Amen Allahumma Amen – Arti, Mean (Arabic and Latin)
Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin – Meaning, Mean (Arabic and Latin) | Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin, the sentence will usually be pronounced as the end of a prayer that is said by a Muslim when pleading and asking Allah SWT..
Praying is an obligation for those of us who feel weak, stupid, and feel that they have no ability unless they are given help by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
other than that, Prayer is the most powerful tool for a believer/believer, as once said by Rasululloh shollallohu alaihi wasallam, he said ;
"Prayer is the weapon of the believer", the pillar of religion and the light of heaven and earth ". [HR Al Hakim]
Apart from admitting stupidity, weakness, our inability before Allah SWT by way of prayer. Be sure that every prayer we recite will be heard and granted by Allah Azza Wa Jalla, as he said ;
ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ
"Pray for me, I will surely accept it for you.". [QS. Al-Mukmin : 60]
As Muslims, we must believe and believe in the words of Allah
God, but it must be underlined, The answer to a prayer is not
according to our wishes but according to what Allah SWT
The sentence amen allahumma amen is a form of our request to Allah SWT. Then Amen Allahumma Amen What does it mean? Nah, Just take a look at the description below.
Amen Allahumma Ameen means?

Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin (Arab; آمِيْن اللّهُمَّ آمِيْن) that is, grant it, O God, grant it.
This sentence is very closely related to praying to Allah SWT, so that what is asked for or asked for from Allah SWT is granted.
From the explanation above, then there is no more reason for us not to increase our prayers to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
By praying we will certainly get many virtues from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
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A Brief Explanation of the Word “Aamiin”
In addition, because we see that there are still so many people who are wrong in their words or writings Amen, you need to know in Arabic vocabulary if you say or write it wrong, it will have a different meaning in the word or sentence:
Nah, Here we will explain about the true words of Aamiin, see the following brief review:
- Amen, it means safe.
- Amiin, it means honest.
- Amen, it means protect / keep it safe.
- Aamiin, Grant it (do’a kami)
Nah, so in conclusion for things related to prayer we say or write it like "Amen"..
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Benefits and Benefits of Prayer
Of the many benefits and virtues of prayer, there are at least seven virtues of prayer mentioned by one of the scholars named 'Syekh Kholid Al-Husaynan in the book Aktsaru min Alfi Da'wah f al-Yaumi wa al-Laili, which is as follows.
- Prayer is a form of servitude and our obedience to Allah SWT.
- Prayer can be an intermediary that can resist the disaster before (the disaster) descend or be the mediator of his catastrophic lift when it is descended.
- The result or fruit of prayer has been guaranteed by Allah SWT. It means that no prayer is in vain. Prayers can be quickly answered as requested. It can also be a prayer for savings in the afterlife. Or it could be that prayer is a repellent to the evil that is about to happen to him.
- Prayer can be a reason to be strong and get Allah's help from the enemy / from other unwanted things.
- Prayer is a sign or proof of the faith of the person who prays.
- Prayer is a sign of submission. It means that a person who prays means that he trusts in Allah SWT. He has entrusted all his affairs to Allah SWT.
- By praying as an intermediary, we can avoid the wrath of Allah SWT. This means that people who pray to Allah SWT admit that they do not have the ability at all in life. His life depends on the destiny of Allah swt. So by praying it means that he is aware of the limitations that exist in him.
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That's what we're talking about Amen Allahumma Ameen Meaning In Indonesian. Read on Arti Fii Amanillah. May be useful.
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