Arti Inna Sholati
Arti Inna Sholati – Iftitah prayer is a prayer recited in prayer after performing takbiratul ihram and before reciting Surat Al-Fatihah in the first rak'ah. One of the sentences in the iftitah prayer is the sentence "Inna sholati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamati".
Every Muslim must be familiar with this sentence. Because in prayer the sentence will be said in the first rak'ah before reading Surah Al-Fatihah. The sentence is a pledge from a Muslim/Muslimah to Allah SWT.
On this occasion, will discuss the meaning of "Inna Sholati Wannusuki Wamahyaya Wamamati". Completely along with its meaning. For more details, let's see the following discussion.
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Arti Inna Sholati Wanusuki Wamahyaya Wamamati Lillahirabbil Alamin

The sentence Inna Sholati Wanusuki Wamahyaya Wamamati is a prayer that has a very extraordinary meaning for all Muslims. The prayer has the meaning of the total surrender of a servant to Allah SWT.
The sentence is in addition to contained in the iftitah prayer, actually also comes from a word of Allah SWT in Surat Al-An'am verse 162. Although the law of reciting the iftitah prayer in prayer is sunnah, but reciting the iftitah prayer is highly recommended after iiat and takbiratul ihram. .
The sentence inna sholati wanusuki wamayahya wamamati lillahirabbil alamin is an excerpt from the iftitah prayer which has the following meaning :
"Indeed, my prayer, My worship, my life and my death are only for the God of the universe.
The reading also has the meaning of the fact that a servant does everything simply because of Allah SWT.
The reading of the sentence has the meaning that all human life even until his death, only for God alone, God of the universe. This means that humans live only to perpetuate all souls, flavor, mind, his feelings and heart are only to Allah SWT.
This sentence also has the meaning that when praying, we have to focus all thoughts, heart and all to Allah SWT. Our minds must be solemn to remember Allah during prayer, don't branch out, remembering other than Allah.
This is the definition of a good and perfect prayer, this is what is very important for us to take care of, so that our prayers are accepted by Allah swt. Because prayer is the pillar of religion, If the prayer is good, then the pillars of a Muslim's religion will be stronger.
And prayer is also a practice that will be counted for the first time on the Day of Judgment. Prayer is also a determinant of other practices. Because if a Muslim is good in his prayers, then all his deeds are also good.
The opposite is true, If a Muslim is bad in his prayers, then all his deeds and deeds are bad. As explained by Rasulullah Saw in his words :
The practice that will first be reckoned from a servant on the last day is prayer. When his prayers are good, then all his deeds are good. If his prayers are bad, then his whole deeds are also bad.
(HR. Thabrani).
Prayer is also a practice that can prevent heinous and evil deeds. As Allah SWT said that means:
“Indeed, prayer prevents from heinous and evil deeds.” (QS. Al Ankabut: 45).
Once upon a time, Ibn Masud was asked about a person who used to prolong his prayers. So he said,
"Prayer will not benefit unless, if the prayer makes a person obedient.” (HR. Ahmad in Az Zuhd, Thing. 159 with sanad shohih and Ibn Abi Shaybah in Al Mushonnaf 13: 298 with sanad hasan from the line of Syaqiq from Ibn Masud).
Al Hasan once said, "Anyone who performs prayers, but the prayer did not prevent him from heinous and evil deeds, then he will only get further and further away from God.”
Abul Aliyah once said, "In prayer there are three things which if these three things are not present then it is not called prayer.". These three things are dhikr, sincerity and fear of God.
It is the sense of sincerity that leads to the noble (benefit). That fear is what will prevent a person from committing evil. While dhikr through the Quran which forbids and commands something.”
Tulisan Arab Inna Sholati Wanayuki Wahamaya Wamamat
Below is the Arabic script of Inna Sholati Wanusuki Wamahyaya Wamamati Lillahirabbil Alamin, Here we provide the writing that can be copied:
Arab: إِنَّ صَلاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
Latin: Inna Sholati Wanusuki Wamahyaya Wamamati Lillahirabbil Alamin
That means: Indeed, my prayers, My worship, my life and my death is only for Allah, God of the universe
Makna Inna Sholati Wanusuki Hamahaya Wamamat
As already described, that the meaning of Inna Sholati Wanusuki Wamahyaya Wamamati Lillahirabbil Alamin is: Truly my prayer, My worship, My life and death are only for Allah SWT, God of the universe.
The sentence of course contains a very extraordinary meaning for a servant who believes in Allah SWT.
Meaning of Prayer
As is well known, Prayer is an obligation that Allah first commanded to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In fact, Allah conveyed this prayer command directly to Rasulullah Saw without going through the intermediary of the angel Gabriel.
This prayer order was accepted by Rasulullah Saw when he was on the journey of isra’ and peace. There are several meanings of prayer for every Muslim, which is as follows:
- Prayer is a pillar of religion
- Prayer is an obligatory act of worship for the first time in Islam
- Prayer is an act of worship that is first counted on the Day of Judgment
- Prayer is the difference between a Muslim and a disbeliever
- Prayer is a practice to get closer to Allah SWT.
- Prayer is an absolute obligation
Prayer is the only worship to have a direct relationship between a servant and his Lord. When praying, our spirituality moves towards the Supreme Being, our mind power regardless of circumstances–real situation, and the five senses will escape from all kinds of events that are around them.
The Essence of Allah is the object of the soul's thought to return and surrender.Inna shalati, wanusuki, yamahyayes, wamamati lillahi rabbil ‘alamin. indeed, my prayers, My worship, my life, and my death, only for God, God of the universe.
This situation is later mentioned in the Qur'an as a person who berSurrender. Even in this state lust and Satan will not be able to penetrate the sincere nature of a believer. As the word of Allah which means:
For the sake of your power, I will mislead them all. Except for Your sincere servantspeer them. ( QS. Shaad, 38 verse 82-83)
That's the explanation from about the meaning of ” Inna Sholati Wanusuki Hamahaya Wamamat” Hopefully, by understanding the meaning of the sentence, our faith will increase. And can make us more devout in prayer. Aamiin Ya Robbal Alamin.
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