114 Letter in the Quran
114 Letter in the Quran | Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, back again with Yuksinau.co.id, which on this occasion we will discuss about 114 The letter in the Quran covers the sum, the name of the verse and the meaning and place of the verses.
Before entering into the core discussion, how good it is for us to know what the Qur'an is. Then what is the Qur'an?? Al-Quran comes from Arabic which means reading. Some scholars say that the word Al-Quran is masdar which is interpreted by the term maf & rsquo; ul, that is read’ means something that is read. The meaning, Al-qur & rsquo; it's a read.
In terms, Al-qur & rsquo; an is the revelation of Allah Almighty sent to his beloved, the Prophet Muhammad, to then pass on to his people gradually with the angel Gabriel and read the book as worship.
The Quran is the first source of Islamic law. Al-Quran as a source of law and also as a guide to human life that has many privileges and advantages when compared with the earlier down-books.
Table of Contents
Name of Name of Letter in the Qur'an & rsquo;, The number of verses and their descent

The following are the names of the letters contained in the Holy Bible & the meaning, the number of verses and the place where the verse came down.
1. Al-Fatihah الفاتحة
That means: Opening
Number of Verses : 7
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca is called the Surah Makiyah
2. Al-Baqarah البقرة
That means: Cows
total : 286 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
3. Ali & lsquo; Imran آل عمران
That means: The family of 'Imran
total : 200 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
4. An-Nisa’ النّساء
That means: Woman
total : 176 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
5. Al-Ma & rsquo; idah المآئدة
That means: Dinner (food)
total : 120 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
6. Al-An’am الانعام
That means: Cattle
total : 165 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
7. Al-A’raf الأعراف
That means: Highest place
total : 206 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
8. Al-Anfal الأنفال
That means: The spoils of war
total : 75 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
9. At-Taubah التوبة
That means: Forgiveness
total : 129 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
10. Yunus ينوس
That means: Jonah
total : 109 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
11. Skin هود
That means: Nabi Hud
total : 123 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
12. Yusuf يسوف
That means: Prophet Joseph
total : 111 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
13. Ar-ra & rsquo; D الرّعد
That means: Group (lightning)
total : 43 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
14. Ibrahim إبراهيم
That means: Prophet Ibrahim
total : 52 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
15. Al-Hijr الحجر
That means: Al Hijr (the name of the mountain)
total : 99 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
16. An-Nahl النّحل
That means: Bee
total : 128 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
17. Al-Isra’ بني إسرائيل
That means: Running at night
total : 111 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
18. Al-Kahf الكهف
That means: Cave dwellers
total : 110 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
19. Maryam مريم
That means: Maryam (Maria)
total : 98 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
20. Ta Ha طه
That means: Ta Ha
total : 135 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
21. Al-Anbiya الأنبياء
That means: Prophets
total : 112 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
22. Al-Hajj الحجّ
That means: Hajj
total : 78 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah & Makkah.
23. Al-Mu & rsquo; my المؤمنون
That means: People are believers
total : 118 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
24. To-only النّور
That means: Light
total : 64 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
25. Al-Furqan الفرقان
That means: Differentiator
total : 77 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
26. Asy-Syu & rsquo; even’ الشّعراء
That means: Poet
total : 227 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
27. An-Naml النّمل
That means: Ant
total : 93 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
28. Al-Qasas القصص
That means: Story
total : 88 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
29. Al- & lsquo; Ankabut العنكبوت
That means: Paw-paw
total : 69 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
30. Ar Rooms الرّوم
That means: Roman people
total : 60 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
31. Luqman لقمان
That means: Luqman family
total : 34 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
32. As-Sajdah السّجدة
That means: Sajdah
total : 30 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
33. Al-Ahzab الْأحزاب
That means: The Allies
total : 73 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
34. Seven’ سبا
That means: Hardly Saba’
total : 54 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
35. Fatir فاطر
That means: Creator
total : 45 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
36. Ya Sin يس
That means: Yasin
total : 83 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
37. As-Saffat الصّافات
That means: Rows
total : 182 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
38. Sad ص
That means: Shaad
total : 88 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
39. Az-Zumar الزّمر
That means: Entourage
total : 75 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
40. Al-Mu & rsquo; min المؤمن
That means: A person of faith
total : 85 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
41. Fussilat فصّلت
