Meaning of a Dream of Stealing Al-Qur'an
Meaning of a Dream of Stealing Al-Qur'an – Dream is an experience that occurs in one's sleep. Some people think that dreams are just sleeping flowers, but some others think that every dream they experience has its own meaning.
Some people believe that the dreams they experience have something to do with the real world. According to Aristotle, is a mental activity when a person sleeps. There are several dreams that are considered strange by many people and of course this makes people curious about their meaning.
On this occasion, will discuss "The Meaning of Dreams of Revealing the Qur'an” according to primbon, Psychologists and Islam in full and detail. For more details, let's consider the following review.
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Meaning of a Dream of Stealing Al-Qur'an

The dream of stealing the Qur'an is certainly a dream that is quite strange and will make people who experience it wonder about the meaning of this dream.. Then what is the meaning of dreaming of stealing the Qur'an?
In the opinion of psychologists, the dream indicates neglect or a picture that you are a person who is not obedient in worship. This dream also has something to do with degrading symbols in religion.
If interpreted according to Islam, dreaming of stealing the Qur'an has almost the same meaning as according to psychologists. Through the interpretation of Ibnu Sirin, stealing is a crime, and if you dream of stealing the Qur'an, this indicates that you have ignored God's commands.
This dream also signifies that if you have been negligent in remembering Allah SWT.
The Meaning of Dreams of Stealing the Quran According to Psychologists
Dreams have become an important part of the study of psychology. Dreams can include thoughts,the emotions and images we experience during sleep. Dreams can be very vivid and they can also be very vague.
Some researchers say that dreams do not have a specific purpose but there are also those who state that dreams have their own purpose.
Literally, dreaming of stealing the Koran is a sign that right now you are wanting something that is difficult or even impossible for you to have. This also relates to your life in a religious context and instant goodness.
This dream also means that you will get humiliation in your life. You may also not get the result of something you worked hard for right now.
The dream of stealing the Qur'an also reflects the bad side you get in religious life. Stealing the Koran can indicate that you are currently being belittled by someone whose religion is better than yours and that person is trying to give you advice but you don't like it.
other than that, This dream indicates that you will be very stubborn when you view a law or rule in religion. There are many things that can reflect on what happened from what you are currently feeling.
In another sense, if you are someone who is very diligent in worship, then the dream of stealing the Qur'an signifies that right now you are impatient to get blessings or the prayers that you have said are answered.
This dream can also describe the worry within you, maybe right now you are worried about your lack of worship to Allah SWT.
The Meaning of Dreaming of Stealing the Quran in Islam
Abu Hurairah once narrated that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, there are three types of dreams : that is, First of all, a good dream is good news from Allah SWT.
The second is a dream that can cause sadness or nightmares that come from Satan and the third is a dream that comes from our own minds. (Sahih Muslim ).
People who are used to having good dreams are usually people of faith and honesty. As in the words of the Prophet SAW ” Those of you who have true dreams are those who are honest in your speech” (Sahih Muslim).
other than that, The Prophet SAW also once said, "When one of you has a dream that he likes then it is from Allah. So because of that, he should thank God and tell others about it” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
other than that, as stated above, that nightmares are dreams that come from Satan. Prophet Muhammad SAW has told us about what we should do after having bad dreams.
“If either of you had an unwelcome dream, then he should spit on the left side three times, then sought refuge in Allah from Satan three times and changed the side where he lay (Sahih Muslim).
In another narration in Muslim, Rasulullah SAW told us if we spit three times and seek refuge in Allah SWT then the dream will not harm them. (Sahih Muslim).
Rasulullah SAW has also told that if someone has a bad dream then he should immediately get up and pray. (Sahih Muslim). As for that, Prophet Muhammad SAW also said that when someone experiences a bad dream, it is best not to tell others.
” When a person experiences a dream that he does not like, then the dream comes from satan. Therefore, he should seek refuge in Allah from the evil of the devil and he should not tell his dreams to others, because that would harm him ” (Sahih Al-Bukhari).
according to Islam, dreaming of stealing the Qur'an is a bad sign, This dream signifies that you have ignored the hopes or prayers that have been given by others. This dream also relates to your bad behavior towards other people.
If you dream of stealing the Koran in the mosque, then this indicates that you are not afraid of Allah's law or even that you have forgotten Allah SWT.
For example, You already know that leaving prayer is a big sin, but you still do it. It's different if you dream of being given the Koran, then this dream indicates that you will get useful knowledge.
The Meaning of Dreams of Stealing the Koran According to Primbon
According to Javanese Primbon, It is said that dreams have their own meaning and significance. Until now, many people believe that dreams are a sign of what will happen in the future.
According to the primbon, dreaming of stealing the Koran is a bad sign dream. This dream signifies that bad things will happen to you. This dream is also a sign that you have done things that can make you humiliated.
If it is related to your business, then this dream signifies that you are currently carrying out an illegal business. And if it is related to your finances, then this dream signifies that you will get money from illegal means.
Wallahu A & rsquo; lam Bishawab
That's the discussion about ” Meaning of a Dream of Stealing Al-Qur'an ” according to psychologist, Islam and primbon from It is good that we always ask for God's help to keep us away from bad things. Hopefully we can also take wisdom and lessons from every meaning of the dreams we experience.
To find out the meaning of other dreams, let's visit the following article.
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