Unidirectional Electric Current
Unidirectional Electric Current – On this occasion YukSinau.co.id will discuss about Direct Current or also called DC. DC electric current is one type of electric current in addition to alternating electric current ,To find out more, let us refer to the discussion below.
Table of Contents
Understanding Direct Current
Electric current is the flow of electric charge. Electric current measures how much electrical charge flows per unit time. The unit of electric charge is coloumb and the unit of electric current is ampere. Thus 1ampere = 1 coloumb / second.
Direct electric current is an electron that flows from a point that has high potential energy to another point that has low potential energy.
Direct Current Circuits
Electric current that is often used by people is aru slistrik ( AC ). Current (DC) rarely used because the current generated is small.
- Series of Series and Parallel Barriers
Some components of electronic equipment such as lights, television, iron and so on, can be parsed in parallel, series, or a combination of series and parallel.

- Series Series

Rt = R1+R2+R3 Vt = V1 + V2 + V3 It = I1+I2+I3 |
Information :
R = Large Obstacles
V = Big throat
I = Large Flow
- Parallel Network

1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
Vt = V1 = V2 = V3
It = I1 + I2 + I3
Ohm's Law
The sound of the ohm law is “If the potential difference at the end of the wire can be held constant, it will cause the flow of electric charge or what is called the flow of electric current”.
time (t). So 1 Amperage equals 1 coulombs per second.
I=Q/t |
Direct Current Source
Electric current sources are all sources of electricity that can produce a fixed electric current over a certain time and direction. Direct current power source is divided into several types, i.e. :
1. Electrochemical Elements
Electrochemical elements are included in the source of direct current electricity generated through chemical processes. In this element chemical energy is transformed into electrical energy.
2. Direct Current Generator
Direct current generator is one of the tools used to convert motion energy into electrical energy with direct current. There are several types of DC generators based on their magnetic loop or excitation amplifier against the anchors , some of the following types of DC generators:
- Compound generator
- Separate amplifier generator
- Generator shunt
The working principle of this DC generator uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. There are two ways that a generator can generate induced voltage ,that is :
- wearing a drag-ring, which produces alternating induced voltages.
- wearing a commutator, which produces DC voltage.
3. Thermal elements
Termoelemen is a source of AC electric current in the process that occurs due to temperature differences. The working principle of thermoelement is by converting heat energy into electrical energy. This event was first stated by Thomas John Seebach in year 1826.
The current generated at this event is called termoelement. The greater the temperature difference between A and B, the greater the current flowing. But, because the current generated is relatively small, the term can not be used in everyday life.
4. Solar Cells (Solar Cell)
Solar cell, is a semiconductor device consisting of a large-area diode p-n junction, where it works, in the presence of sunlight is able to produce useful electrical energy. These changes are named after effects photovoltaic.
Many applications of solar cells ,because it is suitable for use when electricity coming from the grid is no longer available, like in a remote area, water pump, and others.
Solar cells in the form of solar panels can be installed on the roof of a building where solar cells are connected by an inverter to the electricity grid in a net metering arrangement.
Difference in Electric Current and Alternating Current
There are some differences between AC Electric Current and DC Electric Current
- Direct current graph is a straight graph. While the alternating current graph is siusoidal where the voltage changes with time.
- Electric voltage generated by DC electric current is a small voltage, therefore it can only be used on electronic devices that require small electrical energy. Electric voltage generated by AC electric current is a large electrical voltage because it can be used for electronic devices that require electrical energy which is large.
- Electric current source (AC) come from PLN. Electric current source (DC) comes from the battery.
- One difference between DC current and AC current is located in the direction of the current. If the direction of the direct current flows in one direction, the direction of the alternating current flows in both directions.
Thus the discussion about direct current. To find out the discussion of other physics material, please visit the article below.
Other Articles:
- Gauss's Law
- Lenz's Law
- Electromagnetic wave
- Black Body Radiation
- Potential Energy Formula
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