The Meaning of Dream Pillows
The Meaning of Dream Pillows – Dreaming about a pillow has a pretty good meaning for your life. Is dreaming a pillow a positive sign for your life? For more details, let's consider the following explanation.
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21 The Meaning of Dreams About Pillows
Very often we dream of something strange and arguably not even reasonable. This is what makes the dreamer think that the dream he is experiencing is not an ordinary dream. There must be a meaning behind a dream. Someone might want to know the meaning behind the dream they are experiencing.
Dreams are the flower of one's sleep according to a belief that has developed in the midst of a society that has various meanings. There are people who believe in the meaning of the dream or not depending on the assessment of the person and his evaluation of the dream he experienced.
Primbon Java considers that a dream is a supernatural thing or an almighty message about the future. Signs that come can be a good sign or a bad sign. In Java Primbon, bad dreams can mean good. Vice versa. Because according to the Javanese primbon a dream is a message that is beyond human reason.
The branch of psychology also studies dreams. This psychology of trusting dreams is the result of hope, imagination, emotions accumulated in the dreamer's subconscious. According to psychology when we fall asleep the brain will continue to work. This can form a dream.
A pillow is a head support device, cushion, or back up. Usually cotton is filled with cotton, feather poultry, cotton or anything else. Pillows are also a soft object that is our sleeping companion.
Dreaming about pillows is a symbol of harmony. Dreaming about this could signify a long-lost friendship coming back in contact. Dreaming about this also indicates that you will solve a problem.
Under this there are also several meanings of dream cushions according to different points of view according to psychologists and primbons. Let's look at the explanation below.

1. The Meaning of Dreaming See Pillow
Dreaming about seeing a pillow means that you will get money. Dreaming about this also signifies that you will travel far enough to entertain yourself from the existing problems.
2. The Meaning of Dreams Seeing a Big Pillow
Dreaming about seeing a large pillow is a very good sign. Dreaming about seeing a big pillow means that you will get a fortune related to your finances.
3. The Meaning of Dream Little Pillow
Dreaming about seeing a small pillow has a good sign too. Dreaming about this indicates that there will be some distant friends who will come to visit you.
4. The Meaning of Dreaming of Buying a Pillow
Dreaming about buying a pillow has a pretty good meaning. Dreaming about buying this pillow means that you will get an unexpected fortune in advance. This can be a fortune in the form of money, mate, or anything else.
5. The meaning of a dream pillow that is feather
Dreaming about pillows that have feathers is a good sign. Dreaming about pillows that have feathers signifies that you are in a situation to save money because there will be important needs that must be met immediately.
6. The Meaning of Dreams About Sarong
Dreaming about pillowcases has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this signifies that you are going on a journey. When the pillowcase is clean, then this means the trip will be fun. When the pillowcase is dirty, then this means your trip will spend a lot of money.
7. The Meaning of Dream Clean Cushions
Dreaming about a clean pillow has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this signifies that you will get the money you have lent to someone.
8. The Meaning of Dream Dirty Pillows
Dreaming of a pillow that is dirty and has a stain has a good sign. Dreaming about this can be a warning about your careless behavior that will lead to a problem. Dreaming about this also means that you will not get your money back that you lent to someone.
9. The Meaning of Dream Duri Pillows
Dreaming about Spiny Pillows has a bad sign. Dreaming about this indicates that you are feeling worried. Dreaming about this also means that you feel excessive worry so that it can endanger your health.
10. Meaning of Dream Pillowcases
Dreaming about pillowcases has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about this signifies that you are going on a journey. When the pillowcase is clean, then this means the trip will be fun. When the pillowcase is dirty, then this means your trip will spend a lot of money.
11. The Meaning of Dreaming to See a Red Pillow
Dreaming about seeing a pillow that is red has a bad meaning. Dreaming about seeing a pillow that is red means that you will get some bad luck doing your work.
12. The Meaning of Dreaming of Selling Cushions
Dreaming of selling a pillow has a very good meaning. Dreaming about this means that you will get the desires and dreams that you have been dreaming of for so long in the near future..
13. The Meaning of Dreams Seeing New Pillows
Dreaming about seeing a new pillow has a pretty good sign. Dreaming about seeing a new pillow has a sign that you will avoid a social problem that is currently problematic in the social environment.
14. The Meaning of Dreams Throwing a Broken Pillow
Dreaming of throwing a broken pillow has a pretty good meaning. Dreaming about this indicates that you will get a solution to the problem you are facing. Dreaming about this also indicates that you will reach all your desires and dreams that you have always wanted.
15. The Meaning of Dreams Throw Pillows
Dreaming about throwing a pillow is a bad sign. Dreaming about this signifies that you will lose some important opportunities. If you throw an old pillow, it means that you will be able to avoid bad opportunities.
16. The Meaning of Dreams Hugging Pillows
Dreaming about hugging a pillow is an expression of the emotional state of the sign at the moment. Maybe you are feeling alone right now and have the feeling that you need someone to depend on.
17. The Meaning of Dreaming of Seeing a Red Pillow
Dreaming about seeing a pillow that is red has a bad meaning. Dreaming about seeing a pillow that is red means that you will get some bad luck doing your work.
18. Meaning Dream of Your Favorite Pillow Burning
Dreaming about your favorite pillow burning means that you will face a situation that will provoke your emotions and anger. Dreaming about this also means that you will be dealing with your business competitors in the near future.
19. The Meaning of Dream Soft Pillow
Dreaming about a soft pillow means that you have a pleasant experience with someone you admire. Maybe the experience is like a vacation with family, friend, or your spouse.
20. The Meaning of Dreams Playing with a Pillow
Dreaming about playing a pillow has a pretty good meaning. Dreaming about this means that you are feeling good about your current workplace.
21. The Meaning of Dream Bolster Pillows
Dreaming about bolster pillows is a warning. Dreaming about this indicates that you will experience a lack of money in the future.
Whatever the meaning of the dream you have, still do the best thing in your life. Never despair of a situation. Because God is always with us.
Hopefully this article is useful and entertaining for you. Hopefully this pillow dream brings good to your life and hopefully you are kept away from things that are bad or that hurt you.
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