That means: ANDis explained
total : 54 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
42. As-Syura الشّورى
That means: discussion
total : 53 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
43. Az-Zukhruf الزّخرف
That means: Jewelry
total : 89 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
44. Ad-dukhan الدّخان
That means: Fog
total : 59 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
45. Al-Jasiyah الجاثية
That means: The one to its knees
total : 37 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
46. Al-Ahqaf الَأحقاف
That means: Sand dunes
total : 35 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
47. Muhammad محمّد
That means: Muhammad
total : 38 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
48. Al-Fath الفتح
That means: Victory
total : 29 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
49. Al-Hujurat الحجرات
That means: The rooms
total : 18 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
50. Qaf ق
That means: Qaaf
total : 45 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
51. Az-zariyat الذّاريات
That means: The wind that blew
total : 60 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
52. At-Tur الطّور
That means: Bukit
total : 49 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
53. An-Najm النّجْم
That means: Star
total : 62 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
54. Al-Qamar القمر
That means: Month
total : 55 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
55. Ar-Rahman الرّحْمن
That means: The Most Gracious
total : 78 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Mecca and Medina
56. Al-Waqi & rsquo; ah الواقعه
That means: Doomsday
total : 96 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
57. Al-Hadid الحديد
That means: Iron
total : 29 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
58. Al-Mujadilah المجادلة
That means: The woman who filed the lawsuit
total : 22 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
59. Al-Hasyr الحشْر
That means: Expulsion
total : 24 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
60. Al-Mumtahanah الممتحنة
That means: Women being tested
total : 13 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
61. As-Safe الصّفّ
That means: One line
total : 14 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
62. Al-Jumu & rsquo; ah الجمعة
That means: Friday & at
total : 11 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
63. Al-Munafiqun المنافقون
That means: Hypocrites
total : 11 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
64. At-Tagabun التّغابن
That means: Days are revealed for mistakes
total : 18 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
65. At-Talaq الطّلاق
That means: Talak
total : 12 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
66. At-Tahrim التّحريم
That means: Prohibit
total : 12 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
67. Al-Mulk الملك
That means: The government
total : 30 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
68. Al-Qalam القلم
That means: Pity
total : 52 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
69. Al-Haqqah الحآقّة
That means: Doomsday
total : 52 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
70. Al-Ma & rsquo; arij المعارج
That means: Place to ride
total : 44 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
71. Noah نوح
That means: Noah
total : 28 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
72. Al-Jinn الجنّ
That means: Jin
total : 28 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
73. Al-Muzzammil المزمّل
That means: People who are covered in blankets
total : 20 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
74. Al-Muddassir المدشّر
That means: The one with the hair
total : 56 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
75. Al-Qiyamah القيمة
That means: Doomsday
total : 40 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
76. Al-Insan الْاٍنسان
That means: Human
total : 31 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
77. Al-Mursalat المرسلات
That means: Angels Sent
total : 50 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
78. An-Naba’ النّبا
That means: Big news
total : 40 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
79. An-Nazi’at النّازعات
That means: Angels that are taking off
total : 46 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
80. & lsquo; Abasa عبس
That means: It looks sour
total : 42 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
81. At-takwir التّكوير
That means: Roll
total : 29 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
82. Al-Infitar الانفطار
That means: Split
total : 19 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
83. Al-Tatfif المطفّفين
That means: People are cheating
total : 36 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
84. Al-Insyiqaq الانشقاق
That means: Split
total : 25 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
85. Al-Buruj البروج
That means: Star cluster
total : 22 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
86. At-Tariq الطّارق
That means: Who came in at night
total : 17 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
87. Al-A & rsquo; la الْأعلى
That means: The highest
total : 19 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
88. Al-Gasyiyah الغاشية
That means: Day of Retribution
total : 26 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
89. Al-Fajr الفجر
That means: Dawn
total : 30 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
90. Al-Balad البلد
That means: state
total : 20 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
91. As-Syams الشّمس
That means: Sun
total : 15 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
92. Al-Lail الّيل
That means: Night
