Examples of Cultural Conflicts That Have Happened in Indonesia
Examples of Cultural Conflict in Indonesia – The example of cultural conflict in Indonesia is one of the topics that is always interesting to discuss. Then what are examples of cultural conflicts in Indonesia?? Nah, For that, just take a look at our explanation of the Material Examples of Cultural Conflict in Indonesia below.
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Examples of Cultural Conflict in Indonesia

The example of cultural conflict in Indonesia is one of the topics that is always interesting to discuss. As we know, our country is made up of various tribal and ethnic groups, which naturally has cultural diversity.
This diversity then causes the emergence of cultural differences between one another. other than that, sometimes there are conflicting views between cultures.
Where things that are considered normal in Culture X may be the opposite or considered disrespectful in others in Culture Z.
The above picture cannot be taken lightly. Because these cultural differences can also trigger or cause horizontal conflicts (terminology of conflicts that occur between individuals or groups of organizations ).
other than that, for people who still have very traditional views, where they will fight to the death for their own culture.
It's not wrong, because culture is a part of their lives and struggles. Therefore the conflict caused by culture is a kind of self-esteem gamble.
See this statement, no wonder that conflicts in Indonesia often occur because of cultural differences. Conflicts that occur sometimes take lives and even cause deaths that are not small.
This condition can also endanger or in other words threaten the security structure in social life.
The following events can prevent intercultural conflicts from having a major impact. Check out some examples of cultural conflicts that occurred in Indonesia below ;
1. Aceh Conflict with Java
A fact that some people say Javanese is easy to accept wherever they are. The real evidence is the existence of those who are "Indonesian".
This can be seen from the habits / customs, mild mannered, and a high work ethic makes Javanese people easily accepted in all areas where they live.
reality, Actually, Javanese people are not absolutely loved by all Indonesians. One of them is Aceh, an area that can be said to be less able to accept Javanese people.
Just like the grapevine that says Sundanese women are "forbidden"” to marry a Javanese. Nah, there are also those who say that the Acehnese are not happy or do not like the Javanese people from the past.
The reason for the conflict between these two tribes is also because of the cultural differences between the two. Related to other causes, namely as follows::
Dutch and Javanese attack Aceh The promise of the Javanese to the Acehnese is rejected kish daud regrets, which also confirmed that Aceh was appointed president of the DOM by President Suharto.
- The Javanese once attacked Aceh;
- There is a promise of the Javanese to the people of Aceh, but denied;
- The story of David Bereud is very sad; and
- Aceh was once used as a Military Operations Area (DOM) by president Suharto.
2. North Lampung Conflict with South Lampung
Lampung is a province located at the tip of the Sumatran Archipelago. The conflict that occurred around the year 2017 involving the people of North Lampung and South Lampung.
This conflict was triggered by cultural differences. This conflict is quite serious and has even attracted the attention of local and national media as an example of a violation of democracy.
The major conflict that occurred between South Lampung and North Lampung occurred in the Kalianda region. Judging from the cause, The Lampung case, within certain limits, can be said to be classic.
Although some people see the conflict between villages in Lampung as having nothing to do with ethnicity, but ignoring this factor is also not right, considering that the parties to the conflict have a direct relationship with the 2 ethnic groups involved,namely ethnic Lampung and Bali
3. Dani and Damal Tribe War, Papuan Mimika
In Papua, there is another conflict with cultural background, this time involving the Dani and Damal tribes in the Mimika region, Papua.
The two tribes attack each other with arrows and spears. A tense exchange of arrows ensued after the two sides failed to reach a peace agreement. From the war has killed approximately 8 person.
Mimika Resort Police's conciliation efforts have yet to find common ground. One group reportedly still wants to settle disputes between them in a customary way.
Even though there were no casualties in this next war, but several people were reported to have been injured by spears and were also hit by arrows.
Hundreds of Mimika Police personnel are also on standby at Kwamki Lama with the aim of anticipating the conflict that has occurred since last Sunday, which has become increasingly widespread and heated..
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4. Conflict between the Moni and Dani tribes in Papua
The Papua region is one of the areas most frequently affected by conflict which is only caused by cultural differences.
Although in the Papua region itself is spread by many tribes who inhabit it, even "splash"” even a small amount will cause conflict.
Cultural differences are seen as things that can trigger conflicts to escalate and turn them into tribal wars.
The clash that happened for the umpteenth time, triggered by the seizure of land for the Trans Nabire Road.
Even though the two tribes have carried out a peace ceremony according to the traditions and customs of the central highlands of Papua, which there is called the "stone burning ceremony".
But in reality, The war has happened again, even though the main trigger for the dispute over the land for the Trans Nabire Road has been according to its purpose & nature of employment law.
Moni and Dani tribesmen make preparations for war in Kuala Kencana District, Jayanti village, Timika, Papua.
Each fortress is also equipped with bows and arrows ready to be thrown at the enemy. Not only in open space, war also happens in the forest, as in the case of international civil disputes.
As a result of the war between the tribes, dozens of people suffered injuries from both sides. They were evacuated to another hospital in Timika.
Even though dozens of people have died and hundreds of people from both sides have been injured due to clashes in the last three months. But still the two groups continue the war, and I don't know how long the war will end.
5. Sampit Tragedy
The Sampit conflict is the outbreak of ethnic riots in Indonesia which began in February 2001 and lasts all year.
This conflict started in the city of Sampit in Central Kalimantan and spread to all provinces, including the capital city of Palangka Raya.
This conflict occurs between indigenous Dayaks and Madurese migrants. Conflict broke out in 18 February 2001, when a number of Dayak tribes attacked 2 Madurese.
The Sampit conflict caused more than 500 dead victim, more than 100.000 Madurese lost their homes. Many Madurese were also found who were beheaded by the Dayaks.
This conflict was also touted as a bloody tragedy at that time. So far, Sampit war is still one of the most legendary conflicts and is also known as a very terrible conflict.
Sociologically, Conflict is defined as a social process between 2 person or more, where one party tries to get rid of the other party by means of destruction / make him helpless.
1. Doing Coercion
2. Making compromises
3. Conducting Arbitration
4. Doing Mediation
5. There is Tolerance, dll.
1. There are differences between individuals or groups
2. There are cultural differences
3. There is a difference of interest
4. There is social change, dll.
That's some Examples of Cultural Conflict What Happened in Indonesia. Hope it's useful.
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The post Examples of Cultural Conflicts That Have Happened in Indonesia appeared first on YukSinau.co.id.