Meaning of Dreams about Accidents
Meaning of Dreams about Accidents – Dreaming about an accident is one that is scary at the same time makes us afraid. But dreaming about an accident has a pretty good meaning. Let's look at the following explanation.
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The Meaning of Dreams of Accidents According to Primbon and Psychologists

1. Meaning of Dreams about Accidents
Dreaming about an accident has a sign that you are hiding something wrong. Dreaming about this also signifies that you are trying to punish yourself. This may be caused by you being dissatisfied with the work you have done.
An accident also means that you have wronged other people. In addition, about accidents also symbolizes a fear of having an accident. Maybe you are afraid to drive or drive a vehicle.
2. Dream Meaning of Accident Hit by a Truck
Dreaming about a truck accident has a sign that you need to be more patient to get a miracle that can change your life. Dreaming about this also means that you need to put in a lot of effort and also act on the plans you have designed.
3. Dream Meaning of Having an Accident
According to Primbon, dreaming about having an accident is a symbol of the guilt that you have been hiding. Dreaming about this means that you feel guilty about something that has haunted you until now. Maybe subconsciously dreaming about this symbolizes the fear that is in you to drive on the highway.
4. Car Accident Dream Meaning
Dreaming about a car accident is most often experienced by many people. Dreaming about this means that you will experience a problem related to love.
Dreaming about a car accident is also a symbol of your emotional state. It is possible that you are keeping anxiety and even fear inside you. You should rethink about the plans you have planned.
5. The Meaning of Dreams of Accidents But Survivors
According to Javanese primbon dreaming about an accident, but as long as it has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this means that you will receive good news in the near future.
6. The meaning of the dream of escape from an accident
Dreaming about escaping from an accident has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this means that you will be free from the problems that have been making you dizzy.
7. Dream Meaning Hit by a Motorcycle
Dreaming about being hit by a motorbike is a warning from your subconscious. Dreaming about this means that you need to be careful in making a decision.
8. Airplane Crash Dream Meaning
According to Javanese primbon, dreaming about a plane crash is a bad sign. Dreaming about this has the meaning that there will be a failure of the desire you have longed for.
But you don't have to worry about dreaming about this, it also means that you will be strong in the face of failures that have happened to you.
9. Bus Accident Dream Meaning
Dreaming about a bus accident has something to do with your financial situation. Dreaming about this means that your financial situation will be worse than before. Your income will decrease drastically than usual.
10. Dream Meaning Family Members Have An Accident
Dreaming about a family experiencing an accident is a warning to people who are around you dreaming about this has a sign that there will be someone who has bad intentions towards people. – the person closest to you. Dreaming about this also signifies that you need to be careful – be careful of someone who has evil intentions around you.
11. Dream Meaning of Hitting Trees
According to Primbon, dreaming about crashing into trees has a sign about your current state. Dreaming about this means that you often have quite difficult problems.
12. Bicycle Accident Dream Meaning
Dreaming about a bicycle accident has a bad sign. Dreaming of this means that you are not patient enough in dealing with the problems that exist in your life.
13. Dream Meaning of Helping Accident Victims
Dreaming about accident victims is a reflection of your subconscious. Dreaming about this signifies that you are someone who has a good personality and also wants to help others. Dreaming about this also has a sign that you will be able to make the right decision in a difficult situation.
14. Dream Meaning Seeing Accident
Dreaming about seeing an accident has a bad sign. Dreaming about this means that your love relationship will make other people feel hurt. It could be that your partner actually already has a relationship with someone else.
15. Dream Meaning of Accident in the Middle of the Sea
Dreaming about an accident that occurs in the middle of the sea is a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this means that you are a lucky person. Besides that, dreaming about this means that you will soon meet your soul mate.
16. Dream Meaning Heal
Dreaming about recovering after an accident researches a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this means that you will feel sufficient with everything you already have. Dreaming about this also means that you no longer care about the prestige demands that you previously had.
17. Dream Meaning of Seeing Accidents
Dreaming about seeing someone in an accident has a bad sign. Dreaming about this means that you are someone who lacks ambition in achieving goals – the ideals you have.
18. Dream Meaning of Crashing into a Building
Dreaming about crashing into a building is a sign that you will face a big event in your life. Maybe this incident will have good for you.
Hopefully this article is useful and entertaining for you. Hopefully dreams about this accident bring good to your life and may you be kept away from bad things and those that harm yourself.
To find out the meaning of your sleep experience or other dreams, You can visit the article below.
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