Dream Meaning of Picking Fruit
Dream Meaning of Picking Fruit – Picking fruit is a fun activity for some people. Dreaming about picking fruit also has a pretty good meaning. Let's look at the following explanation.
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Dream Meaning of Picking Fruit According to Javanese Primbon and Psychologists

Dream Meaning of Picking Unripe Fruit
Dreaming about picking unripe fruit that is still green has a sign of the impatience and anxiety you currently have.
According to Javanese primbon dreaming about unripe fruit is the meaning of success that will not last long. It means that the luck you have will cause instantaneous. Therefore you need to be careful – heart in making a decision.
Dream Meaning Picking Rotten Fruit
Dreaming about picking rotten fruit is one of the warnings for you. The possibility of dreaming about this means that you will experience a lot of unpleasant events.
If you dream about picking guava fruit, then this means that you will solve a small problem. When you pick water guava then it is a symbol of prosperity and also happiness that will be in your life..
If you dream about picking a guava tree directly from the tree, this means that you will get a sizeable profit from the business you have had so far..
If you dream about picking fruit and also eating guava that is ripe, then this indicates that you will be given a gift in the form of health and also a long life..
Dream Meaning of Picking Guava Fruit
Dreaming about picking a guava has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this means that you will soon find happiness in the near future.
Dream Meaning Picking Oranges
Dreaming about picking oranges has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this means that you will get a new job. The job you will get is the job you have always liked.
Dreaming about picking oranges also means that you will expand the business relationships you have. Besides all the things that have been discussed, you will also feel that your life will be much more meaningful if you have someone you love.
Dream Meaning of Picking Bananas
Dreaming about picking bananas has a symbol of fertility, sensuality and satisfaction in life. If you dream about picking bananas and eating them, this means that you will build a business and also a new business.
If the dreamer is a woman who picks bananas and then cooks it, this means that you will soon be reunited with your soul mate.
Dream Meaning of Picking Soursop Fruit
Dreaming about picking soursop fruit has a sign that you will get a lot of small problems. Even when cooked, the taste of starfruit is usually sweet and sour.
Picking Jackfruit Dream Meaning
Dreaming about picking jackfruit straight from the tree has a bad sign. Dreaming about this means that you will be hit by a disaster and also a misfortune. Moreover, you dream about picking jackfruit that already has maggots in it.
Dream Meaning of Picking Grapes
Dreaming about picking grapes has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this means that the dream you have wanted will soon be achieved. That is why you need to be thankful to God YME.
Dream Meaning of Picking Durian Fruit
Dreaming about picking durian fruit has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this according to Javanese primbon that you will get sustenance that you didn't expect before.
Dreaming about this is also related to the expression ” got durian ". Which means that you will get a lot of benefits without the need to work hard. Of course this is what everyone wants. That is why you need to be grateful.
Dream Meaning of Picking Apples
Dreaming about picking apples has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about picking red apples has a sign related to happiness. Usually leads to romance and also romance.
If you dream about picking green apples, then this is a symbol of freshness, renewal, and considerable development in both business and health matters.
Dreaming about picking apples and eating them has a pretty good sign, that is, you will reap the rewards of a good you have done in the past.. If you dream about picking apples straight from the tree, then this is a symbol of prosperity and well-being.
Dream Meaning Picking Rambutan Fruit
Dreaming about picking rambutan fruit has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this is a symbol that you will get the results you have from the business that you have been living.
Picking Starfruit Dream Meaning
Dreaming about picking star fruit has a sign of badness. Dreaming about this means that you will be unlucky. Dreaming about picking star fruit that is not sweet has a sour taste, then this also has a meaning like the taste.
Dream Meaning of Picking Berries
Dream about picking berries that have a shape like blackberries and also strawberries which have symbols of mystery and things – unknown thing. Dreaming about picking strawberries has a meaning that there will be a problem that will hit your love life.
Dream Meaning Picking Papaya
Dreaming about picking papaya according to Javanese primbon has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this signifies that you will get quite a lot of money. Especially if in that dream you dream about picking papayas that are ripe and cooked.
Hopefully this article is useful and entertaining for you. Hopefully the dream about picking this fruit brings goodness to your life and hopefully you are kept away from bad things or those that harm yourself.
To find out the meaning of your sleep experience or other dreams, You can visit the article below.
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