Dream Meaning Swimming
Dream Meaning Swimming – You have a dream of swimming? wet yes, The dream you are experiencing refers to the emotional aspect that exists within yourself. This is a picture of your subconscious regarding the things you want .
In achieving what you want, You are currently in dire need of support from the closest people around you.
Swimming is a symbol of hope or a wish. Therefore, This sleep experience is a sign that you are currently really wanting something.
Is this swimming dream a good sign or a bad sign?? Nah, for that, see the explanation according to primbon, psychologist, and according to Islam below.
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Dream Meaning Swimming

Dream Interpretation of Swimming According to a Psychologist
According to psychologists, The sleep experience we get is a reflection of the hopes and worries that we have experienced so far. Therefore, dreams have a strong enough correlation with your current living conditions. Related to swimming mimi, there is an indication that you are under high pressure.
Someone who is under strong pressure either from work or even from the family environment, tend to experience or experience something depressed sleep, fell, chased until it's like swimming in a wide ocean. The decisions you make in your dreams are a reflection of your decisions in real life.
If you choose to go against the current, this is a sign that you have a desire or determination that can be said to be strong. If you fail to choose to give up and then drown, this is an indication that you need strong motivation or support from the closest people around you.
You can't take this for granted, through the sleep experience you get. You can find out the mental or spiritual needs that you really need right now.
The Meaning of Dreams of Swimming According to Myths and Primbon
Before we discuss the meaning of swimming dreams according to the primbon and the myths that develop, you need to know that from an Islamic point of view, Dream experiences experienced by a person can be caused by three things, namely dreams that come from God, Devil, and even from my own Mind.
If you look at it from his point of view, the experience in sleep that you experience may be caused by interference from the devil.
Myth, water is a symbol of life and also a hope . Myths in various countries including Indonesia, water is a symbol of sustenance or finance. Holding water or in other words touching water is a positive sign aka good .
To dream of swimming under water which shows that you are completely immersed in your own feelings. You force yourself to face your subconscious emotions.
If you are swimming and in this dream experience we are moving away from an object, this indicates that you are currently trying to run away from the problem or problem you are facing .
If you see an object and that object is a human being , then the problems that befall you can come from the people around you.
The following are various interpretations of dreams about swimming according to various places and points of view that we also need to know.
Dream of swimming in the sea – This indicates that you are currently in doubt about your own dreams. You have a strong desire but you yourself are confused where to start . As for the old interpretation, swimming in the sea means that you will have broad ideas or thoughts .
Swimming In The River – Refers to things you forget or forget. There are various life problems that you are trying to get rid of related to the pressure you are facing. Swimming in the river also signifies the pressure and freedom you currently have.
If you find a reptile-type animal object in this case a crocodile in the river , then this indicates that you are feeling threatened . This could be due to family, friendship, and also the people around you in your activities, like in the office or something else.
Swimming in clear and dirty or cloudy water – Having a dream of swimming in clear water, this indicates a sense of comfort in the life you are facing.
You now have the convenience and help of those around you in dealing with the problems you are experiencing..
As for the dream of swimming in cloudy or dirty water, this is an indication of the treatment of those around you who make you feel disturbed. .
Swimming in the Pool Swimming – You are currently finding a very comfortable life for yourself. Even though you also have quite complicated problems, but you tend to be able to solve it easily. According to the old interpretation, it is stated that the dream you are experiencing is a sign of the coming of help or kindness .
If you have a dream of swimming with your lover or girlfriend, then this indicates that you feel comfortable with him . If you have a dream of swimming with children or seeing children swimming , This indicates that the joy in your life is decreasing .
Swim Against the Current – This refers to your emotional state regarding your own stance on an idea or thought. You have idealistic characteristics and are also very confident . This is a positive or good picture of the way you think.
Having a dream of swimming in clear water, this indicates a sense of comfort in the life you are facing. You now have convenience and also help from the people around you
The dream of swimming in cloudy or dirty water, this is an indication of the treatment of those around you who make you feel disturbed
You are currently finding a very comfortable life for yourself. Although you also have quite complicated problems.
That is our explanation of “Dream Meaning Swimming” according to Islam, Primbon and Psychologist”. You can visit articles about other dreams below. thank you for visiting.
Dream Meaning Collection :
- Dream Meaning of Being Chased by a Snake
- Dream meaning of being chased by a dog
- Dream Meaning Being Chased by a Crocodile
- The Meaning of Dreaming of Death
- Prayer Dream Meaning
The post Arti Mimpi Berenang appeared first on YukSinau.co.id.