
Next, after 1 week of transition to larvae, Mosquito larvae enter the final phase of their life in aquatic habitats. Mosquito larvae develop into pupae (cocoon) to prepare his body to become an adult mosquito ready to fly.
At this time, the doll is not active. Although it is not clear who will be the main character in the video, Physiological function of respiration can still be used. It always absorbs oxygen from the air by breathing above the cocoon.
The mosquito cycle phase to the pupa phase usually lasts for 12 day. During this time, the cocoon forms delicate wings that allow it to fly to the next stage of metamorphosis.
4. Adult Mosquito Stadium
After going through the pupa phase for 12 day, now become an adult mosquito that is ready to fly and suck blood into its body.
other than that, Because the footage was taken at night 2 types of mosquitoes by gender, i.e. male and female mosquitoes. Male mosquitoes usually pupate earlier than females.
If both of them come out, mosquitoes will mate. Then the female mosquito is rested for 2 days before finally starting to bleed.
That's Yuksinau's discussion about the metamorphosis of mosquitoes this time, I hope it can be useful for all of you. Thank you for visiting our website.
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