Arti Afwan
What does afwan mean?? How to respond to afwan speech? If you are confused, We will give a complete explanation about this. Then take a look at the explanation of Afwan's Meaning Material, Use of the word Afwan, How to Respond to Apologies, and others below.
Table of Contents
What does Afwan mean??
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
Ya, the word afwan is actually a word that is often used by Arabs because this language is Arabic, but it's no stranger that the word is often used by Indonesians and we also hear it often.
But the problem that often arises from the word "Afwan"” this, why if we say thank you (Arab: Shukron) often times our interlocutor gives a reply "afwan"? Isn't the meaning of afwan is to apologize? If you are confused, let's discuss together !
Literally or literally, arti ‘Afwan is Sorry. But if it is detailed further, the complete sentence of 'Afwan is Asta'fika which means that I really / sincerely apologize to you.
If we get out of the true sense, the word 'Afwan' is often interpreted as the word 'you're welcome'. Then, don't be surprised if we say 'Thank you’ then our interlocutor replied with the words 'Afwan'.
'Afwan in the true sense is 'sorry'. But on the use, 'Afwan is often used in response to 'Thank you'” (Arab: Shukron), thus means 'together'.
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Meaning of Afwan in Arabic
'Afwan in Arabic (عفوا) / al afwu (العفو) that is mashdar (root word/meaning regardless of time and period) dari fi'il (verb) ‘language (عفا), ya'fu (يعفو)
In Arabic (15/72) already mentioned :

Al-afwu has the meaning / meaning of forgiving for mistakes or sins and freeing punishment for it.
Al Khaliil berkata :

For those who are entitled (must) get a punishment but you set him free it means you have forgiven him.
Sometimes someone forgives for something by liberating. It is only for those who deserve it.” (Maqabisul Lughah, 4 / 56)
How to Use and Respond to 'Afwan'’
The following is the use of the word afwan in sentences along with how to answer the word 'Afwan'’ along with other explanations :
Example Sentences and Use of the Word 'Afwan' :
A : Afwan (sorry), I came late because there was a little problem on the way here.
A : Shukron, all this time you have helped me solve the problem that just happened.
B : Afwan my brother.
As explained above, afwan means sorry, but when we understand more deeply, actually from the word 'afwan'’ in the sentence above, we are taught about morality and humility.
The custom of the Arabs when someone kisses him says Shukran, then he will usually answer "Afwan".
Why is that?? Because they feel the need to apologize even though they have helped or done other good deeds.
It's because they feel that they should be able to do more help than that, while what is done is only that.
That's why they feel the need to say the word 'Afwan' when someone says thank you to him.
The lesson we can take from the piece of story above is that we are prohibited from being arrogant or arrogant even though we have done good in this case is to help someone..
The word 'afwan'’ This reflects that the help we do still has many shortcomings and also because the person we help or we give real help is more entitled to receive better assistance than what we have done to him..
If literally or literally, arti ‘Afwan is Sorry. (For more details, please check the article)
Afwan Jiddan = Sorry Once
Example :
A: Afwan Jiddan, I can't come to a child's wedding, my brother. Only prayer that I can give.
B : It's okay, Thank you for the prayer you gave.
'Afwan in Arabic (عفوا) / al afwu (العفو) that is mashdar (root word/meaning regardless of time and period) dari fi'il (verb) ‘language (عفا), ya'fu (يعفو)
This is our explanation of the Usage Material, How to Reply, along with Arti Afwan. Syukron Ukhti, Thank you for visiting. May be useful.
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