The meaning of the Association and the Unity of Indonesia
The meaning of the Association and the Unity of Indonesia – Unity and unity are the most powerful means for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia both in the context of seizing, guard, maintain and fill independence. For more details, see our discussion of the Paper Material on the Meaning of the Unity and Unity of the Indonesian Nation and the Principles of Complete Indonesian Unity and Unity below..
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The meaning of the Association and the Unity of Indonesia

Unity and unity are the most powerful means for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia both in the context of seizing, guard, maintain and fill independence.
Unity itself contains the meaning or meaning of "the unification of diversity into one whole and unified whole, not fragmented and harmonious.”
Unity of Indonesia means the unity of the nation who lives or inhabits the territory of the State of Indonesia, this is supported by the desire to achieve a "free" life” in an independent and sovereign country.
As for the unity and integrity of Indonesia, which we feel occurs in a fairly dynamic process and also lasts for quite a long time because the unity and integrity of the nation is formed through processes that grow from various socio-cultural elements that exist in Indonesian society itself., which was built in a very long time span.
Various socio-cultural elements in question, such as the nature of kinship, and the spirit of mutual cooperation. Which of these two elements are the main characteristics of the Indonesian nation, which is guided by the principles of humanity and culture.
The entry of foreign culture occurs due to acculturation (cultural mixing). The culture from outside that is meant is Islamic culture, Hindu, Kristen, as well as various other diverse cultural elements.
All elements of culture that come from outside are selected by the Indonesian people. Then another characteristic is seen in every decision making regarding matters relating to common life which is carried out through deliberation and consensus.
This is one of the supporters of the realization of the unity of the Indonesian nation. So with that, the unity and unity of the Indonesian nation will create a family nature, mutual cooperation spirit, discussion, and many more.
The proclamation of Indonesian independence was the beginning of the formation of the Republic of Indonesia (The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia). The state of Indonesia which was proclaimed by the founders of the state is a unitary state.
Article 1 verse 1 The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 state, as follows ;
"Indonesia is a unitary state in the form of a republic". The third principle is Pancasila insisting on how the determination of the Indonesian nation in creating unity.
However, if matters relating to the meaning of Indonesian unity are studied further, then there are some principles that we must also understand, then we practice.
Principles of Association and National Unity
The following are principles related to the meaning and significance of Indonesian unity, Among them are :
1. Principle of Diversity and Unity
This principle requires one to recognize that the Indonesian nation is a nation consisting of various religions, language, diverse tribes and customs. This requires us to unite as a nation of Indonesia.
2. Principles of Indonesian Nationalism
We are supposed to love our own nation, but that doesn't mean we glorify our own nation. Nationalism does not mean we feel superior to other nations.
We don't want to impose our will on other nations because with the views above, it will only harm us.
Apart from being unrealistic, This attitude also contradicts Meaning please 1st (The Almighty God) and 2nd please meaning (Fair and civilized humanity)
3. Principles of Freedom and Responsibility
Indonesian humans are one of the creations of the Almighty God. Where the human has freedom and responsibility towards himself, each other, as well as in his relationship with God Almighty.
4. Archipelago Insight Principle
With archipelago insight, Then the position of Indonesian people is placed within the framework of social unity, political, culture, economy, and security defense.
With that insight, Indonesian people feel one, same fate, compatriots and homeland, and have a strong determination in the desire to achieve the ideals of national development.
5. Principles of Development Association
With the spirit of the unity of the Indonesian nation, we must be able to fulfill independence and continue development towards a just and prosperous Indonesian society. Unity is the basic capital for national development.
The Importance of Unity and Unity and Bhineka Tunggal Ika
Is it possible for a motorcycle without tires to run on the highway?? Which is more difficult?, break 1 what stick 100 sticks that are tied into 1? A motorbike cannot run without tires. Of course we will also be easier to break 1 sticks instead of breaking 100 sticks that are tied into 1.
The illustration is a picture of life. In life, a person will not have much meaning when he is alone. But if together everyone is part of the community, they must be united to support the running of the values and harmony of the community, Of course this will be more meaningful.
When all aspects of human life want to run harmoniously, then it must be based on the value of unity & unity.
In the life of nations and nations, the practice of unity & unity is manifested in the form of behavior, namely, among others:
- Defend the union & Indonesian territorial unit
- Increase / preserving the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
- Cultivating a family spirit
- And avoid the protrusion of SARA (Religion, Ethnic group, Culture, dll).
More than 84 Last year, Indonesian youth pledged a form of behavior that supports unity and integrity. The pledge of the Indonesian youth agreement was stated in an oath issued on 28 October 1928.
Upholding the unified language of Indonesia, namely the Indonesian language as stated in the Youth Pledge is a form of behavior to practice unity and integrity.
Examples of behavior in supporting unity and unity, that is we have a sense of pride because we are part of the Indonesian nation and state.
The form and application of a sense of pride towards the nation and state is manifested by an attitude of mutual love and the use of products originating within the country.
By using domestic products, by itself, the entrepreneurs who create the products and their employees will still have income , Of course, by doing so, it can create the welfare of the Indonesian people.
Prosperous Indonesian people will be stronger in defending the Indonesian nation and state when compared to people who are not prosperous.
2nd Paragraph of the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 state, “… merdeka.., united.., sovereign.., fair and prosperous".
Because of that, to create unity & unity, government action, the people, and the Indonesian nation must lead to the creation of justice and prosperity for the entire Indonesian nation.
Enjoying prosperity is a right for all Indonesian people, such as obtaining education for school-age children.
The government has declared compulsory education 9 year. It means, All citizens or citizens of Indonesia are legally entitled and obliged to receive education up to the SMP/MTs level.
However, often we see school-age children who spend time in vain without getting an education and doing useless things on the streets.
The motto is "Binneka Tunggal Ika".” has a meaning that is in accordance with the diversity of Indonesian society today.
At first, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika was only intended to unite life amidst diversity and belief, but the fact is that at this time this motto is still very much in accordance with the current state and condition of Indonesia.
Indonesian society from time to time has more diversity. We are not only diverse in religion, culture, tribe, nation, ras, and gender, but more diverse in the way of thinking, organize, think, political parties, way of dressing, and much more.
The conclusion, Because the footage was taken at night 3 important meaning in the unity and unity of the Indonesian Nation, namely as follows :
- A sense of unity & unity by establishing and fostering a sense of togetherness and complementing each other.
- Foster a sense of humanity and mutual tolerance and also a sense of harmony for the sake of coexistence.
- Have a sense of family, friendship, brotherhood and the attitude of helping each other, coupled with the attitude of nationalism.
Thus our discussion of the Paper Material The Meaning of Indonesian Unity and Unity. Also learn about Bathe body of the constitution 1945. May be useful.
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