Arti Tafadhol
What does Tafadhol mean?? Do you know the meaning of Tafadhol?, and how to use words (please) which is good and true? If not, then take a look at our discussion about the meaning of Tafadhol, Latin, Arab, Translated, and Examples of the Use of the Word Tafadhol below.
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What does Tafadhol mean??

Tafadhol is a popular word in Arabic, but don't be surprised if we hear this word often in Indonesia because not a few Indonesian people use the sentence (Please) the.
But do you know the meaning of tafadhol, and how to use words (please) which is good and true?
Arti Kata Tafadhol
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Please / تفضّل [read Tafaddol] interpreted by the word, Please. Or the word to command or invite someone gently.
Example : Tafaddhol ijlis ya Ustadz / تفضل اجْلِسْ يا استاذ : please sit down, teacher.
The sentence above, command form, but a very gentle command because it is included with the word Tafadhol.
But when the word tafadhol is removed, for example like Ijlis ya ustadz, then the sentence loses its element of politeness towards the other person, and 'as if'’ consider the interlocutor to be of lower status.
Example of the use of the word Tafadhol
Tafadhol is a popular word in Indonesia, If an ustadz or lecturer will go up to the stage, usually someone says tafaddhol ustadz.
Example :
A : Can / can i come in?
Arab : هل يمكنني الدخول؟
Latin : Hal yumkinuni aldukhul?
B: Please..
Arab : تفضّ
Latin : Please
Another example, at an event, whether it's in the mosque, Mushola or other place. Organizing activities in the form of recitation events, Prophet's birthday, or other.
Which event invites Ustadz or Alim, then the heads of the committee and organizers ordered Ustadz or Alim to start their duties, usually the committee will say Please as a signal to allow the start of the event that has been held.
Usually the word Tafadhol will be added with the word Masykuuro , Becomes ‘Tafadhol masykuro’ / تفضل مشكورا which means 'Welcome with all due respect'.
Additional :
Speech In Arabic :
Arabic language | Latin | That means |
ما اسمكِ | Masmuki? | What's your name? (woman) |
ما اسمكَ | Move away? | What's your name ? (man) |
ليلة سعيدة | Laila sa'idah | Good night |
صباح الخير | Sobahul khair | Good morning |
سلام اخوة | Greetings brotherhood | nice to meet you |
أحبكِ | Uhibbuki | I love you (woman) |
أحبكَ | Uhibbuka | I love you (men) |
بالتوفيق والنجاح | Bitaufiq wannajah | good luck |
كيف حالكَ | Kaifahaluka | How are you? (men) |
كيف حالكِ | Kaifaluki | How are you ? |
جزاك الله خيرا | Jazakallah khairan | May Allah repay your kindness |
عظّم الله أجرك | Azhoma allahu ajrak | May God glorify your deeds |
طريق | Toriiqon | Road |
بيت | Baytun | House |
أتكلم | Atakallamu | I speak |
Arabic Words and Their Meanings
Arabic language | That means |
1. شكرً (shukron) | Thank you |
2. عفواً (afwan) | The same- same |
3. آسف (asif) | I am sorry |
4. حسناً (hasan) | Okay |
5. ربما (tear down) / (yumkin) | Maybe |
6. انتبِه (intabih) | Watch out! |
7. احذر (ihzar) | Be careful |
8. تنسىٰ لا (la tansa') | Do not forget |
9. سمين (ours) | Fat |
10. طويل (towilun) | Long |
11. قصير (qositun) | Short |
12. خفيض (khofiidhun) | Low |
13. نحيف (nahiifun) | Which ones |
14. يوم (man) | Day |
15. أسبوع (the day) | Sunday |
16. شهر (Shahr) | Month |
17. سنة (know) | Year |
Common Sentences in Arabic / Domir (pronouns)
Arabic-Latin | That means |
It is | Yes (man) |
Hiya | Yes (woman) |
They are | The two of them (male Female) |
Hum | They are "plural/ many".” (man) |
Hunna | They are "plural/many".” (woman) |
Anta | You (man) |
Anti | You (woman) |
Antum | You are "Plural/many"” (man) |
Antunna | You guys are "plural/many"” (woman) |
Antuma | You two (male Female) |
Well | I am (aki-laki &woman) |
Nahnu | We (man & woman) |
Ya akhi | O my brother (man) |
Ya ukhti | O my brother (woman) |
Akhi fillah | my brother in faith (to Allah) |
Barakallahu fiik/kum | May Allah bless you |
Waiyyak/kum | You're welcome |
Wa anta kadzaalik | So are you |
Ilal liqo | See you later/ see you later |
Ma'asalamah | May safety be with you |
Ma’a an-najah | Good luck / good luck |
Hamas | Enthusiasm |
Forgive me | No problem |
Ana real | I also |
Thoyib | It's fine |
Iqob | shop / Penalty |
Future | Weak-willed / Not focus |
Bye | For Allah |
Stay away | Visit / Friendship / around |
Insha Allah | If God wills |
Please / تفضّل [read Tafaddol] interpreted by the word, Please. Or the word to command or invite someone gently.
(For more details check the article)
Usually the word Tafadhol will be added with the word Masykuuro , Becomes 'Tafadhol masykuro'’ / تفضل مشكورا which means 'Welcome with all due respect'.
Example :
A : Can / can i come in?
Arab : هل يمكنني الدخول؟
Latin : Hal yumkinuni aldukhul?
B: Please..
Arab : تفضّ
Latin : Please
Thus our discussion of the explanation of the material Arti Tafadhol along with examples of the use of the word tafadhol, Shukron…
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