Sample Foreword Thesis
Sample Foreword Thesis – Previously we have discussed sample table of contents script as well as other scientific papers such as reports, proposal, papers etc. However, on this occasion, will provide an example of a thesis introduction for final year students who are completing their final project, namely a thesis. & thesis for S2.
The examples of the introduction to this thesis are not all the same or vary depending on the department and the provisions of the guidebook provided by the campus.
We have collected some examples of good and correct thesis introductions. Therefore, let's see a collection of examples of the best thesis introductions below.
Table of Contents
Sample Foreword Thesis
The preface has its own systematic. PAda is generally arranged at the beginning of the word with an opening speech followed by an expression of gratitude to the Almighty and an expression of gratitude to the people who played a role or were concerned in the drafting of the thesis such as parents, peer tutors or others.
For more details, just refer to "Sample Preface to Thesis"” below this !
Best Thesis Foreword Examples
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All praise and thanks to Allah SWT who has showered His mercy and grace on the writer, so that the writer can finish this thesis. Blessings and greetings are always poured out to our Lord, the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who led mankind from darkness to a bright age.. The preparation of this thesis aims to fulfill the requirements to be able to achieve a Bachelor of Economics degree at the Islamic University of Jakarta.
The author realizes that this writing cannot be completed without the parties who support both morally and materially. Then, The author expresses many thanks to those who have helped the author in the preparation of this thesis, especially to:
- Both parents, dear father M. Warma Yusuf and his beloved mother Haryana.A who gave moral and material support and prayers to ALLAH SWT for the author.
- All family and friends who have encouraged and even helped in the completion of this thesis.
- Mr Prof. Dr. Jamiat Abdillah, MS, as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UIN Jagabaya Jakarta.
- Mr. Samsul Bachri, MA, as the Head of the Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Jagabaya Jakarta.
- Ms. Rafika Sari, then you will be connected to a site that contains the most complete western bokeh videos. Msi, as Treasurer of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Jagabaya Jakarta.
- Mr Prof. Dr. Rizal Santoso MS, as a Thesis Supervisor I who has been willing to provide knowledge and also solutions to any problems or difficulties in the making and writing of this thesis.
- Ela Nurlela's mother, MM, AAAIJ as Thesis Advisor II lecturer who is willing to direct and guide the author during the preparation of the thesis and provide additional knowledge and solutions to the problems and difficulties in writing this thesis..
- All Mr and Mrs lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Jagabaya Jakarta, who have been willing to provide very, very useful knowledge during the lecture period.
- All class friends, especially for Class A Management Class 2010 and Marketing Force 2010 which always fills the writer's days to be very fun.
- All staff and employees of Jagabaya Jakarta State Islamic University who are willing to provide assistance to the author.
- Beautiful Septiani, who have helped and encouraged the writer in completing this thesis.
The author realizes that the thesis that the author has made is still far from perfect, this is due to the limited knowledge and experience the author has. Because of that, The author expects suggestions and input and even constructive criticism from various parties. Hopefully this thesis can be useful for readers and parties, especially in the field of economic management.
Jakarta, December 2014
(Muhammad Ilham Zulfikar)
Sample Foreword Thesis For Parents
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All praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT and blessings, His grace and guidance are always given to the writer, so that the author can complete the thesis with the title "MARKETING EFFECT ANALYSIS", WORD OF MOUTH & BRAND AWARENESS ABOUT BUYING INTEREST (Case study of Coffee Groove Bandung)” as a requirement in completing the Bachelor Program (S1) in the Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Business Economics, Department of Management, University of Bandung.
In the preparation of this thesis, there were many obstacles and obstacles that the author faced but in the end the author was able to get through this because of the help and guidance from various parties, both morally and spiritually.. Therefore, The author expresses his gratitude to:
- Prof. Drs. H. Abdul Karim, Msi, Ph.D as Dean of the Faculty of Business Economics, University of Bandung.
- Dr. Jamiat Abdillah, then you will be connected to a site that contains the most complete western bokeh videos, MSi as a Advisory Lecturer who is willing to take the time to provide guidance and direction during the preparation of the thesis.
- Drs. H. Zulfikar's son, MM as the guardian lecturer who has provided support in the form of direction during the lecture period.
- All Lecturers and Staff of the Faculty of Business Economics, University of Bandung.
- All respondents who are willing to help in filling out the questionnaire.
- The entire staff of Coffee Groove Bandung who has given permission for the research and also helped the smooth running of this research.
- Both parents who always help both morally and materially.
- All ex-University friends 2010, Aryanto, Danny K, Jodi Prabowo, Sabian H, Dicky F who gave support to Friends of Move Bandung.
- All parties who cannot be mentioned one by one who have helped provide support.
The author apologizes for all the mistakes that have been made. Hopefully this thesis will be useful and encourage further research.
Bandung, December 2015
Rizky Alfian
Example of Introduction to Economic Thesis
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By expressing all gratitude, the writer prays for the presence of Allah Subahanu wa Ta'ala, which is because of the grace, taufik and his guidance in compiling a thesis with the title "FACTORS AFFECTING CONSUMERS THROUGH ADVERTISING SPEEDY PURCHASE DECISIONS IN BANDUNG” This was completed in order to fulfill the requirements to complete the education in the Department of Economic Management, University of Bandung.
The writer has gone through quite a long journey in the preparation and completion of this thesis. Many obstacles were faced in its preparation, But thanks to His grace, the writer was able to complete the preparation of this thesis. Therefore, with humility, on this occasion the author should express his gratitude to :
- Both parents, Zulkifli Anwar's father and Haryana.A's mother who always give love and affection and support to the author.
