Dream Meaning Possession
Dream Meaning Possession – There are several sources or references that specifically discuss dream interpretation, dream meaning, premonition dream dream address, and things that have to do with reading / interpretation of dreams experienced by someone. One that is widely known by the general public is Primbon Jawa.
Nah, on this occasion we will discuss about the "Dream Meaning of Possession" either according to primbon, psychology and also according to Islam. Let's just look at the meaning and meaning of the dream below.
Table of Contents
What is a dream??
A dream is an experience that occurs in the subconscious where this dream will involve all the five senses of the person who dreams itself, as ; vision, mind, hearing, feelings, or even other senses, especially during sleep accompanied by rapid eye movements.
Events or events that occur in the dream itself are usually impossible to happen in the real world or the real world or in other words beyond the control of the dreamer itself..
Dream Meaning Possession
Generally, people who have trance dreams, then his sleep experience is a sign of his inability to control various aspects of life.
Possession or what is commonly referred to as trance is an event where there is a spirit figure either from the jinn or the devil who enters a person's soul or body which then the jinn or devil will control the mind and body (body) which he possessed. If this happens in a dream, then this refers to changes that occur in your environment and relationships.
The meaning of this dream of being possessed is not all bad, because this dream of being in a trance can also be a good sign for the dreamer himself. The following is the dream interpretation of being possessed by a good and bad sign:.
Dream Meaning Possession Good Sign

- Meaning of Dreams of Yourself in a Possession
According to dream interpretation, when you experience a dream of yourself possessed or in other words possessed, then this is a good sign for you and your family.
This dream is a sign that you will get luck or hockey in the near future. Whether it's in the form of money or even happiness.
- Dream Meaning of Treating a Possessed Person
According to the Javanese primbon, The meaning of the dream of treating someone who is in a trance is a good sign for yourself. You will get a facility in terms of earning a living. Besides that you will also get happiness in this life. Then, keep praying and trying.
- Tiger Possession Dream Meaning
The tiger is an animal that has authority and indeed this animal also symbolizes authority. You have a dream of being possessed by a tiger? According to Javanese primbon, the dream of being possessed by a tiger means that in the near future you will become someone with authority, dear, and glorified by many people.
- Dream Meaning Seeing Mass Possession
If you have a dream you see a mass possession, this is a good sign. The meaning of this dream itself is that what you want or what you aspire to in the near future will soon come true. Even this dream also has a meaning that you will do many things or do anything to help others.
Dream Meaning Possession A Bad Sign

- Meaning of Dreams of Yourself in a Possession
According to psychologists, the dream of being in a trance is a bad sign. It means you don't have the ability to control aspects of your life. In other words, You can't support it or you're overwhelmed. as a result, You feel stressed and of course it will bother a lot of people.
- Dream of Seeing Someone Else in a Possession
When you experience a dream of seeing someone possessed, then your sleep experience indicates that you are currently unable to help the people around you. Even though you really want to help those who need help but are hindered by your limitations.
- The meaning of being chased by a possessed person
According to Javanese primbon, when you experience a dream of being chased by a possessed person, then this is a bad sign. The dream of being chased by someone who is in a trance means that in the near future your financial needs will be shaken or in a large amount of debt..
For those of you who already have a debt that is not small, it will be billed in the near future, but you haven't or can't pay it because your finances or finances are in trouble. And the bad effect is that it will make you stressed.
- Good Jin Possession Dream Meaning
If you have a dream of being possessed by a good genie, then the dream
is a bad sign for yourself. The dream is a sign
that you will experience a decline in health or fall ill.
This dream of being possessed by a genie is also a sign that in the
soon, You will have very complicated difficulties in life
You. Whether it's from a financial point of view, romance, health or what
- Dream of seeing a sister in a trance
You dream of seeing your sister in a trance? If you experience this dream, it means that in the near future you will be forced to borrow money (owe) to others in order to meet the needs or the business that was started.
This dream is also a sign that in the near future , debt – Your past debts must be paid immediately, because the person lending you money is in need.
Wallahu A & rsquo; lam Bishawab
Thus our discussion of "Dream Meaning Possession"” according to primbon, and according to Islamic views. Hopefully we can take lessons from the experience of sleep or dreams that we experience.
The Meaning of Other Dreams :
- Prayer Dream Meaning
- Dream Meaning Swimming
- The Meaning of Dreaming of Death
- Dream Meaning of Being Chased by a Snake
- Dream meaning of being chased by a dog
- Dream Meaning Being Chased by a Crocodile
The post Arti Mimpi Kesurupan appeared first on YukSinau.co.id.