Longitude and Latitude Functions
Longitude is an imaginary line in the form of a straight line connecting the earth, Latitude is a virtual line that is shaped around the earth. For more details, see the Complete Longitude and Latitude Function Material below.
Table of Contents
Definition of Longitude

Longitude is an imaginary line in the form of a straight line connecting the earth from the north pole to the south pole.
Because of longitude (λ) follow or adapt to the shape of the earth (round), then longitude (λ) have magnitude 360 ° .
Longitude is used to determine or determine time and date throughout the earth.
On Latitude, which is the area traversed by the equator is considered as 0 ° , for Longitude, the place considered as 0 ° is a line from the north pole to the right south pole across a city, that is the city of Greenwich, But you can also enjoy movies in various languages like Hindi.
Then, longitude west of Greenwich, England is called West Longitude (BB) while the line to the east is called East Longitude (BT).
The distance of the 2 longitudes from Greenwich to the limit of 180º. At that distance, West Longitude (BB) and East Longitude (BT) will meet again.
This longitude, based on its development, will become a benchmark in determining time in various parts of the earth.
Longitude Function
In addition to functioning to determine the time, Longitude is also used as a location determination along with latitude, and also this longitude can be used to determine the division of time zones.
Definition of Latitude

Latitude is a virtual line that circles the earth drawn from the west to the east, or an imaginary line that serves to determine the region or location on earth according to the equator.
Based on the location, Latitudes in the northern hemisphere are called northern latitudes (LU) magnitude is from 0° up to 90° LU, further north the length will be smaller even at 90° LU in the form of a point that is the point of the North Pole.
The latitude in the southern hemisphere is called the southern latitude, the magnitude of 0° – 90° LS, the further south it goes the smaller the length even at 90° LS is only a point, namely the South Pole point.
0 . latitude° or also known as the equator or the equator which divides the earth into 2 part of the same size, namely between the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere.
There are several terms that describe latitude on the earth's surface, that is:
1 | Latitude 0 ° | It's called the equator |
2 | 23 latitude½ ° | It's called a back line. |
3 | 66 latitude½ ° | Called the arc circle line. |
4 | Latitude 90 ° | Is a dotted line. |
Latitude Function
In addition to functioning as a determinant or determining a location with longitude,, Another function of latitude is that it can be used as a marker in the division of climatic zones that occur on earth.
Where the tropics will always get sun exposure all the time during the day has a latitude range between 23 ½ ° LU -23 ½ ° LS.
Because of this, tropical climates only exist 2 season, i.e. summer and rain.
As for the areas that are in between 23 ½ ° LU and 66 ½° LU, and between 23 ½° LS and 66 ½ ° LS is referred to as a subtropical area where this area has 4 season :
- Summer
- Winter
- Fall season
- Spring.
Longitude is an imaginary line in the form of a straight line connecting the earth from the north pole to the south pole.
Latitude is a virtual line that circles the earth drawn from the west to the east, or an imaginary line that serves to determine the region or location on earth according to the equator.
Latitude circle the earth, starting from the west to the east, and also parallel to the Equator.
Longitude circle the earth from north to south, and also connects the North Pole with the South Pole, and perpendicular (Horizontal) with the Equator.
That is our explanation about Longitude and Latitude Functions Complete and Explanation. Don't forget to always visit our website so that you can get a lot of knowledge. Thank you.
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