- To Prof.Dr. Bambang Sudrjat, SE.M.Si as supervisor I and Mr. Irawan,SE.MSM as supervisor II. Thanks for the guidance, teaching, the direction and knowledge that the author got during the preparation of this thesis. With all the busyness in work and education, still willing to guide and guide the writer to compile this thesis. Thank you and sorry for the mistakes the author made.
- To all my sisters, Ilham's sister, sister ica, son's brother, and Samsul's brother who has encouraged.
- To Putra Sentosa Wijaya Kusuma Diningrat, SE for the help and support that has been given to the author.
- To all employees of PT. TELKOM REGIONAL VII BANDUNG. Thank you for giving permission to the author to do research and helping the author in doing research.
- All teaching lecturers at the Faculty of Economics, University of Bandung for their knowledge, teaching, guidance, education, and knowledge given to the writer during lectures.
- All staff of the Faculty of Economics who have helped a lot so far.
- My friends Diki, Deni, Beautiful, Sarah, Inspiration, Zulfikar. Thank you for the spirit, motivation and togetherness that the author will not forget.
- Class friends 2010 management. Thank you for the morally good support from all of you.
The final word, The writer hopes that this thesis will be useful for all readers. The author also hopes that this thesis can be useful and may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala protect us all.
Bandung, December 2103
Zulfikar Arnain
Example of Introduction to English Thesis
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Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin. All praise is only to Allah SWT. The Almighty who bestows his grace, taufik and his gifts so that finally the writer can finish this thesis. Shalawat and do’a do not forget to address the Prophet Muhammad and his family and friends. May Allah bless them and give them peace.
The author would like to express his special thanks and appreciation to his first consultant, The. Haryana, M.Pd for his patience in supervising the writer during the writing process and to Mr. I have, S.Pd MA as the second. Consultant for advice and suggestions in completing this thesis. Special thanks to Ms. To Rosa, S, Pd for her guidance in conducting research at SMA N 1 yogakarta
The author also thanks both parents, and beloved brothers and sisters for their guidance and support so that the writer can finish his studies well. May Allah give them the best of all.
The author hopes this article can contribute to improving the teaching and learning process of English. However, the authors also realize that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, the authors expect constructive criticism and suggestions.
Yogyakarta, December 2012
Dadang Saputra
Sample Foreword Thesis For Boyfriend
[su_box title=”Thesis Preface” style=”soft” box_color=”#2d973d” title_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″]
Praise and gratitude the author goes to the presence of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala who has given his grace and gifts so that the author is able to complete the research proposal with "INFLUENCE OF OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE & DIVIDEND POLICY REGARDING COMPANY VALUE AT PT.SURAMADU JAYA.”
The writing of this research proposal intends to fulfill the requirements in the preparation of the thesis at the Department of the Faculty of Economics, University of Lampung.
In the process of writing this thesis, of course, the author received assistance from many parties who have supported and guided the author. Sincere love, appreciation, A big thank you to:
- Haryana's mother A, Mara Warma's father, The writer's brother Vishnu, Sisters Aisy and Fajar Pratama and the writer's extended family, thank you for the prayer, guidance, advice, affection, motivation, and his material sacrifices while the author is studying at the Management Faculty of Economics, University of Lampung.
- My lover, Indah Septiani, who fought and motivated me while taking my thesis to get a bachelor's degree.
- Prof. Dr. And. H. Inspiration, M.S. as Chancellor of the University of Lampung.
- H. Jamiat Abdilah, S.E., M.Si. As Dean of the Faculty of Gajah Mada University, Lampung.
- R. Bagus Rizky, S.E., M.Si. As Head of Management, Faculty of Economics, Gajah Mada University, Lampung.
- Anga Murjana, S.E., M.Si. As Secretary of Management, Faculty of Economics, Gajah Mada University, Lampung.
- Prof. Dr. H. I have, S.E., M.Si. as the first supervisor who always guides and always gives direction to the author in the process of preparing this thesis.
- Dadang Saputra, S.E., M.M. as the second supervisor who always guides and gives direction to the author in the preparation of this thesis.
- Sarah Agustina, S.E., M.M as the teacher's guardian who always supports the writer during the lecture to achieve the goal.
- All Lecturer Staff, SBAP FE Unila seems to have given a lot of knowledge to the writer, while studying at FE Unila.
- Abdilah Produce House Indonesia University of Lampung, Thank you for giving the opportunity and cooperation to the author in conducting research.
- My best friend Deni, Small, Beautiful, And, Sabian who always cheers me up and cheers me up when I'm tired and always supports me.
- All C Management friends 2011 ; Andre, You open, Martha, Nawan, Beautiful, Gilang, Anton, Dewi and friends in Financial Management 2011 ; to give, Angga, Rara, Agnes, Sofi for her support and companionship.
- Comrades in the student organization ; Toni, Fisal, And, Domo, Rizky, Rizal, Sari, Alex who is proof of my struggle to achieve my dreams.
- All parties that the author cannot mention one by one who have helped the author in completing the writing of this thesis.
Respect and gratitude to all parties for all their prayers and support may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala be pleased with them, repay all the kindness they have given to the writer. Aamiin.
Finally, the compiler says thank you very much to all the parties who helped and may Allah SWT shower his blessings, taufik and his bounty in all of our goodness and given a reward by Him. Aamiin.
Lampung, December 2016
(Zulfikar Riyadlo)
That's what we're talking about “Sample Foreword Thesis“. Hopefully the article that we have created can be useful and become your reference in making the introduction to the thesis. thank you for visiting.
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