Meaning Sila Ke 5
What does Please Ke mean 5 Pancasila? The meaning of the 5th precept in Pancasila means that all Indonesian people get fair treatment both in the cultural field, religion, tribe, dll. For more details, see the Material Meaning Please Go to 5, Meaning, Isi, Symbol, Item, and Examples of Practice Please to 5 below this.
Table of Contents
The 5th Precept of Pancasila

In Pancasila, the 5th precept which reads "Social Justice for All Indonesian People".
As for the meaning of the 5th precept, this becomes the basis and is also used as the goal of the state which is carried out through the system in government as well as all the rights and obligations of citizens..
Cooperation between the community and the government in the state cannot be separated, However, the characteristic of the Indonesian people is that they always carry out deliberation to reach consensus.
Meaning Sila Ke 5 Pancasila

The meaning of the 4th precept in Pancasila means that all Indonesian people get fair treatment both in the cultural field, religion, tribe, law, political, economy, dll.
In addition, social justice for all Indonesian people has another meaning, namely as follows :
1. Justice
The best meaning in the basis of Pancasila in this case is the 5th Precept is a process of justice to get something that is the right of the Indonesian people.
For example, based on the law, every community has the right to have the same strata/layer in the legal process.
2. Adil
The meaning of the fifth precept of Pancasila is the process of developing a fair attitude among human beings, which is an element of instinctiveness in the formation of the peace of the Indonesian people/society.
This understanding of justice is a series of behaviors that place something according to its position or portion.
3. Right & Obligation
Meaning please to 5 is a balancing act, and coordinate, and harmonize the rights & obligations in society.
Examples of the rights and obligations of citizens, in this case, for example, are maintaining Indonesia's sovereignty by instilling the spirit of nationalism.
4. Cooperation
The next meaning of the 5th precepts of Pancasila is to mutually carry out various forms of cooperation that are intertwined in everyday life in society.
Good in economics, political, as well as in socio-cultural bing. This effort is made in order to get justice.
5. Generosity
Implementation as a form of action or the application of the value of justice further is to develop an attitude of generosity to fellow living beings, by sharing and helping each other.
If this continues, of course, life will be more well-ordered and full of love between the people of Indonesia.
6. Work hard
Get used to living frugally, simple, and working hard is one of the meanings in the form of practicing please 5 Pancasila.
These efforts are made so that the whole community in carrying out its role as a form of social change.
7. Helping each other
The process of helping others is an important part in the implementation and experience of Pancasila, especially on the 5th Precept.
This good habit will certainly have a huge influence on the happiness of a person.
8. Avoid Bad Attitudes
The practice of implementing the 5th precept is to stay away from attitudes that are considered bad, one of them is like blackmailing others.
This is done so that someone is responsible for what is his duty.
For example, it is like the task of the Supreme Court which looks very difficult to implement the rules that have been stated in the Act.
Based on the meaning of please 5, namely social justice for all Indonesian people, Of course, we can understand that the value of justice guarantees to achieve a standard of living that is appropriate or appropriate and honorable according to its nature.
Symbol of the 5th Precept of Pancasila

Emblem please 5 namely Rice and Cotton which are the identity as well as its characteristics.
The illustration is done as an explicit implementation of basic human needs, namely cotton is defined as clothing and rice as food.
The Meaning of Rice and Cotton in the Precepts of Ke 5 :
- Cotton : Human Clothing Needs
- Paddy : Food or Primary Human Needs.
- Alloy Color : It symbolizes the main requirements to achieve the prosperity of Indonesian citizens
11 Details Please To 5 Pancasila
Available 11 details of the 5th precept in the practice guidelines 45 details of the Appreciation Guidelines & Pancasila Practice. What are the details please? 5?
- Doing actions that have high values, which reflects the attitude and atmosphere of kinship and mutual cooperation.
- Develop a fair attitude towards fellow countrymen and countrymen.
- There is a balance between rights & obligation.
- Respect the rights of others.
- Helping others to be able to stand on their own.
- Don't extort other people.
- Do not use property rights for things that are wasteful and live a luxurious lifestyle.
- Do not use property rights that can harm the public interest.
- Always work hard.
- Appreciating the work of others.
- Carry out activities in order to realize equitable progress & social justice.
Example of Practice of the 5th Will
Examples of practicing the 5th precepts of Pancasila that we can do in everyday life, namely as follows :
- Be fair to fellow creatures
- Like to work hard
- Don't behave extravagantly
- Life is full of simplicity.
- Do not abuse public facilities
- Appreciating the work of others
- Fostering kinship in the community
- Not favoritism in socializing in society
- Helping others to be independent
- Participate in village building
- Protect the rights of others.
- Exercising rights and carrying out obligations in a balanced manner
- Respect / respect the rights of others on the basis of justice
- Do not damage the environment that will harm many people
- Do not violate regulations that have to do with public interest
Pancasila comes from the Sanskrit language, that is pañca means 5 and sila means principle / basic. And Pancasila is the formula & guidelines for national life & state for all Indonesian people.
The function of Pancasila is as a view of life Indonesian nation as well as instructions for behavior in everyday life. Which is all forms of moral ideals of the Nation & Culture must be sourced from Pancasila which is an inseparable unit.
Pancasila ideology is a form of thought, idea, ide, and beliefs that serve as life guidelines in all movements of the nation's activities in accordance with the socio-cultural values of the Indonesian nation itself.
This is our explanation of Arti and Meaning Sila Ke 5. Also read other articles one of them Indonesian map. Don't forget to always visit our website so that you can get a lot of knowledge. Thank you.
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- Meaning Sila Ke 1
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