Adfaita Sholawat lyrics
Adfaita Sholawat lyrics – This Adfaita prayer is a prayer that is often sung by Iman and Hafiz, Sheikh Misyari Rashid. In Indonesia, Sholawat Adfaita is very popular. Especially when it is often brought by Nissa Sabyan, Ai Khodijah and many others.
Nah, for those of you who are looking for Adfaita sholawat lyrics, don't worry because we will share it with all of you. For that, just take a look at the lyrics of the sholawat Adfaita Arabic text, latin, and its meaning or full translation below.
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Lyrics Sholawat Adfaita Arabic Text

[su_box title=”
Sholawat Adfaita
” style=”soft” box_color=”#2d973d” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″]
اَضْفَيْتَ عَلَى الْحُسْنِ الْعَبْقَا
فَالْوَرْدُ تَضَوَّعَ واعْتَنَقَا
حَسِّنْ يَارَبُّ لَنَا الخُلُقَا
طَهِرْهُ فَلَايَحْوَى نَزَقَا
اَضْفَيْتَ عَلَى الْحُسْنِ الْعَبْقَا
فَالْوَرْدُ تَضَوَّعَ واعْتَنَقَا
حَسِّنْ يَارَبُّ لَنَا الخُلُقَا
طَهِرْهُ فَلَايَحْوَى نَزَقَا
وَاجْعَلْهُ يُقَلِّدُ فِى حَبْرٍ
لِلْهَادِ فِى حُسْنِ لالخُلُقَا
حَسِّنْ يَارَبُّ لَنَا الخُلُقَا
فَالْعَبْدُ بِاَخُلَاقٍ سَبَقَا
فِى جَنَّةِخُلْدِ مَّقْعَدُهُ
فِى قُرْبِكَ أَحْمَدُمُلْتَحِقَا
مَن كَانَ لَهُ خُلُقٌ حَسَنٌ
سَيَكُوْنُ الْاَقْرَبَ فِى الرُّفَقَا
كَمْ اَثْنَى اللهُ عَلَى خُلْقٍ
فِى اَحْمَدَ اَصْدَ قِ مَنْ صَدَقَ
قَدْاَدَّبَ رَبِي مُرْسَلهُ
هُوَاَكْرَمْ مَنْ رَبِّي خَلَقَ
هُوَرَحْمَةُاُمَّتِهِ اَبَدًا
وَسِرَاجُ انُّوْرِ قَدِئتَلَقَا
خُلُقُ الْقُرْاَنِ شَمِيْلَتُهُ
فَضْلُ الرَّمْمَنُ بَهِ رُزِقَا
Lyrics Sholawat Adfaita Latin Text
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Adfaita Latin lyrics
” style=”soft” box_color=”#2d973d” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″]
Adfaita`alal khusnil `abqo
Falwardu tadawwa `ah `tanaqo
Hasin ya rabbulana khulqo
Thahirhu falaa nahwa nazaqo
Adhfaita `alal khusnil `abqo
Falwardu tadawwa `ah `tanaqo
Hasin ya rabbulana khulqo
Thahirhu falaa nahwa nazaqo
Waj`alhu is a young man for shobri
Lilhaadi fii husnil khuluqo
Hasin ya rabbulana khuluqo
Fal`abdu biakhulaqin is a nation
Waj`alhu is a young man for shobri
Lilhaadi fii husnil khuluqo
Hasin ya rabbulana khuluqo
Fal`abdu biakhulaqin is a nation
Adhfaita `alal khusnil `abqo
Falwardu tadawwa `ah `tanaqo
Hasin ya rabbulana khulqo
Thahirhu falaa nahwa nazaqo
Give Jannati Khuldim the maqadu
Find out what's important
Man kaana lahu khuluqun hasanun
Sayakuunal aqraba fir rufaqoo
Kam atsnallahu `ala khulqin
Fii ahmada ashdaqi man shadaqo
Qad punishment of Allah mursalahu
Huwa akram man rabbi khalaqo
Huwa rahmatu ummatihi abadan
Minister Junnuri Qad Italaka
The Holy Qur’an is syamiilatahu
Fadhlu rammanu bahi ruziqa
Translate Sholawat Adfaita
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Sholawat Adfaita (Translated)
” style=”soft” box_color=”#2d973d” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″]
You are in a beautiful position of power
Like a blooming flower opening its fragrance
Oh God make our morals better
Purer clean without the nature of imprudence
and make our patience like the example of the Prophet Muhammad
Oh God make our morals better
Then we become successful servants
With good morals
In eternal heaven Close to you
O Allah, Prophet Muhammad there
And those who have good morals
Will be the closest to him in heaven
Repeatedly God praises the trustworthy character of Prophet Muhammad
To Ahmad, I believe in the truth
Allah has sent his messenger
He is the most virtuous creature created by God
He has a loving nature towards his people, forever
And he is a ray that shines beautifully on humanity
His perfect character is the character of the Qur'an
What was gifted to him from God the Most Merciful
Thus our description of "ADFAITA SHOLAWAT LYRICS". May be useful. You can visit and memorize the other sholawat lyrics below.
See Also :
- Lirik assubhubada
- Lirik Robbi Kholaq Thoha
- Lyrics Sa'duna Fiddunya
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