total : 21 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
93. Ad-Duha الضحى
That means: When the sun is worth a penny (Dhuha)
total : 11 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
94. Al-Insyirah الانشراح
That means: Spacious
total : 8 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
95. At-Tin التِّينِ
That means: Canned fruit
total : 8 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
96. Al- & lsquo; Alaq العَلَق
That means: A lump of blood
total : 19 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
97. Al-Qadr الْقَدْرِ
That means: Glory
total : 5 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
98. Al-Bayyinah الْبَيِّنَةُ
That means: Proof
total : 8 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Madinah
99. Az-Zalzalah الزلزلة
That means: Shaking
total : 8 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
100. Al- & lsquo; Adiyat العاديات
That means: Run fast
total : 11 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
101. Al-Qari & rsquo; ah القارعة
That means: Doomsday
total : 11 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
102. At-takasur التكاثر
That means: Proud
total : 8 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
103. Al- & lsquo; Asr العصر
That means: Time Period
total : 3 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
104. Al-Humazah الهُمَزة
That means: Curse
total : 9 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
105. Al-Fil الْفِيلِ
That means: Elephant
total : 5 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
106.Quraysh قُرَيْشٍ
That means: Quraysh tribe
total : 4 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
107. Al-Ma & rsquo; a الْمَاعُونَ
That means: Useful items
total : 7 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
108. Al-kausar الكوثر
That means: Abundant favors
total : 3 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : Mecca
109. Al-Kafirun الْكَافِرُونَ
That means: People are infidels
total : 6 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
110. An-Nasr النصر
That means: Help
total : 3 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : City of Medina
111. Al-Lahab المسد
That means: Coir Flames
Number of sentences : 5 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
112. Al-Ikhlas الإخلاص
That means: Sincere
Number of sentences : 4 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
113. Al-Falaq الْفَلَقِ
That means : Fajr Time
Number of sentences : 5 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
114. Very Nas النَّاسِ
That means: Human
Number of sentences : 6 verse
Where is the Verse Down? : The city of Mecca
Number of Verse in the Quran
Sheikh Nawawi al-Bantani explained in his book that he named it Nihayatuz-Zain fi Irsyadil-Mubtadiin, this is about the number of verses in the Qur'an & rsquo; it contains 6.666 verse. As for from 6.666 as follows:
- 1000 verse contains about the order.
- 1000 the sentence is about a threat.
- 1000 the sentence contains a prohibition.
- 1000 the sentence contains about & quot; ibrah & imagery.
- 1000 the verse contains a promise.
- 1000 the verse is about the stories & the news.
- 500 the verse is about halal & haram.
- 100 verse contains about nasikh & mansukh,
- And 66 verse contains prayer, merit & Pray.
Each verse in the Qur'an has been divided into several categories. But some other opinions on the number of verses of this Qur'an do not reach this point 6.666 verse, Wallahu & rsquo; nature.
Other Names of the Quran
Al-Quran as one of the miracles revealed to the Prophet Muhammad has many names and nicknames. This shows how great and noble the Holy Qur'an is. As for its names as Abu al-Ma & rsquo; ali Syaydzalah has explained that the Quran has 55 name, whereas according to Abu al-Hasan al-Harali the Quran has 90 name.
According to another opinion that is from Ibn Jazzi al-Killabi, that the Qur'an only has 4 the name is the Quran, al-Kitab, al-Furqan, and al-Zikri. This opinion is very different from the two previous opinions.
As for the nature of the Qur'an (not a name)like yourself : al-Karim (Honourable), al-Azim (The great), al-Matin (Stronger), al-Majid (Most Gracious), al-Aziz (The Almighty), etc.
As for the other names of the Qur'an & rsquo; a common one we may hear many times, namely as follows along with the meaning of the name / The title of the holy book is a miracle given to this Prophet Muhammad :
- Al-Kitab that means written writing
- Az-zikr that means warning
- Al-Hukm that means regulation / law
- Al_Furqan that means distinguishing true false
- Al-Hikmah that means wisdom
- Ar-Rahmat that means the gift
- Al-Huda that means a clue
- Al-Qaul that means words / words
- Al-Mau & rsquo; that means lessons / advice
- As-Syifa that means medicine / cure
- Al-Kalam that means speech / word
- Al Busyra that means good news
- R & soul that means spirit
- Al-Bayan that means light
- To-only that means light
- Al-Basa & rsquo; go that means guidelines
- Al-Balag that means delivery / news
- Al-Tazkirah that means Warning, etc.
2 Letter Type
In the Holy Qur'an, the letters contained in the Qur'an are of two types, that is, the meaning of surah makiyah and madaniyah. Then what is meant by surah makiyah and surah madaniyah? The following is a brief explanation :
Surat Makiyah
Surat Makiyah is a letter that descended or was revealed in the city of Mecca.
Madaniyah letter
Madaniyah letter is a letter that was dropped or revealed in the city of Medina.
Now that is our full discussion regarding 114 The letter in the Quran covers the number of verses, the name of the verse, the meaning and place of those verses. Thank you for visiting our website. Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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