Fii Amanillah Meaning
What does fii amanillah mean?? What is the answer of fii amanillah? How to answer fii amanillah speech? What is the meaning of fii amanillah speech? How to use fii amanillah which is good and true?.
Nah, on this occasion will discuss in full about Fii Amanillah meaning, answer, its meaning and its good and correct use. Just take a look at the description below.
Table of Contents
Fii Amanillah Meaning

fii amanillah (فِي أَمَانِ الله) is one of the sayings in Arabic that means "may you be in the protection of God".
From the meaning, Of course we all agree that this greeting is very suitable to be said to people who want to travel or are on their way.
This speech is a prayer and hope that the person who wants to travel or is traveling is always protected by Allah swt. on its way.
Insha Allah, when we are sincere in saying the prayer, Allah will answer the prayers we pray to Him. Family, relatives, as well as our traveling brothers and sisters will always be in the shade or protection of Allah SWT and safely arrive at their destination.
The person who receives this greeting is certainly very happy, because by saying fii amanillah it means we pray for goodness to him and being prayed for is a fun thing.
How to pronounce Fii Amanillah
To say fii amanillah this also needs to be considered, because the pronunciation of words in Arabic if you say it wrong even if only a little, then the meaning will change, can even be fatal.
For example, in saying the sentence takbir or Allahu Akbar which means "God is great", but when we pronounce the letter alif in the word is too long, as “Aallahu akbar“, then the meaning will change to "Is Allah Most Great"?”.
It's the same as saying this fii amanillah, on the word "fii” have to say long, that is, with 2 letter "i", if pronounced correctly it means "inside".
But sometimes there are those who say "fii amaniloh", replace the letter "a"” in the word God pronounces the letter "o". In fact, this can't be because the meaning of the word will change. Therefore, adapt or say what is written.
Use of Fii Amanillah Speech
As discussed above that fii amanillah means "may you always be in the protection of Allah"” that means the word fii amanillah is not only used or spoken to people who are traveling.
This speech can also be used in other conditions and situations. Why? seen from arti fii amanillah that is 'may you be in God's protection', then the word Fii Amanillah can be used in situations like the following::
- Meeting people who are suffering
- Heard of indications of natural disasters in an area where there are relatives in the area, friend, family or others.
- Said to someone in trouble
- Addressed to someone who has obtained or is currently occupying a certain position
- To conclude the conversation on the phone, before saying hello
- Said to someone who is doing a dangerous job. Etc.
Jawaban Fii Amanillah

After we know the meaning of fii amanillah, then how to reply or answer this fii amanillah speech? It's the same when we say hello ‘Assalamu ‘alaikum‘ which will be answered with a speech Wa ‘alaikumus salaam.
The same is the case with the fii amanillah speech, which of course there is an answer or reply to the person who said it to us. AThen what is the answer?
When someone gets a greeting Fii Amanillah, then you can answer by saying Ma'assalamah (I will surely allow it for you " ; مَعَ السَّلاَمَة ), which means "may safety always be with you". This response is also a prayer to someone who says Fii Amanillah.
In Islamic teachings, we are encouraged to give kindness back to people who give us kindness, as the Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam once said:
"And whoever does good to you, then reciprocate with appropriate good (similar) and if you do not get something to repay his kindness, then pray for him until you feel that you have repaid his kindness". [HR. Ahmad]
Makna Fii Amanillah
Fii Amanillah's speech contains many very deep meanings . That is why we are encouraged to get used to saying 'Fii Amanillah’ this is to someone who wants to travel or travel or other conditions and situations as described above. The meaning of fii amanillah is as follows:
1. Praying for Safety
Fii Amanillah is a meaningful speech as a prayer for safety addressed to our brothers who want to travel. We seek protection from Allah SWT for him from calamities or other bad things. Because, the best protection is protection from Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
2. Showing Concern
When we pray for the family, sibling, relatives or others that indicate our concern for him. We hope that the family, sibling, relatives who travel safely to their destination.
Building or growing a sense of concern among fellow Muslims is highly recommended because by building and growing a sense of concern, we will certainly strengthen the unity and integrity of the Ummah..
3. Fellow Muslim Love
Another meaning of this fii amanillah speech is the feeling of love among Muslims. With this love, we have a sense of caring which is manifested by praying for our brother who will be traveling.
With the hope that he doesn't get in the way or bad things happen to him. Because we don't want any misfortune or badness to befall our fellow Muslims.
Ma'assalamah ( مَعَ السَّلاَمَة) means "may safety always be with you".
1. The Form of Love for Fellow Muslims
2. Form or Sense of Concern
3. Wishing you the best (safety)
The meaning of barakallah is 'May you be blessed by Allah or get a blessing from Allah'’
Thus our discussion of 'Fii Amanillah Meaning Complete'. Hopefully useful. Also read our other articles below. thank you for visiting.
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