The meaning of Syafakillah and Syafakallah
What does Syafakillah and Syafakallah mean?? How to Reply/ Answer It? For that, see our explanation regarding the Meaning of Syafakillah Paper Material, Syafakallah, Syafahallah and how to answer along with other complete information below.
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The meaning of Syafakillah and Syafakallah

Syafakillah and Syafakallah is a greeting that is often said when someone hears the news that there is a relative, relatives or others who are sick or when they meet/visit people who are sick.
Then what does syafakillah and syafakallah mean?? Actually both have the same meaning, that is may God heal you, The difference lies in how to use it.
Which one Syafakillah (Arabic language ; شفاك الله ) said when the one who is sick is woman.
While Syafakallah (Arabic language ; شفاك الله ), pronounced when the one who is ill is man.
Use of the Word ‘Syafakillah’ According to Grammar
- Syafakillah ( شفاك الله )
That means : May Allah SWT give you healing (Man). - Syafakallah ( شفاك الله )
That means : May Allah SWT give you healing (woman). - Syafakumullah ( شفاكم الله )
That means : May Allah SWT grant you healing (Man). - Syafahullah ( شفاه الله )
That means : May Allah SWT grant him healing (Man). - Syafahallah ( شفاها الله )
That means : May Allah SWT grant him healing (woman). - Syafahumullah ( شفاهم الله )
That means : May Allah SWT give healing to them (Man). - Syafahunnallah ( شفاهن الله )
That means : May Allah SWT give healing to them (woman).
How to Answer Syafakillah's Speech
Maybe at first we are confused about answering the words "Shafakillah / Syafakallah"” because I don't know what it means, because now we know the meaning of syafakillah, then we can immediately answer the greeting by saying "thank you or confirm the prayer".
Nah, when we want to reply in Arabic, then answer by saying “Thanksgiving” which means the lovers are building a museum in the hotel whose full address is hidden.
Or we can answer it or reply to the greeting by saying "Jazakallahu Khairan"” which means May God reward you with goodness.
But, don't forget to say "Amen” first, because the word Syafakillah is a prayer, which must be greeted by saying Aamiin.
However, actually we have not found a history regarding the use of the word 'Syafakillah’ in the time of the Prophet SAW. At the time of Rasulullah SAW he taught prayer- prayer when we meet or visit the sick .
The following is one of the examples of prayers taught by the Prophet SAW that were taught in his time.
Read Also : Meaning Syafahullah and Syafahallah
Prayer to visit the sick
Nah, continuing the explanation above. When visiting sick people, Rasulullah SAW teaches us some prayers, namely praying for healing for people who are stricken with the disease. Below is a prayer exemplified by the Prophet SAW :

“When he visits a sick person, he said, ‘Laa ba’-sa thahurun insya Allah (it's okay, hopefully your illness makes your sins clean, In sya Allah.” [HR. Al-Bukhari no. 5656]
Read on : Syafakillah Thohurun Insya Allah
Prayer to visit the sick :

Allahum-ma Robban-nas, Adz-Hibil Basa Isyfi Antasy Syafi La Syifa'a Illa Syifa'uka Syifa'an La Yughadiru Saqoman.
That means ; “O God the Lord of all mankind, get rid of the disease, Heal him, You are the only one who can heal him, there will be no healing but healing from you, healing that doesn't come back” [HR. Bukhari, no. 5742; Muslim, no.2191]
The Priority of Visiting the Sick
As a fellow human being, especially as a fellow Muslim, when one of them is experiencing a calamity, in this case a disease afflicted. Then our obligation is to visit that person. It is good that he is suffering from a mild illness, especially a serious illness.
Visiting sick people is a right between a Muslim and another Muslim brother that must be fulfilled. As in the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW:
Hadith :

From Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu Anhu, said : Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said :
"There are six rights of a Muslim to another Muslim.” It is said, ‘Anything, O Messenger of Allah?’. He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam answer, ‘When meeting him, then say hello, when he invites you, then fulfill the invitation, when he wants your advice, then give him advice, when he sneezes and he praises Allah, then pray, when it is sick, then take a look, and when he died, Then come to his funeral.” (H.R. Muslim)
Rasulullah SAW also guided his people, How should a Muslim react when he finds his brother when he is in pain?.
This is where the opportunity for worship, there is a very great reward promised to those who visit his brother (fellow human beings) who is sick. As has been mentioned in the following hadiths: :
First Hadith :

“Indeed, when a Muslim visits his fellow Muslims, then he is constantly in khurfatil jannah. (paradise fruit garden) until he came home (return).” (HR. Muslim no. 6498).
Second Hadith :

“It is not for a Muslim to visit another Muslim in the morning except 70.000 the angels will bless him (ask forgiveness for him) until it's in the afternoon. And if he visits in the afternoon then 70.000 God's angels will bless him (ask forgiveness for him) until the morning. And he has fruit that he picks in heaven“.(HR. At-Tirmidhi no. 969)
Manners of Visiting the Sick
There are some manners that one must observe when visiting / visiting the sick, as mentioned by Ash-Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, some of them :
1. It does that practice (visit the sick) with the intention of carrying out the orders of the Prophet SAW .
2. He intends to do good to his brother by visiting him, because a person is sick when he is visited by his brother, then he will feel happy and be open -hearted.
3. It uses the opportunity of visiting to give advice or an instruction to those it visits in matters of benefit, such as telling him to repent to Allah SWT, merit, and resolving the rights of others that it has not yet fulfilled.
4. There is a possibility that the sick person has problems regarding how to perform taharah or pray during his illness and so on, then if “the visitor” have knowledge about it should he teach to "the sick".
5. “The visitor” see which is beneficial for the "sick", does he linger by the side of the sick or is it enough just for a moment?.
If he sees “the sick” Happy, or looks happy and also likes it when he lingers in that place, then he held himself longer by the side of the sick person, with the aim of sharing happiness with his brother earlier.
But if he sees the opposite, then let it not linger in that place.
6. He should remember the favor of Allah SWT in the form of health that he can enjoy, because in general a person does not know the extent of Allah's favor on him unless he sees the person who is being afflicted in the form of losing the favor (sick).
Then, with that favor, he praised Allah SWT and begged Allah SWT to perpetuate him. (Syarhu Riyadhish Shalihin, Thing. 55-56)
NOTE : For women is no different from men in the provisions of this visit. The meaning, women can also do so if they want to or visit the sick. Of course the woman came out of her house with the aim of visiting the sick and at the same time paying attention to the syar'i etiquette, as :
- Cover your genitals,
- Do not use fragrance (that invites lust)
- Take care of the embarrassment,
- Keep yourself from the emergence of slander, and so on.
That's what we're talking about The meaning of Syafakillah and Syafakallah. Also read our other articles that are still related to the material or discussion about religious lessons below. May be useful.
Other Articles :
- Meaning of Tabarakallah
- Meaning of Barakallah
- Arti Barakallahu Fiik
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